ANZSCO 2341 农林科学家职业描述 - FLYabroad

  • 农林科学家向农民、乡镇企业、乡政府提供耕作方面的建议,研发提高产量的技术,制定并实施管理林地的方案和政策。AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY SCIENTISTS advise farmers, rural industries and government on aspects of farming, develop techniques for increasing productivity, and study and develop plans and policies for the management of forest areas.

ANZSCO 2341 农林科学家技能要求 - FLYabroad

  • 该类别下的大多职位要求学士学位或更高学历。有些情况下,除了正规学历还要求相关工作经验或在职培训。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

ANZSCO 2341 农林科学家主要职责 - FLYabroad

  • 收集并分析与农产品、土壤和影响产量的其他因素的数据。collecting and analysing data and samples of produce, feed, soil and other factors affecting production
  • 对农民和农场管理人进行技术指导,提高农作物、家畜及其他农业方面的产量 advising Farmers and Farm Managers on techniques for improving the production of crops and livestock,and alternative agricultural options
  • 指导农民预防家畜疾病和农作物病害,控制害虫杂草,改善土壤,畜牧饲养 advising farmers on issues such as livestock and crop disease, control of pests and weeds, soil improvement, animal husbandry and feeding programs
  • 研究影响经济作物产量,牧草生长,动物饲养及森林树木的生长等环境因素 studying the environmental factors affecting commercial crop production, pasture growth, animal breeding, and the growth and health of forest trees
  • 研究栽培技术,土壤,虫害及植物病害等对动物、作物和森林树木产量的影响studying the effects of cultivation techniques, soils, insects and plant diseases on animal, crop and forest production
  • 研发技术解决农业问题,提高生产力 developing procedures and techniques for solving agricultural problems and improving the efficiency of production
  • 管理林木资源,最大限度地为社会创造长远的商业价值,娱乐价值和环境效益 managing forest resources to maximise their long-term commercial, recreational and environmental benefits for the community
  • 研究林木繁殖及育苗,研究促进林木生长的方法, 研究林木生长疏伐处理对林木产量的影响 studying the propagation and culture of forest trees, methods for improving the growth of stock, and the effects of thinning on forest yields
  • 制定还林方案并设计有效的获取系统 preparing plans for reafforestation and devising efficient harvesting systems
  • 调查,规划并实施管理程序处理火灾,洪灾,干旱,水土流失,虫害等影响 investigating, planning and implementing management procedures to cope with the effects of fires, floods, droughts, soil erosion, insect pests and diseases

ANZSCO 2341 农林科学家职位列表 - FLYabroad

  • 234111 农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant
  • 234112 农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist
  • 234113 护林员(澳大利亚)Forester (Aus) / 林木科学家 Forest Scientist (NZ)


  • 可替换职位 Alternative Title:
    • 农业顾问 Agricultural Adviser
    • 向农民、农业企业、乡镇企业及政府部门提供关于农产品生产,处理及分配方面的建议 Advises farmers, agricultural businesses, rural industries and government on the production, processing and distribution of farm products.Skill Level: 1
    • 具体职位 Specialisations:
    • 农业推广人员 Agricultural Extension Officer
    • 土地保护人员 Landcare Officer


  • 研究经济作物,动物及培养技术,提高农业产值 Studies commercial plants, animals and cultivation techniques to enhance the productivity of farms and agricultural industries. Skill Level: 1
  • 具体职责 Specialisation:
    • 农学家 Agronomist

234113 护林员 FORESTER (AU S ) /林木科学家 FOREST SCIENTIST (NZ )

  • 研究、开发并管理森林地区以用于商业和娱乐休闲,保护动植物,预防火灾,病虫灾害。Studies, develops and manages forest areas to maintain commercial and recreational uses, conserve flora and fauna, and protect against fire, pests and diseases.Skill Level: 1
  • 职业方向: Specialisations:
    • 林业顾问 Forestry Adviser
    • 林业咨询 Forestry Consultant
    • 造林学家 Silviculturist

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

  • 接下来的5年内,即截止到2019年11月,农业和林业科学家的职位空缺数量预计将较低,不超过5000。职位空缺包括就业增长和人员流动(人员流动指的是工人的换岗或者离职)。

  • 在过去5年里,该职业就业情况呈下降趋势,且从长期来看(10年)该职业就业情况也呈下降趋势。预计到2019年11月,农业和林业科学家就业情况将会保持相对稳定。

  • 这是一个需求量非常小的职业(2014年11月的需求量仅5700个),表明该职业在部分地区就业机会非常有限。

  • 农业和林业科学家中全职工作者比例高于所有职业平均比例,占86.4%。全职农业和林业科学家,平均每周工作42.8小时(所有职位平均每周40.9小时),收入高于所有职业平均收入,一般8位数。此外,农业和林业科学家失业率低于所有职业平均失业率。

  • 农业和林业科学家教育水平普遍是学士学位,其中约占42.2%。

  • 农业和林业科学家主要从事农业、林业与渔业、专业、科学与技术服务和公共管理与安全。

  • Over the five years to November 2019, the number of job openings for Agricultural and Forestry Scientists is expected to be low (equal to or less than 5,000). Job openings count both employment growth and turnover (defined as workers leaving their occupation for other employment or leaving the workforce). Further information about job openings and projected employment growth is available on the Help page.
  • Employment for this occupation fell in the past five years and in the long-term (ten years). Looking forward, employment for Agricultural and Forestry Scientists to November 2019 is expected to remain relatively steady.
  • This is a very small occupation (5700 in November 2014) suggesting that opportunities may be quite limited in some regions.
  • Agricultural and Forestry Scientists have an above average proportion of full-time jobs (86.4 per cent). For Agricultural and Forestry Scientists working full-time, average weekly hours are 42.8 (compared to 40.9 for all occupations) and earnings are above average - in the eighth decile. Unemployment for Agricultural and Forestry Scientists is below average.
  • The most common level of educational attainment for Agricultural and Forestry Scientists is Bachelor degree (42.2 per cent).
  • Agricultural and Forestry Scientists are mainly employed in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services and Public Administration and Safety.

Key Indicators

These data show 9 key indicators for this occupation - employment size, full-time share of employment, earnings, unemployment, historical employment growth (long-term, medium term and short-term), future employment growth, mix of industries and job openings. Estimates have been rounded and consequently some discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.

2341 Job Prospects

2341 职业统计数据 Statistics

  • 周薪(税前)Weekly Earnings (before tax)

  • 就业水平 Employment Level (thousands)

  • 增长比例 Recent Job Growth (per cent)

  • 按性别计算就业增长 Employment Growth by Gender (thousands)

  • 性别比例 Gender (per cent share)

  • 周工作小时数 Weekly Hours Worked

  • 年龄 Age Profile (per cent share)

  • 各州就业比例 Employment by State and Territory (per cent share)

  • 所在行业 Main Employing Industries (per cent share)

  • 教育程度 Educational Attainment (per cent of employment)

2341 职业找工作信息

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