2017-2018 年度澳洲技术移民sol职业类别及配额完成情况记录 Occupation ceilings for the 2017-18 programme year

飞出国:本次邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。由于飞出国没有梳理4.4邀请后的配额人数,因此这个表格里的邀请数说的是3.21到4.18两次邀请累计的邀请人数。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 135 2805
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 47 1065
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 45 2107
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 34 454
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 33 745
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 28 377
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 28 15967
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 28 603
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 27 2137
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 26 2891
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 22 394
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 20 528
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 15 643
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 14 822
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 12 837
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 10 3348
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 8 7721
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 7 1360
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 6 932
2247 管理顾问/Management consultant 3285 6 3266
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 5 2582
2533 内科专家/Internal Medicine Specialists 1000 5 984
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 4 4079
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 3 972
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 3 1081
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 3 1420
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 3 1447
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 3 9322
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 2 5359
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 2 1141
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 2 963
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 2 1437
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 2 975
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 2 982
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 2 1087
2534 精神科医生/Psychiatrists 1000 2 991
3122 土木工程起草者和技术/Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 2 975
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 2 5930
1341 幼儿中心经理/Child Care Centre Managers 1000 1 992
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 1 986
2519 义肢矫形师/Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals 1000 1 999
2527 演讲专家和听力学家/Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 1 976
2541 助产士/Midwives 1090 1 1082
2711 大律师/Barristers 1000 1 999
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1724
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1 988
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 1 5311
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 1 2616


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
