2017-2018 年度澳洲技术移民sol职业类别及配额完成情况记录 Occupation ceilings for the 2017-18 programme year

澳洲技术移民2017-2018年度 189 职业配额发布。

职业代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 职业英文 - flyabroad 17-18年度配额
1331 建筑业经理 Construction Managers 5400
1332 工程经理 Engineering Managers 1155
1341 幼儿中心经理 Child Care Centre Managers 1000
1342 卫生和福利服务经理 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374
2211 会计师 Accountants* 4785
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000
2245 土地经济学家和估价师 Land Economists and Valuers 1000
2312 验船师 Marine Transport Professionals 1000
2321 建筑师和景观设计师 Architects and Landscape Architects 1474
2322 制图师和测量师 Cartographers and Surveyors 1000
2331 化学工程与材料工程师 Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000
2332 土木工程专业 Civil Engineering Professionals 3296
2333 电气工程师 Electrical Engineers 1042
2334 电子工程师 Electronics Engineers* 1000
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178
2339 其他工程界 Other Engineering Professionals* 1000
2341 农林科学家 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000
2346 医学实验室科学家 Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487
2347 兽医 Veterinarians 1000
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639
2414 中学教师 Secondary School Teachers 7910
2415 特殊教育教师 Special Education Teachers 1000
2512 医学影像专业人员 Medical Imaging Professionals 1113
2514 验光师和视觉矫正师 Optometrists and Orthoptists 1000
2519 义肢矫形师 Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals 1000
2521 脊医及整骨 Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000
2524 职业治疗师 Occupational Therapists 1109
2525 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists 1464
2526 足病医生 Podiatrists 1000
2527 演讲专家和听力学家 Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000
2531 全科执业 General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495
2533 内科专家 Internal Medicine Specialists 1000
2534 精神科医生 Psychiatrists 1000
2535 外科医生 Surgeons 1000
2539 其他医生 Other Medical Practitioners 1000
2541 助产士 Midwives 1090
2544 注册护士 Registered Nurses 16741
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师 ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员 Software and Applications Programmers* 6202
2631 计算机网络专业人士 Computer Network Professionals* 1318
2633 通信工程专业 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000
2711 大律师 Barristers 1000
2713 律师 Solicitors 4161
2723 心理学家 Psychologists 1750
2725 社会工作者 Social Workers 1562
3122 土木工程起草者和技术 Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员 Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000
3132 电信技术专家 Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000
3211 汽车电工 Automotive Electricians 1000
3212 电机机械 Motor Mechanics 5980
3222 钣金业职工 Sheetmetal Trades Workers 1000
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426
3232 金属钳工和机械师 Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330
3233 精密金属行业工人 Precision Metal Trades Workers 1000
3241 车身修理工 Panelbeaters 1344
3311 砌砖工和石匠 Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1271
3312 木匠细木工 Carpenters and Joiners 6968
3322 涂装业职工 Painting Trades Workers 2780
3331 玻璃工 Glaziers 1000
3332 泥水工 Plasterers 2103
3334 墙壁和地板瓦工 Wall and Floor Tilers 1407
3341 管道工 Plumbers 5507
3411 电工 Electricians 9354
3421 空调和制冷机械 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1427
3422 电气成交量分布工作者 Electrical Distribution Trades Workers 1000
3423 电子业职工 Electronics Trades Workers 1878
3513 厨师 Chefs 2675
3941 细工木匠 Cabinetmakers 1905
3991 船建设者和造船工人 Boat Builders and Shipwrights 1000


飞出国:与 2016-2017 年度相比,澳洲中长期职业类表(189职业)配额增加的职业类别:

代码 职业中文-飞出国 职业英文-flyabroad 17-18 配额 16-17 配额 增加量
2211 会计师 Accountants* 4785 2500 2285
2332 土木工程专业人员 Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 2174 1122
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 1822 817
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 1539 639
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员 Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 5662 540
2544 注册护士 Registered Nurses 16741 16346 395
3212 电机机械 Motor Mechanics 5980 5597 383
3241 车身修理工 Panelbeaters 1344 1000 344
3341 管道工 Plumbers 5507 5169 338
3941 细工木匠 Cabinetmakers 1905 1568 337
2723 心理学家 Psychologists 1750 1532 218
1342 卫生和福利服务经理 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1177 197
2525 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists 1464 1345 119
2512 医学影像专业人员 Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 1000 113
1331 建筑业经理 Construction Managers 5400 5289 111
2524 职业治疗师 Occupational Therapists 1109 1000 109
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师 ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 1482 92
2321 建筑师及景观设计 Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 1391 83
2541 助产士 Midwives 1090 1017 73
3411 电工 Electricians 9354 9345 9

飞出国:与 2016-2017 年度相比,澳洲中长期职业类表(189职业)配额减少的职业类别:

代码 职业中文-飞出国 职业英文-flyabroad 17-18 配额 16-17 配额 减少量
2245 土地经济学家和估价师 Land Economists and Valuers 1000 1035 -35
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 4466 -40
3332 泥水工 Plasterers 2103 2149 -46
3334 墙壁和地板瓦工 Wall and Floor Tilers 1407 1475 -68
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 1413 -86
3322 涂装业职工 Painting Trades Workers 2780 2871 -91
2631 计算机网络专业人士 Computer Network Professionals* 1318 1426 -108
2346 医学实验室科学家 Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 1602 -115
3423 电子业职工 Electronics Trades Workers 1878 1993 -115
2414 中学教师 Secondary School Teachers 7910 8032 -122
2415 特殊教育教师 Special Education Teachers 1000 1126 -126
3513 厨师 Chefs 2675 2854 -179
2333 电气工程师 Electrical Engineers 1042 1254 -212
2725 社会工作者 Social Workers 1562 1783 -221
1332 工程经理 Engineering Managers 1155 1407 -252
3421 空调和制冷机械 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1427 1701 -274
2539 其他医生 Other Medical Practitioners 1000 1315 -315
3311 砌砖工和石匠 Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1271 1751 -480
3312 木匠细木工 Carpenters and Joiners 6968 7718 -750
2713 律师 Solicitors 4161 5154 -993
3232 金属钳工和机械师 Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 6677 -1347

飞出国:与 2016-2017 年度相比,澳洲中长期职业类表(189职业)配额没有变化的职业:

代码 职业中文-飞出国 职业英文-flyabroad 17-18 配额 16-17 配额 配额未变
1341 幼儿中心经理 Child Care Centre Managers 1000 1000 0
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 1000 0
2312 验船师 Marine Transport Professionals 1000 1000 0
2322 制图师和测量师 Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 1000 0
2331 化学工程与材料工程师 Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 1000 0
2334 电子工程师 Electronics Engineers* 1000 1000 0
2339 其他工程专业人员 Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 1000 0
2341 农林科学家 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 1000 0
2347 兽医 Veterinarians 1000 1000 0
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 1000 0
2514 验光师和视觉矫正师 Optometrists and Orthoptists 1000 1000 0
2519 义肢矫形师 Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals 1000 1000 0
2521 脊医及整骨 Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 1000 0
2526 足病医生 Podiatrists 1000 1000 0
2527 演讲专家和听力学家 Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 1000 0
2531 全科执业 General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 3495 0
2533 内科专家 Internal Medicine Specialists 1000 1000 0
2534 精神科医生 Psychiatrists 1000 1000 0
2535 外科医生 Surgeons 1000 1000 0
2633 通信工程专员 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 1000 0
2711 大律师 Barristers 1000 1000 0
3122 土木工程绘图员和技术 Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 1000 0
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员 Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 1000 0
3132 电信技术专家 Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1000 0
3211 汽车电工 Automotive Electricians 1000 1000 0
3222 钣金业职工 Sheetmetal Trades Workers 1000 1000 0
3233 精密金属行业工人 Precision Metal Trades Workers 1000 1000 0
3331 玻璃工 Glaziers 1000 1000 0
3422 电气成交量分布工作者 Electrical Distribution Trades Workers 1000 1000 0
3991 船建设者和造船工人 Boat Builders and Shipwrights 1000 1000 0

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:2017-07-12 邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

可以看出软件工程师,会计审计,机械工程师,ICT 业务分析师,计算机网络,电子通信及未分类工程师邀请人数最多,这些职业的邀请分数也较高:


2017-2018 年度按剩余配额从少到多排序的 189 职业配额完成情况参考这里:


代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 310 5892
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 239 4546
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 2070
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 1496
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 1261
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 1253
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 50 950
2339 其他工程界/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 950
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 23 977
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 18 16723
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 14 1548
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 11 3285
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 8 1034
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 5 5395
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 5 995
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 3 1471
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 3 997
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 3 7907
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 3 3492
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 3 4158
3122 土木工程起草者和技术/Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 3 997
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 3 5977
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 2 998
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 2 998
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 2 2637
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 2 998
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 1373
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 1 999
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 1 999
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 1 999
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 1 1112
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 1 1108
2526 足病医生/Podiatrists 1000 1 999
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1749
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1 999
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 1 4425
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 1 6967
3322 涂装业职工/Painting Trades Workers 2780 1 2779
3331 玻璃工/Glaziers 1000 1 999
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 1 1877
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 1 2674

2017-07-12 邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况(2017-2018年度):


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


2017-07-12 这次的邀请里会计刚刚邀请到4月12日,审计邀请到3月(75),ICT业务分析师5月底(75分),程序员4月下旬,计算机网络4月初(70)。

代码 邀请数量受限职业 - 飞出国 邀请分 邀请人数 邀请截止时间
2211 会计师/Accountants 75 239 12/04/2017 9:10 pm
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 75 66 28/03/2017 9:38 pm
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineer 70 50 15/06/2017 7:00 pm
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 70 108 16/06/2017 5:23 am
2339 其他工程界/Other Engineering Professionals 70 50 5/04/2017 4:50 pm
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and System Analysts 75 78 31/05/2017 11:03 pm
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers 70 310 23/04/2017 5:54 am
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals 70 65 3/04/2017 10:04 pm

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


为什么没有新增职业262112- ICT security specialist的配额呢

2017年7月后 262112 ICT security specialist 在 Medium and Long‑term Strategic Skills List 上,官方没有给出这个职业的 189 配额。

飞出国:2017-07-26 邀请数据发布,配额情况飞出国已经第一时间进行了统计。

726 这次邀请里ICT业务分析师,会计,电子工程师,护士,电气工程,审计,计算机网络,助产士,化学,医生,建筑经理,通信,测量师,土木类邀请人数较多。

2613 ,2339, 2335,这几类职业很奇怪,726 后比 712 那次邀请后的人数反而变少了,下面的负数代表了邀请人数不增反减的情况,不知道是不是移民部数据统计出现了问题。

代码 邀请数量受限职业 - 飞出国 邀请分 邀请人数 邀请截止时间
2211 会计师/Accountants 75 239 26/05/2017 1:34 pm
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 75 66 6/05/2017 10.17 am
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineer 70 166 14/7/2017 8.33 pm
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 70 -8 15/07/2017 12.40 am
2339 其他工程界/Other Engineering Professionals 70 -44 6/06/2017 12.27 am
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and System Analysts 75 542 25/07/2017 5.15 pm
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers 70 -309 23/06/2017 10.47 am
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals 70 65 27/06/2017 12.03 am

飞出国:2017-07-26 邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 542 954
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 239 4307
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 166 784
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 138 16585
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 92 942
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 1195
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 1188
2541 助产士/Midwives 1090 49 1041
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 26 971
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 14 986
2527 演讲专家和听力学家/Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 9 991
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 7 5388
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 7 2630
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 7 970
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 6 993
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 4 995
2521 脊医及整骨/Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 4 996
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 3 995
2415 特殊教育教师/Special Education Teachers 1000 3 997
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 3 4155
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 3 1545
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 2 998
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 2 3283
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 2 996
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 2 996
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 2 997
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 2 5975
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 2 6965
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 2 9352
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 2 1875
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 2 2672
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 1 1154
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 1372
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 1 997
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 1 1486
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 1 1107
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 1 1463
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1748
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 1 4424
3322 涂装业职工/Painting Trades Workers 2780 1 2778





需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me




移民部已经更新数据,首先是 2621 ICT安全专家 职业配额发布了,共 2391 个,截止到2017年7月26日邀请,总共邀请了1个。


7.26次邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况数据有误,现在官方更新,飞出国也已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 7.26次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 310 5582
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 239 4307
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 1962
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 1418
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 1195
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 1188
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 50 900
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 900
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 31 16692
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 18 3267
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 9 986
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 7 5388
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 7 970
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 6 7901
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 6 3486
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 5 1029
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 4 993
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 4 994
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 3 1484
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 3 995
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 3 1105
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 3 4155
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 3 1545
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 2 998
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 2 1469
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 2 2635
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 2 1110
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 2 1462
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 2 996
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 2 997
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 2 5975
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 2 6965
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 2 9352
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 2 1875
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 2 2672
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 1 1154
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 1372
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 1 998
2527 演讲专家和听力学家/Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 1 999
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1748
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 1 4424
3322 涂装业职工/Painting Trades Workers 2780 1 2778
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 1 2390



代码 邀请数量受限职业 - 飞出国 邀请分 邀请人数 邀请截止时间
2211 会计师/Accountants 75 239 26/05/2017 1:34 pm
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 75 66 6/05/2017 10.17 am
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineer 70 50 14/7/2017 8.33 pm
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 70 108 15/07/2017 12.40 am
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals 70 50 6/06/2017 12.27 am
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and System Analysts 75 78 25/07/2017 5.15 pm
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers 70 310 23/06/2017 10.47 am
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals 70 65 27/06/2017 12.03 am


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


请问262112 ict security specialist 60分有希望吗

262112 ict security specialist 60分有希望,但还得等,现在 189 分数都还是 70 分才邀请。

飞出国:2017-08-09 邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 310 5272
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 239 4068
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 1854
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 1340
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 1129
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 1123
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 850
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 49 16643
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 20 880
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 18 3249
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 11 1473
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 11 2379
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 10 7891
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 8 962
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 7 986
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 7 4148
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 6 1463
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 6 3480
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 6 980
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 5 1024
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 4 990
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 4 992
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 4 5971
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 4 2668
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 3 5385
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 3 992
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 3 5327
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 2 997
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 2 996
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 2 2633
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 2 1460
3122 土木工程起草者和技术/Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 2 995
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 2 1873
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 1 1153
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 1 997
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 1 998
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 1 1109
2521 脊医及整骨/Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 1 999
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 1 1104
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1747
3311 砌砖工和石匠/Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1271 1 1270
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 1 6964
3322 涂装业职工/Painting Trades Workers 2780 1 2777
3341 管道工/Plumbers 5507 1 5506



代码 邀请数量受限职业 - 飞出国 邀请分 邀请人数 邀请截止时间
2211 会计师/Accountants 75 239 24/06/2017 11:51am
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 75 66 30/05/2017 12:03 am
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineer 70 50 04/08/2017 6:16 pm
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 70 108 02/08/2017 10:16 pm
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals 70 50 09/07/2017 11:37 pm
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and System Analysts 70 78 12/04/2017 4:14 pm
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers 70 310 04/08/20175:17 pm
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals 70 65 04/08/2017 1:30 pm


飞出国:2017-09-06 澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况已发布。 http://vac.fcgvisa.com/SOL/

本次邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 1426 4652
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 239 3590
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 180 16415
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 117 830
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 1638
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 104 750
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 94 3149
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 1184
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 997
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 993
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 750
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 49 962
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 41 937
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 32 7848
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 28 941
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 28 2348
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 21 3451
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 18 1436
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 17 4129
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 17 2648
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 11 1533
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 11 5956
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 9 976
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 9 1447
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 8 5375
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 7 989
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 7 2622
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 6 1101
2527 演讲专家和听力学家/Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 5 993
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 5 6958
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 5 9347
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 5 1864
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 4 993
3122 土木工程起草者和技术/Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 4 989
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 4 4418
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 3 1149
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 3 992
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 3 1744
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 3 989
1341 幼儿中心经理/Child Care Centre Managers 1000 2 998
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 2 993
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2415 特殊教育教师/Special Education Teachers 1000 2 998
2521 脊医及整骨/Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 2 996
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 2 1100
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 2 5320
3421 空调和制冷机械/Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1427 2 1425
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 1370
2533 内科专家/Internal Medicine Specialists 1000 1 999
2534 精神科医生/Psychiatrists 1000 1 998
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 1 999
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1 994
3241 车身修理工/Panelbeaters 1344 1 1343
3332 泥水工/Plasterers 2103 1 2102
3941 细工木匠/Cabinetmakers 1905 1 1904


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


飞出国:澳洲技术移民 2017-09-20 数据发布,本次 EOI 发出 189 签证邀请 1750 份,489 亲属担保 47 份。各职业的邀请数据也已经发布。

9.20邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。


代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 310 4342
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 239 3351
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 179 16236
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 1530
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 95 3054
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 82 748
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 1106
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 931
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 928
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 58 2290
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 53 909
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 50 700
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 700
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 45 892
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 39 7809
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 33 908
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 26 1410
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 23 4106
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 19 3432
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 16 2606
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 13 963
3122 土木工程起草者和技术/Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 11 978
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 11 9336
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 10 5946
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 9 5366
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 9 1524
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 8 2640
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 6 983
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 6 1094
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 6 1441
2527 演讲专家和听力学家/Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 6 987
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 6 1858
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 5 1467
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 5 984
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 4 1097
2533 内科专家/Internal Medicine Specialists 1000 4 995
3311 砌砖工和石匠/Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1271 4 1264
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 4 6954
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 3 1146
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 3 989
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 3 990
2541 助产士/Midwives 1090 3 1087
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 3 1741
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 3 4415
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 2 997
3341 管道工/Plumbers 5507 2 5504
1341 幼儿中心经理/Child Care Centre Managers 1000 1 997
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 1369
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 1 992
2415 特殊教育教师/Special Education Teachers 1000 1 997
2514 验光师和视觉矫正师/Optometrists and Orthoptists 1000 1 999
2521 脊医及整骨/Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 1 995
2526 足病医生/Podiatrists 1000 1 998
2534 精神科医生/Psychiatrists 1000 1 997
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1 993
3222 钣金业职工/Sheetmetal Trades Workers 1000 1 999
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 1 5319
3421 空调和制冷机械/Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1427 1 1424
3422 电气成交量分布工作者/Electrical Distribution Trades Workers 1000 1 999
3941 细工木匠/Cabinetmakers 1905 1 1903



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


飞出国:2017-10-04 次邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 310 4032
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 1422
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 1028
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 865
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 863
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 63 16173
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 50 650
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 650
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 47 3007
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 31 2259
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 25 723
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 22 870
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 20 7789
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 12 897
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 9 3423
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 9 899
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 8 1402
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 7 5939
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 6 957
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 6 9330
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 5 2601
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 5 2635
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 4 1090
1341 幼儿中心经理/Child Care Centre Managers 1000 3 994
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 3 1366
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 3 1464
2533 内科专家/Internal Medicine Specialists 1000 3 992
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 3 4103
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 3 981
3312 木匠细木工/Carpenters and Joiners 6968 3 6951
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 2 5364
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 2 1095
2527 演讲专家和听力学家/Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 2 985
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 2 1522
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 2 5317
3311 砌砖工和石匠/Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1271 2 1262
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 1 982
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 1 991
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 1 988
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 1 989
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 1 990
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 1 1440
2526 足病医生/Podiatrists 1000 1 997
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 1 996
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1740
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1 992
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 1 4414
3322 涂装业职工/Painting Trades Workers 2780 1 2776
3341 管道工/Plumbers 5507 1 5503



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


飞出国:2017-10-18 次邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照 邀请人数 由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 310 3722
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 229 3122
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 108 1314
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 95 0
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Tr easurers* 1327 66 799
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 65 798
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 60 16113
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 50 600
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 50 600
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specia lists 2391 27 2232
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 25 2982
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 25 1497
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 14 885
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 13 884
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 13 7776
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 12 1452
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 11 712
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 9 139 3
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 8 862
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 7 3416
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 6 982
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 6 2629
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 5 952
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 5 1435
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 5 4098
2514 验光师和视觉矫正师/Optometrists and Orthoptists 1000 4 995
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 4 1736
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 3 979
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 3 2598
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 2 5362
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professio nals 1000 2 988
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Techn icians 1000 2 979
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 2 5937
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 2 9328
1332 工程经理/Engineering Managers 1155 1 1145
1341 幼儿中心经理/Child Care Centre Managers 1000 1 993
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 13 65
2245 土地经济学家和估价师/Land Economists and Valuers 1000 1 990
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 1 988
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 1 1094
2521 脊医及整骨/Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 1 994
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 1 1089
2526 足病医生/Podiatrists 1000 1 996
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 1 995
2541 助产士/Midwives 1090 1 1086
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 1 4413
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 1 5316
3423 电子业职工/Electronics Trades Workers 1878 1 1857



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:2017-11-09 邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 本次邀请 剩余配额
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 492 2630
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 144 3578
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 78 872
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 66 733
3322 涂装业职工/Painting Trades Workers 2780 50 2726
3341 管道工/Plumbers 5507 40 5463
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 29 571
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 28 1286
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 24 774
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 18 16095
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 9 591
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 7 2975
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 7 878
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 6 7770
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 6 1491
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 4 5358
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 4 3412
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 4 2228
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 3 881
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 3 709
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2346 医学实验室科学家/Medical Laboratory Scientists 1487 2 1450
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 2 1433
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 2 1734
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 2 2627
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 1 978
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 1 1392
2322 制图师和测量师/Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 1 981
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 1 861
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 1 951
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 1 2597
2415 特殊教育教师/Special Education Teachers 1000 1 996
2512 医学影像专业人员/Medical Imaging Professionals 1113 1 1093
2524 职业治疗师/Occupational Therapists 1109 1 1088
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 1 994
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 1 4097
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 1 978
3132 电信技术专家/Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 1 991
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 1 5936
3223 结构钢和焊接业职工/Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4426 1 4412
3232 金属钳工和机械师/Metal Fitters and Machinists 5330 1 5315
3411 电工/Electricians 9354 1 9327



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:2017年12月9号这次邀请后澳大利亚技术移民 SOL 职业(189+489亲属)配额完成情况飞出国已经整理到网站,下表是飞出国整理的按照邀请人数由多到少的职业列表。

代码 职业名称 - 飞出国 17-18配额 近2次邀请 剩余配额
2211 会计师/Accountants* 4785 442 2188
2212 审计,公司秘书及企业司库/Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* 1327 132 601
2613 软件和应用程序的程序员/Software and Applications Programmers* 6202 127 3451
2611 ICT业务和系统分析师/ICT Business and Systems Analysts* 1574 85 787
2339 其他工程师/Other Engineering Professionals* 1000 46 525
2631 计算机网络专业人士/Computer Network Professionals* 1318 42 732
2415 特殊教育教师/Special Education Teachers 1000 40 956
2526 足病医生/Podiatrists 1000 40 956
2541 助产士/Midwives 1090 40 1046
2335 工业,机械和生产工程师/Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* 2178 29 1257
2544 注册护士/Registered Nurses 16741 17 16078
2332 土木工程专业/Civil Engineering Professionals 3296 12 2963
2539 其他医生/Other Medical Practitioners 1000 12 866
2633 通信工程专业/Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 10 699
2414 中学教师/Secondary School Teachers 7910 7 7763
2334 电子工程师/Electronics Engineers* 1000 6 585
2333 电气工程师/Electrical Engineers 1042 5 876
2531 全科执业/General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3495 5 3407
2621 ICT安全专家/Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2391 5 2223
2341 农林科学家/Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 3 948
2347 兽医/Veterinarians 1000 3 985
1331 建筑业经理/Construction Managers 5400 2 5356
2312 验船师/Marine Transport Professionals 1000 2 998
2321 建筑师和景观设计师/Architects and Landscape Architects 1474 2 1390
2331 化学工程与材料工程师/Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 2 859
2411 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2639 2 2595
3212 电机机械/Motor Mechanics 5980 2 5934
3513 厨师/Chefs 2675 2 2625
1342 卫生和福利服务经理/Health and Welfare Services Managers 1374 1 1364
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家/Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 1 977
2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员/Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 1 987
2525 物理治疗师/Physiotherapists 1464 1 1432
2535 外科医生/Surgeons 1000 1 993
2713 律师/Solicitors 4161 1 4096
2723 心理学家/Psychologists 1750 1 1733
2725 社会工作者/Social Workers 1562 1 1490
3123 电气工程及其起草者技术员/Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 1 977
3421 空调和制冷机械/Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1427 1 1423


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me/contact/



您好 medical laboratory scientist 凑够60分 获得邀请的希望大吗?


估计今年名额都给189 NZ stream了