空调和制冷技工 (ANZSCO 代码:342111)MECHANICAL Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic (ANZSCO Code: 342111) ## 飞出国
工作描述 ### FLYabroad
Job description
The work of an air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanic generally encompasses working safely with electricity; ensuring electrical installations are safe and comply with relevant standards and installation tests. The typical jobs performed by a mechanic include selecting components, installing, setting up, testing, fault finding, repairing and maintaining refrigeration systems, food storage and preservation equipment and air conditioning and air distribution equipment.
Air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanics rely on a wide range of tools and equipment, including hand and power tools, precision measuring instruments/meters and equipment, together with diagnostic and electrical measuring equipment.
This trade assessment for an air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanic is to ensure the applicant can select, install, set up, test, fault find, repair and maintain air-conditioning and refrigeration systems and equipment in domestic and commercial premises.
技能评估 (Competency Assessment)### FLYabroad
To achieve an Australian qualification, you must demonstrate how your training and work experience shows competence in a number of skill areas.
空调和制冷技工资格UEE32211证书中规定了这些技能领域和资格。而 VETASSESS将它们进行了分组,如下所示:
常规技能单元 FLYabroad
基本就业技能(Common Units Employability Skills)
系统操作和冷冻处理 (System operation and refrigerant handling)
铜管道制造 (Copper piping fabrication)
系统故障查找 (System fault finding)
电气故障查找 (Electrical fault finding)
电力的断开和连接 (Electrical disconnect and reconnect)
选修科目 (Electives)
什么是基本技能单元? FLYabroad
What are common units?
Common units relate to workplace occupational health and safety, workplace processes and procedures, air-conditioning and refrigeration standards. These are the skills and knowledge that all air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanics need to work safely and efficiently in workplaces in Australia.
什么是就业技能 FLYabroad
What are employability skills?
Employability skills are the essential skills that all employees need to gain employment, work productively and achieve personal and workplace goals. You will need to demonstrate that you have the following skills: teamwork; communication; problem solving; planning and organising; learning; technology; self-management; initiative and enterprise.
什么是选修科目 FLYabroad
What are electives?
Working in the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry, you may have developed specific skills and knowledge required in particular workplaces. To give you the opportunity to demonstrate specific skills, experience and knowledge, you are to select ONE of the following elective areas as part of the assessment process: Industrial system fault finding OR Commercial system fault finding.
基本单元 ### FLYabroad
以下技能单元在所有评估中都很常见。(The following units of competency are common in all groups for assessment purposes.)
你必须证明在以下领域中拥有技能,知识和经验: (You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience in all of the following areas)
UEENEEC001B 维护文档(UEENEEC001B Maintain documentation)
UEENEEC025B空调制冷工作和能力开展活动的参与(UEENEEC025B Participate in refrigeration and air conditioning work and competency development activities)
UEENEEE101A 工作场所中职业健康安全规范的制定和实施(UEENEEE101A Apply Occupational Health Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace)
UEENEEE107A 图纸、图表、进度表、标准、规范和规格的使用 (UEENEEE107A Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications)
UEENEEK142A 能源行业的可持续发展 (Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector)
系统操作和制冷处理 FLYabroad
你必须证明你有能力,知识和经验来适应制冷仪器,确定系统运行状况和展示制冷处理技术。(You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience to fit refrigeration gauges, determine system operating conditions and demonstrate refrigerant handling techniques.)
UEENEEJ103A 建立蒸汽压缩制冷系统的基本操作条件 (UEENEEJ103A Establish the basic operating conditions of vapour compression systems)
UEENEEJ104A 建立空调系统的基本操作条件 (UEENEEJ104A Establish the basic operating conditions of air conditioning systems)
UEENEEJ108A 恢复、压力测试、疏散和制冷剂泄漏测试 (UEENEEJ108A Recover, pressure test, evacuate, charge and leak test refrigerants)
UEENEEJ113A 调试空调制冷系统 (Commission air conditioning and refrigeration systems)
铜管道制造 ### FLYabroad
你必须证明你有能力,知识和经验来选择,测量,切割,弯曲银焊和压力测试铜管道。 (You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience to select, measure, cut, bend, silver solder and pressure test copper piping.)
UEENEEE102A 制造、组装和拆卸公用事业行业组件 (UEENEEE102A Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components)
UEENEEE105A 修复保护电工设备 (UEENEEE105A Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment)
UEENEEE137A 记录并采取措施来控制与电子技术工作相关的职业健康安全风险 (UEENEEE137A Document and apply measures to control OHS risks associated with electrotechnology work)
UEENEEJ102A 准备并连接制冷剂管和配件 (UEENEEJ102A Prepare and connect refrigerant tubing and fittings)
UEENEEJ106A 安装制冷剂管道工程、流控制和配件 (UEENEEJ106A Install refrigerant pipe work, flow controls and accessories)
UEENEEJ107A 安装空调和制冷系统,主要组件和辅助设备 (UEENEEJ107A Install air conditioning and refrigeration systems, major components and associated equipment)
UEENEEJ110A 选择制冷剂管道,配件和相关控制 (UEENEEJ110A Select refrigerant piping, accessories and associated controls)
UEENEEJ109A 检查空调及制冷装置的功能性和规范性 (UEENEEJ109A Verify functionality and compliance of refrigeration and air conditioning installations)
系统故障查找 (System Fault Finding) ### FLYabroad
你必须证明自己有能力,知识和经验来操作空调及制冷装置并判断系统故障所在。 (You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience to operate a refrigeration or air conditioning system and determine the system fault.)
UEENEEJ111A 诊断和修复空调制冷装置和组件的故障 (UEENEEJ111A Diagnose and rectify faults in air conditioning and refrigeration systems and components)
UEENEEJ170A 诊断并排除空调制冷控制系统的故障 (UEENEEJ170A Diagnose and rectify faults in air conditioning and refrigeration control systems)
电气故障查找 (Electrical Fault Finding) ### FLYabroad
你必须证明你有能力,知识和经验来查找制冷或空调单和/或三相电动机或压缩机,启动装置,控制电路和电子控制器中的故障。 (You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience to fault find on refrigeration or air-conditioning single and/or three phase motors or compressors, incorporating starting equipment, control circuits and electronic controllers.)
UEENEEE103A 解决ELV单一电路问题 (UEENEEE103A Solve problems in ELV single path circuits)
UEENEEJ153A 发现和修复在机动车中空调制冷设施的故障 (UEENEEJ153A Find and rectify faults in motors and associated controls in refrigeration and air conditioning systems)
UEENEEJ194A 解决低压制冷电路中的故障 (UEENEEJ194A Solve problems in low voltage refrigeration circuits)
UEENEEP017A 定位并修复低压复合电器使用设置过程的故障 (UEENEEP017A Locate and rectify faults in low voltage composite appliances using set procedures)
电力的断开和连接 (Electrical Disconnect and Reconnect) ### FLYabroad
你必须证明你有能力,知识和经验将有线式制冷空调设备断开或连接到单和/或三相插头。 (You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience to disconnect and reconnect wired-in refrigeration or air conditioning systems and to wire single and/or three phase plugs.)
UEENEEP012A 将复合设备断开/重新连接到低压安装接线 电器(UEENEEP012A Disconnect/reconnect composite appliances connected to low voltage installation wiring)
UEENEEP013A 断开 - 重新连接到低压安装接线控制装置 (UEENEEP013A Disconnect - reconnect control devices connected to low voltage installation wiring)
UEENEEP024A 把电线和插头设备连接到230伏的电源上 (UEENEEP024A Attach cords and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to a single phase 230 volt supply)
UEENEEP025A 将电线,电缆及插头设备连接到1000 Va.c.或1500 Vd.c.供应器上
选修科目 (Electives)### FLYabroad
你必须证明在以下任何一个选修课中拥有相关有技能,知识和经验 (You must demonstrate that you have the skills, knowledge and experience in ONE of the following elective areas.)
工业系统故障查找 (Industrial System fault finding)
- UEENEEJ120A 解决工业制冷系统的问题 (UEENEEJ120A Resolve problems in industrial refrigeration systems)
- UEENEEJ167A 解决工厂的中央空调系统问题 (UEENEEJ167A Resolve problems in central plant airconditioning systems)
商业系统故障查找 (Commercial System fault finding)
UEENEEJ118A 解决后期混合制冷系统的问题 (Resolve problems in post mix refrigeration systems)
UEENEEJ166A 解决乳制品制冷系统中的问题 (UEENEEJ166A Resolve problems in dairy refrigeration systems)
评估结果 (Assessment outcome)### FLYabroad
If you successfully complete the assessment process you will receive an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) that lists the units of competency you successfully achieved the required technical skills.
If you are unsuccessful in the assessment process you will be issued a Record of Assessment that lists units of competency you have successfully achieved and those that were not achieved.
更多关于审核/评估和上诉过程信息,请参考: www.vetassess.com.au
For more information regarding the Review/Reassessment & Appeals Process, go to www.vetassess.com.au.
什么是OTSR FLYabroad
OTSR是VET评估机构颁发给成功通过评估的申请人的UET30812 ESI三级证书(电力系统-配电电缆连接)。OTSR列出了实际评估中的技能和与澳大利亚技能和知识之间的差距,同时需要弥合以全面满足标准,例如澳大利亚电气行业的接线规则。澳大利亚电力行业的监管机构已经同意提供与OTSR对应的临时(限制的)执照,当申请人完成澳大利亚知识差距的相关培训之后,准许申请人在澳大利亚工作。
What is an OTSR?
The OTSR is a form of skills documentation that VETASSESS issues to individuals who successfully complete the practical skills assessment in UET30812 Certificate III in ESI – Power Systems – Distribution Cable Jointing. The OTSR lists the technical skills demonstrated in the practical assessment and any gaps in the Australian skills or knowledge component which need to be bridged to meet the full standard, for example the Australian Wiring Rules for electrical trades. The regulators for the Australian Electrical Industry have agreed to provide a provisional (restricted) license against the OTSR to allow applicants to work in Australia, while they complete the ‘Australian knowledge’ gap training.
执业许可和行业信息 FLYabroad
- 澳大利亚移民局(DIBP)-澳大利亚技能鉴定信息(ASRI):www.immi.gov.au/asri;
- 澳大利亚职业的公认:www.licencerecognition.gov.au;
Myfuture webiste是澳大利亚国家职业信息搜索服务网站,协助人民做出职业决策,规划职业道路和变换工作等:http://www.myfuture.edu.au
进行职业评估之前需要考虑什么? FLYabroad
资质信息 FLYabroad
Licensing and industry information
A licence, registration or certification may be required for this occupation. For further information regarding any licensing requirements refer to:
- Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) -Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI): www.immi.gov.au/asri
- Mutual recognition for occupational licences in Australia: www.licencerecognition.gov.au
Additional industry information that may assist you can be found at:
- The myfuture website is Australia’s national career information and exploration service, helping people to make career decisions, plan career pathways and manage work transitions: http://www.myfuture.edu.au
What to consider before you apply to be assessed?
If you hold a formal qualification in technical cable jointing, you must provide evidence in your application that you have a minimum of 2 years post-apprenticeship paid employment in the technical cable jointing. If you don’t hold any formal qualifications, you must prove that you have worked for 5 years in the technical cable jointing trade.
Qualification information
If you would like detailed information about the units of competency that make up this qualification, please refer to the training.gov.au website.