NSW Murray RDA 489 偏远地区担保及201807担保职业清单 MURRAY REGION SKILLS LISTING

飞出国:NSW Murray 偏远地区担保职业列表更新于2018年8月,此次更新新增9个职业,删除35个职业。

所有职业都要求具备至少24个月全职带薪工作经验,351411 Cook厨师要求具备至少5年商业厨房工作经验。

ANZSCO NSW Murray 偏远地区担保职业 - 飞出国 行业-飞出国
232111 建筑师 / Architect Engineers
233212 岩土工程师 / Geotechnical engineer Engineers
233213 工料测量师 / Quantity surveyor Engineers
233214 结构工程师 / Structural engineer Engineers
233215 交通工程师 / Transport engineer Engineers
233912 农业工程师 / Agricultural engineer Engineers
241411 中学教师 / Teacher-Secondary School Professionals
241511 特别需要教师 / Teacher-Special needs Professionals
322311 金属构造工 / Metal Fabricator Trades
324111 钣金工人 / Panel Beater Trades
334111 管道工(普通) / Plumber Trades
331111 瓦工 / Bricklayer Trades
331212 木匠 / Carpenter Trades
333411 墙和地板瓦工 / Wall & Floor Tiler Trades
341111 电工(普通) / Electrician (general) Trades
342111 空调和制冷技工 / Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic Trades
351311 主厨 / Chef Trades
351411 厨师 / Cook* Trades
351111 面包师 / Baker Trades
323211 钳工(普通) / Fitter (General) Trades
323212 钳工和车床工 / Fitter and Turner Trades
323213 钳工,焊工 / Fitter-Welder Trades
323214 金属机械师(甲等) / Metal Machinist (First Class) Trades
394111 细木工 / Cabinet Maker Trades
134212 护理临床主任 / Nursing clinical director Health Industry
251211 医用放射诊断技师 / Medical Diagnostic Radiographer Health Industry
251212 医疗放射治疗师 / Medical Radiation Therapist Health Industry
251213 核医学技师 / Nuclear medicine technologist Health Industry
251411 验光师 / Optometrist Health Industry
252312 牙科医生 / Dentist Health Industry
252411 职业治疗师 / Occupational Therapist Health Industry
252611 足病诊疗师 / Podiatrist Health Industry
253411 精神科医生 / Psychiatrist Health Industry
253912 急诊医学专家 / Emergency medicine specialist Health Industry
253913 产科医生和妇科医生 / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Health Industry
253914 眼科医生 / Ophthalmologist Health Industry
253915 病理学家 / Pathologist Health Industry
253917 诊断和介入放射科专家 / Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist Health Industry
253999 其他医疗执业人员 / Medical practitioners nec Health Industry
254111 助产士 / Midwife Health Industry
254412 注册护士(老年护理) / Registered nurse (aged care) Health Industry
254413 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康) / Registered nurse (Child & Family Health) Health Industry
254414 注册护士(社区卫生服务) / Registered nurse (community health) Health Industry
254415 注册护士(重症监护和紧急) / Registered nurse (critical care and emergency) Health Industry
254417 注册护士(残疾和康复) / Registered nurse (disability and rehabilitation) Health Industry
254418 注册护士(医学) / Registered nurse (medical) Health Industry
254421 注册护士(医疗实践) / Registered nurse (medical practice) Health Industry
254422 注册护士(心理健康) / Registered nurse (mental health) Health Industry
254423 注册护士(围手术期) / Registered nurse (perioperative) Health Industry
254424 注册护士(手术) / Registered nurse (surgical) Health Industry
254499 其他注册护士 / Registered nurse Health Industry
251214 超声技师 / Sonographer Health Industry
252511 理疗师 / Physiotherapist Health Industry
234112 农业科学家 / Agricultural Scientist Engineers
321111 汽车电工 / Automotive Electrician Trades
321211 汽车技工(普通) / Motor Mechanic (General) Trades
321212 柴油机技工 / Diesel motor mechanic Trades
322211 钣金工人 / Sheet Metal Worker Trades
331112 石匠 / Stonemason Trades
331213 细木工人 / Joiner Trades


ANZSCO NSW Murray 偏远地区担保职业 - 飞出国 行业-飞出国
251214 超声技师 / Sonographer Health Industry
252511 理疗师 / Physiotherapist Health Industry
234112 农业科学家 / Agricultural Scientist Engineers
321111 汽车电工 / Automotive Electrician Trades
321211 汽车技工(普通) / Motor Mechanic (General) Trades
321212 柴油汽车技工 / Diesel motor mechanic Trades
322211 钣金工人 / Sheet Metal Worker Trades
331112 石匠 / Stonemason Trades
331213 细木工人 / Joiner Trades


ANZSCO NSW Murray 偏远地区担保职业 - 飞出国 行业-飞出国
232212 测量员 / Surveyor Engineers
241512 聋哑教师 / Teacher-of the hearing impaired Professionals
241513 视障教师 / Teacher-of the sight impaired Professionals
241599 特殊教育教师NEC / Teacher-Special education Professionals
322313 焊工(甲等) / Welder (first class) Trades
134213 初级卫生机构经理 / Primary health organisation manager Health Industry
251412 视觉矫正师 / Orthoptist Health Industry
252711 听力学家 / Audiologist Health Industry
252712 语言病理学家 / Speech pathologist Health Industry
253111 普通科医生 / General Medical Practitioner Health Industry
253211 麻醉师 / Anaesthetist Health Industry
253311 专科医师(全科医学) / Specialist physician Health Industry
253312 心脏病专家 / Cardiologist Health Industry
253313 临床血液病医生 / Clinical haematologist Health Industry
253314 肿瘤内科医生医生 / Clinical oncologist Health Industry
253315 内分泌学家 / Endocrinologist Health Industry
253316 胃肠病医生 / Gastroenterologist Health Industry
253317 重症监护专家 / Intensive care specialist Health Industry
253318 神经学家 / Neurologist Health Industry
253321 儿科医生 / Paediatrician Health Industry
253322 肾内科专家 / Renal medicine specialist Health Industry
253323 风湿病专家 / Rheumatologist Health Industry
253324 胸科医学专家 / Thoracic medicine specialist Health Industry
253399 专家医师NEC / Internal medicine specialist nec Health Industry
253514 矫形外科医生 / Orthopaedic surgeon Health Industry
253515 耳鼻喉科专家 / Otorhinolaryngologist Health Industry
253516 儿科医生 / Paediatric surgeon Health Industry
253517 整形外科医生 / Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Health Industry
253518 泌尿科医师 / Urologist Health Industry
253521 血管外科医生 / Vascular surgeon Health Industry
253911 皮肤科医生 / Dermatologist Health Industry
253918 放射肿瘤科专家 / Radiation Oncologist Health Industry
254411 护士执业 / Nurse Practitioner Health Industry
254416 注册护士(发展迟缓) / Registered nurse (development disability Health Industry
272314 心理治疗师 / Physiotherapist Health Industry