新斯科舍省关键建筑工人试点项目(Critical Construction Worker Pilot – Job Offer Pathway)-飞出国2023

2023年10月, 加拿大新斯科舍省(以下简称新省)推出针对建筑工人的雇主担保试点项目-关键建筑工人试点-job offer类别
Critical Construction Worker Pilot – Job Offer Pathway
Nova Scotia Nominee Program


70010 – 建筑经理Construction managers
70011 – 房屋建筑和装修经理Home building and renovation managers
72011 – 电气行业和电信行业承包商和主管Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
72014 – 承包商和主管、其他建筑行业、安装人员、维修人员和服务人员Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
72020 – 机械行业的承包商和主管Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
72106 – 焊工和相关机器操作员Welders and related machine operators
72200 – 电工(工业和电力系统除外)Electricians (except industrial and power system)
72201 –工业电工 Industrial electricians
72310 – 木匠Carpenters
72320 – 瓦工Bricklayers
72401 – 重型设备机械技工Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
72402 – 供暖、制冷和空调技工Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
72500 – 起重机操作员Crane operators
73100 – 混凝土修整工Concrete finishers
73102 – 抹灰工、石膏板安装工、修整工和起泡工Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
73110 – 屋顶工和木瓦工Roofers and shinglers
73200 – 住宅和商业安装人员和服务人员Residential and commercial installers and servicers
73400 – 重型设备操作员Heavy equipment operators
75101 – 材料搬运工Material handlers
75110 – 建筑行业的帮手和劳工Construction trades helpers and labourers
75119 – 其他行业的帮手和劳工Other trades helpers and labourers



  1. 持有新省全职长期job offer,工作岗位属于以上NOC职业;
  2. 近5年内至少1年相关工作经验;
  3. 高中及以上学历或者证明完成了特定建筑行业培训项目;
  4. 年龄21-55周岁
  5. NOC TEER 0/1/2/3职业,语言要求CLB 5;
    TEER 4/5职业,语言要求CLB 4;
  6. 有新省定居意向,定居资金充足


雇主至少在新省运营2年,有良好的工作场所和经营活动,可以是商业业务公司或者是非盈利组织。 最重要的是,雇主需要取得Employer Registration Certificate (ERC)。雇主需要申请LMIA劳动部批文,或者招聘开放工签持有者,或者是进行招聘努力活动,证明没有合适的本地工人胜任,才能够招聘海外员工。

如果从事商业业务,则需要在新省股份公司登记处登记,并且在新省有固定经营地点。如果是非盈利组织, 则需要根据社团法案注册。

The Critical Construction Worker Pilot- Job Offer Pathway is for applicants who have a permanent, full- time job offer from a Nova Scotia employer.
Full-time means your employee will work year-round for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
Permanent means the employment has no pre-determined end date.
Nova Scotia employer means an employer that meets these criteria:
• If the employer is a commercial business, it must be registered with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies AND show that it has a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia as defined in Canada’s Income Tax Act.
• If the employer is a not-for-profit organization, it must be registered under the Societies Act.
• The employer must have operated in Nova Scotia for at least 2 years.

Does your business qualify for this stream?
In addition to the criteria listed above for a Nova Scotia employer, you must meet the following criteria as an employer:
• You must have a history of good workplace and business practices and must be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.
• You must be in good standing with provincial occupational health and safety and labour authorities.
• You may need to get an Employer Registration Certificate from the Director of Labour Standards in order to recruit and hire foreign workers for employment in Nova Scotia.
• You must NOT be in violation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
• You must NOT deduct the costs of bringing a foreign worker to Canada from their wages or salaries.
• If you are an employment agency or placement firm, you may NOT act as an employer unless you are hiring the applicant as a full-time permanent employee in your agency or firm.


  1. 过去五年内,在移民申请中被认定为虚假陈述;
  2. 当前居住国家身份不合法;
  3. 近一年内,获得过新省省提名或者大西洋移民计划的背书;
  4. 作为家庭看住计划的一部分在加拿大;
  5. 已经申请基于同情或人道主义或难民身份移民加拿大;
  6. 曾经申请难民身份被拒;
  7. 已经收到IRCC或者加拿大边境服务局的驱逐令;
  8. 目前在加拿大高等院校学习;
  9. 获得了需要您毕业后返回本国的奖学金或奖项;
  10. 自雇人士;
  11. 您是新斯科舍省一家企业的大股东;
  12. 您是一位被动投资者,也就是说,您计划投资新斯科舍省的企业,但在业务运营中几乎没有参与;
  13. 您已经获得了一份仅按佣金支付的销售工作;
  14. 您的工作违反了与之相关的劳动力、技能和移民(LSI)政策
    • 现场家庭企业;
    • 服务型家庭企业;
    • 具有远程办公安排的企业

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