232212 测量员 Surveyor

ANZSCO 232212 测量员 Surveyor - FLYabroad

232212 测量员职业描述 Job description - FLYabroad


Plans, directs and conducts survey work to determine, delineate, plan and precisely position tracts of land, natural and constructed features, coastlines, marine floors and underground works, and manages related information systems. Registration or licensing may be required.

Previously referred to in ASCO as:2123-13 Surveyor

232212 测量员职位别名 - FLYabroad

  • 232212 测绘员 Surveyor (P)
  • 232212 地籍测量员 Cadastral Surveyor (S)
  • 232212 工程测量员 Engineering Surveyor (S)
  • 232212 大地测量员 Geodetic Surveyor (S)
  • 232212 水利测量员 Hydrographic Surveyor (S)
  • 232212 矿山测量员 Mine Surveyor (S)
  • 232212 摄影测量员 Photogrammetric Surveyor (S)

232212 测量员技术等级 Skill level - FLYabroad

232212 测量员所属职业列表 - FLYabroad

232212 测量员澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - FLYabroad

SSSI - 澳洲测量师职业评估 Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute:A类或G类雅思4个6;4年全日制测量学学士学位。

232212 测量员州担保情况 - FLYabroad

近期担保过 232212 测量员 Surveyor 职业的州包括:

232212 测量员新西兰技术移民紧缺职业加分要求 - FLYabroad

Bachelor of Surveying

232212 测量员执业注册要求(不代表移民要求) - FLYabroad

Registration or licensing may be required.

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

南澳2015年71开放担保 南澳州担保申请要求,流程及注意事项 Immigration SA State Nominated Occupation Lists

232212 Competent English (or Competent Plus overall)

232212 Surveyor20150427 NSW 489 清单 Murray, Northern Inland, Orana, Southern Inland 担保

232212 Surveyor 在 20150731版NSW-190担保清单上

232212A 收入图示(Earnings) - 飞出国

232212A 职业全职从业者税前周薪比例(Income Range Per Week - Before tax)

232212A 职业全职与兼职从业者税前周薪比较(Income Based On Employment Status Per Week - Before tax)

数据来源: abs.gov.au 及 myfuture.edu.au

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

What’s it like to be a Surveyor?

Surveyors measure, analyse and report land-related information for the
planning and regulation of land, sea and the environment.

Surveyors can spend a lot of time working outdoors. They also work in offices,
analysing data and preparing plans and reports.

How much can I expect to earn?

Full-time employed Surveyor earn an average of $1476 per week. The [average
annual salary for this job is $76752 excluding super.]

Personal requirements

  • good at mathematics
  • interested in technology
  • good organisational skills and attention to detail
  • able to work neatly and accurately
  • good health and normal colour vision
  • able to work independently or as part of a team.

This job also involves:

Good vision for detail

These jobs require you to be able to see clearly to examine items close-up. It
covers jobs where poor vision e.g. tunnel vision, could make the work place
unsafe or the job difficult to undertake, e.g. draftsperson working with
detailed drawings; checkout operator reading dockets; work requiring good
hand-eye co-ordination for working with precision or semi-precision tools.

Mainly outdoor work

Workers performing these jobs would usually be expected to spend more than
three-quarters of their day outdoors, exposed to the weather. They may report
back to an office, station, depot or other central site.

Reading or writing

These jobs require moderate or better reading and writing skills. Workers may
be expected to prepare, understand or act on written materials, such as
letters or reports. People may wish to avoid these jobs if their reading or
writing English skills are limited to a small range of words or phrases and
symbols. Jobs remaining may still require very basic reading or writing

This occupation offers jobs at the following skill levels:

Professional Jobs

Jobs in this group usually require completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree,
or extensive relevant experience. Some jobs also require post-graduate study,
such as a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master Degree.

Study requirements

At school, you can study these subject(s) to get a good foundation for this


School subjects that include some aspect of geography provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a geography-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Industrial Arts

School subjects that include some aspect of INDUSTRIAL ARTS provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases an industrial arts-related subject is
a pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.


School subjects that include some aspect of MATHEMATICS provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a mathematics-related subject is a
pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.


School subjects that include some aspect of PHYSICS provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a physics-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Duties and tasks of a Surveyor

Surveyors may perform the following tasks:

  • measure the size and shape of an area of land using specialised tools and technology
  • determine the position of boundaries of public or private land
  • create property titles through plans for subdivision
  • compile and evaluate data gathered from field studies
  • interpret codes and laws to provide professional advice about legal matters relating to boundaries and titles
  • study the natural and social environment, measure land and marine resources, and use the data in planning development of property, land and buildings in urban, rural and regional areas
  • work with architects, engineers and developers to plan and monitor construction projects
  • produce plans, maps, files, charts and reports.


Surveyors may work in related fields such as photogrammetry, geographic
information systems (GIS) or remote sensing, and as project managers. After
spending some years in the field, they often progress to management roles.

Remote Sensing Surveyor

A remote sensing surveyor uses digital data from high-resolution satellites
and airborne imagery systems to monitor changes in the surface features of the

Cadastral/Land Surveyor

A cadastral/land surveyor marks property boundaries, records the information
on plans and maps, and creates property titles. They must be licensed to do
this work, as the plans they make provide the basis for legal transactions of

Mine Surveyor

A mine surveyor measures underground and open-cut mines in detail. Their
surveys help mining organisations locate new mines safely, avoid older mines,
and allow connections to be made between different underground passages. Mine
surveyors also establish the boundaries of mining claims in some states and

Topographic Surveyor

A topographic surveyor provides information for the compilation of maps of
physical features of the Earth’s surface (such as hills, valleys, rivers and
lakes) by making field measurements and taking aerial photographs. They work
on, above or below the surface of the land or sea, and often work with other

Geodetic Surveyor

A geodetic surveyor uses signals from satellites such as the global
positioning system (GPS), star observations, precise levelling and electronic
distance measurements to locate positions accurately on the Earth’s surface
for global mapping, and to monitor movements of the Earth’s crust.

Hydrographic Surveyor

A hydrographic surveyor maps the physical features of oceans, seas, rivers and
lakes and the adjacent land.

Engineering Surveyor

An engineering surveyor surveys routes for railways, roads, pipelines, canals,
sewers and tunnels, and undertakes detailed surveys of construction sites, dam
sites, multistorey buildings and other engineering projects.

232212职业在移民新西兰时的加分要求 Required standard:

One of the following:

  • Bachelor of Surveying (NZQF Level 7)
  • Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (NZQF Level 8)
  • Registration as a Professional Surveyor with the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors
  • Professional Associate Membership of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (with an overseas degree approved by NZIS)

在新西兰 Cadastral (land title) surveyor 需要注册,普通 surveyor 不是必须注册的。

可以参考: http://skillshortages.immigration.govt.nz/surveyor/SM19.5 Occupations requiring registration (to 27/08/2017)

232212 测量员/Surveyor QLD 725 清单雅思4个6担保。

ANZSCO 232212 测量员 Surveyor - FLYabroad

Bonus point requirements in 27 Febuary 2017.


  • 测量学士学位(NZQF 7)
  • 荣誉学士学位(NZQF 8)
  • 在新西兰测量师学会注册为专业测量师
  • 新西兰测量师学会的专业会员或海外会员(经NZIS批准的海外学位)

One of the following:

  • Bachelor of Surveying (NZQF Level 7)
  • Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (NZQF Level 8)
  • Registration as a Professional Surveyor with the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors
  • Professional Associate Membership or an Overseas Member of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (with an overseas degree approved by NZIS)

飞出国: 232212 测量员 Surveyor 职业 QLD 201807 境外担保,无额外要求,EOI 分数 65 分就有希望。

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
