2019-2020WA西澳留学毕业生州担保职业清单 WA Graduate Occupation List

对西澳留学毕业生具体的州担保要求详见: 2019-2020WA西澳190/491州担保政策详解!

ANZSCO 职业名称-飞出国 190 491 Regional WA only 状态
221111 会计师(普通)/Accountant (General) Yes Yes Available
231111 飞机飞行员/ Aeroplane Pilot Yes Available
233911 航空工程师/ Aeronautical Engineer Yes Yes Available
234111 农业顾问/ Agricultural Consultant Yes Yes Available
233912 农业工程师/ Agricultural Engineer Yes Yes Available
234112 农业科学家/ Agricultural Scientist Yes Yes Available
311111 农业技术员/ Agricultural Technician Yes Available
311211 麻醉技术员/ Anaesthetic Technician Yes Yes Available
232111 建筑师/ Architect Yes Yes Available
252711 听力学家/ Audiologist Yes Yes Available
351111 面包师/ Baker Yes Yes Available
271111 律师/ Barrister Yes Yes Available
121312 肉牛农民/ Beef Cattle Farmer Yes Available
233913 生物医学工程师/ Biomedical Engineer Yes Yes Available
234514 生物技术家/ Biotechnologist Yes Yes Available
312113 建筑检查员/ Building Inspector Yes Yes Available
141111 咖啡馆或餐厅经理/ Cafe or Restaurant Manager Yes Yes Available
351311 主厨/ Chef Yes Yes Available
233111 化学工程师/ Chemical Engineer Yes Yes Available
234211 化学家/ Chemist Yes Yes Available
233211 土木工程师/ Civil Engineer Yes Yes Available
312211 土木工程绘图员/ Civil Engineering Draftsperson Yes Yes Available
312212 土木工程技术员/ Civil Engineering Technician Yes Yes Available
272311 临床心理学家/ Clinical Psychologist Yes Yes Available
222111 大宗商品交商/ Commodities Trader Yes Yes Available
411711 社工/ Community Worker Yes Yes Available
263111 计算机网络和系统工程师/ Computer Network and Systems Engineer Yes Yes Available
149311 会议和活动组者/ Conference and Event Organiser Yes Yes Available
133111 施工项目经理/ Construction Project Manager Yes Yes Available
121313 奶牛农民/ Dairy Cattle Farmer Yes Available
252311 牙科专家/Dental Specialist Yes Yes Available
261312 开发程序员/ Developer Programmer Yes Yes Available
411712 残疾人服务主任/ Disabilities Services Officer Yes Yes Available
334113 下水道工/ Drainer Yes Yes Available
272112 药品和酒精顾问/ Drug and Alcohol Counsellor Yes Yes Available
241111 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师/Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher Yes Yes Available
272312 教育心理学家/ Educational Psychologist Yes Yes Available
233311 电气工程师/ Electrical Engineer Yes Yes Available
312311 电气工程绘图员/ Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Yes Yes Available
312312 电气工程技术员/ Electrical Engineering Technician Yes Yes Available
342315 电子仪器技术员(特级)/ Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) Yes Yes Available
233411 电子工程师 /Electronics Engineer Yes Yes Available
441211 紧急服务工作员 / Emergency Service Worker Yes Available
133211 工程经理 /Engineering Manager Yes Yes Available
233915 环境工程师 /Environmental Engineer Yes Yes Available
251311 环境卫生官员 /Environmental Health Officer Yes Available
139912 环境经理 /Environmental Manager Yes Yes Available
322113 蹄铁匠 /Farrier Yes Yes Available
222112 金融经纪人/ Finance Broker Yes Yes Available
222199 其他未分类金融经纪人/ Financial Brokers (nec) Yes Yes Available
222299 其他未分类金融交易商/ Financial Dealers (nec) Yes Yes Available
222311 金融投资顾问/ Financial Investment Adviser Yes Yes Available
222312 金融投资经理 /Financial Investment Manager Yes Yes Available
132211 财务经理/ Finance Manager Yes Yes Available
222211 金融市场经销商/ Financial Market Dealer Yes Yes Available
231113 飞行教练/ Flying Instructor Yes Available
451399 葬礼工人/ Funeral Workers (nec) Yes Available
234411 地质学家/ Geologist Yes Yes Available
234412 地球物理学家/ Geophysicist Yes Yes Available
233212 岩土工程师/ Geotechnical Engineer Yes Yes Available
121214 粮食,油籽草种植者/ Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus)/Field Crop Grower (NZ) Yes Available
231114 直升机飞行员/ Helicopter Pilot Yes Available
251511 医院药剂师 /Hospital Pharmacist Yes Yes Yes Available
361112 驯马师 /Horse Trainer Yes Yes Available
141311 酒店或汽车旅馆经理 /Hotel or Motel Manager Yes Yes Available
132311 人力资源经理 /Human Resource Manager Yes Yes Available
234413 水文地质学家 /Hydrogeologists Yes Yes Available
135112 信息和通信技术项目经理 /ICT Project Manager Yes Yes Available
262112 信息和通信技术安全专家/ ICT Security Specialist Yes Yes Available
233511 工业工程师/ Industrial Engineer Yes Yes Available
251512 工业药剂师/ Industrial Pharmacist Yes Yes Available
222113 保险经纪人/ Insurance Broker Yes Yes Available
272412 口译/ Interpreter Yes Yes Available
312911 维修规划员/ Maintenance Planner Yes Available
221112 管理会计师/ Management Accountant Yes Yes Available
233112 材料工程师/ Materials Engineer Yes Yes Available
311312 肉类检查员/ Meat Inspector Yes Yes Available
233512 机械工程师/ Mechanical Engineer Yes Yes Available
134211 医疗行政人员/ Medical Administrator Yes Available
234611 医学实验室科学家/ Medical Laboratory Scientist Yes Yes Available
251212 医疗放射治疗师/ Medical Radiation Therapist Yes Yes Available
311299 其他医疗技师 /Medical Technicians (nec) Yes Yes Available
234912 冶金学家 /Metallurgist Yes Yes Available
312913 矿副 /Mine Deputy Yes Yes Available
233611 采矿工程师(石油除外)/Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) Yes Yes Available
121411 混合作物和牲畜农民/Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer Yes Available
121216 混合作物农民/Mixed Crop Farmer Yes Available
121317 混合型畜牧业农民/Mixed Livestock Farmer Yes Available
233916 造船工程师/Naval Architect Yes Yes Available
263112 网络管理员 /Network Administrator Yes Yes Available
263113 网络分析师 /Network Analyst Yes Yes Available
251213 核医学技师 /Nuclear Medicine Technologist Yes Yes Available
251312 职业健康与安全顾问/ Occupational Health and Safety Adviser Yes Yes Available
311214 手术室技术员/ operating Theatre Technician Yes Available
251411 验光师/ Optometrist Yes Yes Available
251412 视觉矫正师 /Orthopist Yes Yes Available
251912 义肢矫形师/ Orthotist or Prosthetist Yes Yes Available
252112 整骨师/ Osteopath Yes Yes Available
233612 石油工程师 /Petroleum Engineer Yes Yes Available
311215 药房技术员/ Pharmacy Technician Yes Yes Available
252611 足病诊疗师/ Podiatrist Yes Yes Available
241213 小学教师 /Primary School Teacher Yes Yes Available
233513 生产或工厂工程师 /Production or Plant Engineer Yes Yes Available
133112 项目建造师/ Project Builder Yes Available
272399 其他未分类心理学家/ Psychologists nec Yes Yes Available
233213 工料测量师/ Quantity Surveyor Yes Yes Available
272114 康复顾问 /Rehabilitation Counsellor Yes Yes Available
132511 研发经理 /Research and Development Manager Yes Yes Available
253112 驻院医务人员/ Resident Medical Officer Yes Yes Available
411715 安老院主任/ Residential Care Officer Yes Yes Available
134311 校长/ School Principal Yes Yes Available
241411 中学教师/ Secondary School Teacher Yes Yes Available
121322 绵羊饲养员 /Sheep Farmer Yes Available
231213 船长/ Ship’s Master Yes Available
272511 社工/Social Worker Yes Yes Available
261313 软件工程师/ Software Engineer Yes Yes Available
271311 律师/Solicitor Yes Yes Available
241511 特殊需求教师/ Special Needs Teacher Yes Yes Available
222213 证券经纪交易商/ Stockbroking Dealer Yes Yes Available
233214 结构工程师/ Structural Engineer Yes Yes Available
133611 供应及分销经理 /Supply and Distribution Manager Yes Yes Available
232212 测量员/Surveyor Yes Yes Available
221113 税务会计师 /Taxation Accountant Yes Yes Available
241512 听障教师/Teacher of the Hearing Impaired Yes Yes Available
241513 视障教师/Teacher of the Sight Impaired Yes Yes Available
263311 电信工程师/Telecommunications Engineer Yes Yes Available
342413 电信接线员/ Telecommunications Linesworker Yes Yes Available
263312 电信网络工程师/ Telecommunications Network Engineer Yes Yes Available
272413 笔译/ Translator Yes Available
233215 交通工程师/ Transport Engineer Yes Yes Available
232611 城市和区域规划师/ Urban and Regional Planner Yes Yes Available
234711 兽医/ Veterinarian Yes Yes Available
361311 兽医护士 /Vocational Education Teache Yes Yes Available
242211 职业教育教师 /Vocational Education Teache Yes Available
272613 福利工作者 /Welfare Worker Yes Yes Available
411716 青年工作者 /Youth Worker Yes Yes Available

Regional WA only

Candidates nominating for occupations that are designated ‘Regional Western Australia only’ in the General or Graduate stream must provide evidence of a job offer/contract of employment in a location defined by the Commonwealth as Category 3 - Regional Centres and Other Regional Areas (not Perth and Mandurah). These include the following areas by postcodes: 6041 to 6044, 6084, 6207, 6213, 6215 to 6537, and 6560 to 6770.

飞出国: 自2020年2月13日, 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist (ANZSCO 251513) 增加到西澳留学毕业生州担保职业清单上, 可以按照毕业生类别申请西澳州担保, 但是限制于 Regional Western Australia only , 必须提供以下地区工作offer或者雇佣合同,地区邮编包括:6041 to 6044, 6084, 6207, 6213, 6215 to 6537, and 6560 to 6770.

Retail Pharmacist now available on the Graduate Occupation List

The occupation Retail Pharmacist (ANZSCO 251513) is now available on the Graduate Occupation List and eligible for State nomination through the Graduate stream.

This occupation is restricted to ‘Regional WA Only’, meaning that you must be able to provide evidence of a job offer/contract of employment in a location defined by the Commonwealth as Category 3 - Regional Centres and Other Regional Areas (not Perth and Mandurah) to be eligible for State nomination.

This includes the following areas by postcodes: 6041 to 6044, 6084, 6207, 6213, 6215 to 6537, and 6560 to 6770.

飞出国: 2020年4月9日, 西澳留学毕业生州担保职业清单上, 厨师 Chef (ANZSCO 351311) 职业状态变为under review,这个职业的邀请数量会受到限制,已经收到邀请的不受影响。

Occupation under review on the Graduate Occupation List
9 April 2020

An occupation on the Graduate Occupation List (GOL) is now under review.

The occupation under review is:

Chef (ANZSCO 351311).

Invitations to apply for WA State nomination for this occupation will be limited. If you have already received an invitation, your application will not be affected.

飞出国: 2020年4月15日, 西澳留学毕业生州担保职业清单上,会计(普通)/ Accountant (General) (ANZSCO 221111) 职业状态变为under review,这个职业的邀请数量会受到限制,已经收到邀请的不受影响。

The occupation under review on the GOL is:

Accountant (General) (ANZSCO 221111).

Invitations to apply for WA State nomination for these occupations will be limited. If you have already received an invitation, your application will not be affected.

飞出国: 从2020年4月24日起,零售药剂师/Retail Pharmacist ( ANZSCO 251513) 这个职业取消了“Regional WA only”限制。即如果此职业的申请人想通过西澳毕业生类别申请西澳州担保,现在可以提供西澳的任何地方的6个月的全职永久或固定期限的雇佣合同,或者可以提供六个月的澳洲工作经验的证明。

Retail Pharmacist no longer ‘Regional WA Only’

From 24 April 2020, the occupation Retail Pharmacist (ANZSCO 251513) which is currently available on the Graduate Occupation list is no longer considered a ‘Regional WA only’ occupation.

If you wish to be considered for Western Australian State Nomination under the occupation ‘Retail Pharmacist’ (ANZSCO 251513) through the Graduate stream, you will now be able to provide a six month full time permanent or fixed-term employment contract from any location within Western Australian. Alternatively, you can provide evidence of six months Australian work experience.

All evidence must meet the Graduate Stream requirements.

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