澳洲商业创新投资(临时)签证 Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188)
澳洲 188 商业移民是一个4年期的临时签证,在澳洲满足企业经营或投资条件可以转 888 永久居民签证。188 签证持有者可自由往返澳大利亚,子女可免费就读澳洲公立中小学。属于澳洲商业技术移民类别 Business skills migration。
- establish a new or develop an existing business and/or invest in Australia, make a designated investment with an Australian state or territory government, make and maintain complying investments in Australia or participate in a complying entrepreneurial activity in Australia
- travel in and out of Australia for the life of your visa
- bring members of your family unit with you to Australia
- seek permanent residence by applying for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888).
188 商业移民签证概述 - 飞出国
188 澳洲商业创新投资(临时)签证属于澳洲商业创新投资签证计划(Business Innovation and Investment Program)的一部分,主要针对打算在澳大利亚投资、创业或管理现有企业的商人。
188 商业投资及创业移民签证申请流程
申请人必须首先通过技术移民筛选系统(SkillSelect)提交 EQI (Expression of Interest),然后由代表澳洲政府的澳洲贸易委员会(Austrade)或州/区政府提名,才可以申请属于该签证的商业创新类签证、投资类签证、重大投资类签证、至尊投资类签证或创新企业家移民签证。
You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory government or Australian agency and are invited to apply by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.
188 澳洲商业投资创业移民类别 - 飞出国
截止到 2016-09-10,澳洲188类商业创新及投资临时移民签证共有5大类别,分别适合打算去澳洲自己经营管理企业的人士(Business Innovation stream),来澳洲进行投资活动的,有3类(150万,500万,1500万,澳币),及获得第三方投资去澳洲创业的企业家。
- own and manage a business in Australia (the Business Innovation stream)
- conduct business and investment activity in Australia (the Investor stream, the Significant Investor stream and the Premium Investor stream).
- undertake an entrepreneurial activity in Australia (Entrepreneur stream).
澳洲 188 签证五大类别细节情况飞出国论坛会单独介绍。
188 签证官方申请费用 - 飞出国