VIC 对 188C 重大投资者类别取消了 “Change of Complying Investment” 的批准流程。
Business Innovation and Investment visa
Significant Investor stream
Removal of ‘Change of Complying Investment’ approval process
Victorian nominated Significant Investor visa applicants and holders no longer need to notify or seek approval from the Victorian Government to change their complying investment following their nomination from Victoria. As a result of this change, there are new visa nomination conditions for the Significant Investor visa available on the Live in Victoria website for future applications.
You and your clients should seek professional financial and legal advice to ensure investments comply with the Significant Investor visa framework and meet Victoria’s nomination conditions by providing economic benefit to Victoria, to qualify for the subclass 888 permanent visa - Significant Investor stream.
Notification of Change of Business Activity no longer required for 188 visa
15 February 2017
Victorian nominated subclass 188 - Business Innovation stream visa holders no longer need to notify or seek approval from Victoria to change their business activities following their nomination from Victoria. This change also applies to subclass 163, 164 and 165 visa holders.
As a result of this change, there are new visa nomination conditions for the subclass 188 visa - Business Innovation stream available on the Supporting Documentation & Forms page.
It is the responsibility of provisional visa holders to ensure that they meet the Victorian Government visa nomination criteria for the permanent visa stage.
Subclass 188 visa holders and migration agents should familiarise themselves with the subclass 188 visa - Business Innovation stream nomination conditions and the subclass 888 - Business Innovation stream nomination assessment criteria, in particular the ‘eligible’ business requirement, to ensure continued eligibility for permanent residence.
This change does not apply to the Business Talent (subclass 132) visa - Significant Business History stream. It is still a condition of Victorian nomination for the Business Talent visa that any proposed change of business activity must be agreed to in advance by the Victorian Government.