ACT 188A/888A 堪培拉商业创新移民 Canberra Business Innovation - Business Innovation and Investment

ACT 188A/888A 昆士兰商业创新移民

Australia Canberra Business Innovation - Business Innovation and Investment Visa

澳大利亚ACT 188A/888A 商业创新类投资移民 - 飞出国。

188A 是一种投资移民临时签证,有效期4年,满足相关要求后,可申请 888A 永久签证。188A888A 都需要有州担保,堪培拉(ACT,也叫首领地)有其自己要求,飞出国下面做具体说明。

澳洲移民部 188A 类别基本要求 - 飞出国:

  • 满足 188 评分标准 的65分,年龄超过 55 周岁的需要州豁免才能申请
  • 获邀申请前4年内的2个财年里,每年营业额达到50万澳币
  • 根据年营业额需要满足占有公司股份要求:不足40万,51%;超过40万,30%;上市公司 10%
  • 家庭净资产不低于80万澳币,且在获得188签证后的2年内要转到澳洲账户下

堪培拉移民事务处提名 188A 的具体要求 - 飞出国:

与 DIBP 要求类似,在 ACT 投资20万澳币,满足下列3个要求里的至少2个:

  1. 在ACT投资20万澳币创建或购买企业
  2. 在ACT个人和企业的总投资达到60万澳币
  3. 雇佣家庭成员外的至少2个全职员工(澳洲永居或公民)
  • Meet Department of Immigration and Border Protection criteria for a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa – Business Innovation stream.
  • Invest a minimum $200,000 to purchase / establish a business in the ACT.
  • Plan to meet two out of the following three investment criteria while holding the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa :
    • Invest at least $200,000 to purchase or establish a business in the ACT; and / or
    • Invest at least $600,000 investment in personal and business assets in the ACT; and / or
    • Employ at least the equivalent of two full-time employees who are Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or New Zealand passport holders, and are not your family members.
  • Make a personal commitment, and have sufficient personal funds, to settle in Canberra upon grant of the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa – Business Innovation stream.
  • Sign a declaration acknowledging the ACT nomination obligations as the holder of a Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa.

ACT 888A 永久签证申请条件 - 飞出国:

申请人在持 188A 签证在澳洲2年后如果符合澳洲移民部 888A 签证申请条件后并满足昆士兰对具体申请人额外要求后就可以通过 888 签证转永居了。

澳洲 DIBP 888 innovator stream criteria:已经在澳大利亚担保的州运营2年并实际参与企业管理,满足持股要求(年营业额40万澳币以下,51%,40万澳币以上30%,上市公司10%),递交申请前1年内的企业净资产 20 万澳币,或企业和个人净资产 60 万澳币或申请前2年内雇佣至少2个全职雇员。

ACT 888A 转永居额外要求 - 飞出国:

188 签证2年后,申请人可以通过 888 签证转永居,除了满足上述 DIBP 888A 转永居要求外还可能要求面谈(英语)。

  • Meet the Department of Immigration and Border Protection criteria for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) (subclass 888) visa – Business Innovation stream.
  • Provide evidence that you have conducted business activity in accordance with the ACT nomination for your subclass 188 visa.
  • Demonstrate that you have had, and continue to have, a direct and continuous management role in a main business in the ACT for at least two years before you apply.
  • Demonstrate that you have had a turnover, in that main business (or two main businesses), of at least AUD300 000 in the year immediately before you apply.
  • For the two years immediately before you apply, have an ownership interest of at least:
    • 10% in a main business that is publicly listed; or
    • 30% in a main business with a turnover of AUD400,000 and above; or
    • 51% in a main business with a turnover of less than AUD400,000.
  • Meet two of the three following criteria throughout the year immediately before you apply.
    • at least AUD200,000 net value of your assets in the ACT business;
    • at least AUD600 000 net value of your personal and business assets in the ACT;
    • at least the equivalent of two full-time employees wh - are Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or New Zealand passport holders, and are not your family members.
  • Show that you have complied with your ACT nomination obligations as the holder of a subclass 188 visa.
  • You must meet with the ACT Government to discuss your current ACT business activity prior to lodging the application. The interview will be conducted in English.
  • You must sign a declaration acknowledging the ACT nomination obligations as the holder of a subclass 888 visa.
