188B 澳洲投资者150万澳币商业移民类别 Investor stream, IV

188B 投资者商业移民签证(Investor stream)

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188)

188B 投资者商业移民(Investor stream),俗称 150 万投资类别,为从事股票、期货、基金、外汇等投资者设立的一种四年期临居签证,要求申请人在州政府指定的债券投资至少 150 万澳元。在提交 188B 签证申请之前,申请人要先提交 EOI,而且要先获得澳大利亚州政府或领地政府的担保。

188B 投资者签证申请条件 - 飞出国

188B 150 万澳币投资移民 Investor stream - IV 类别适合55周岁之内,有3年直接投资或高级管理经验,近2年内净资产225万澳币,近5年里有1年有直接参与管理 10% 的企业或有参与 150 万澳币投资的经验。不强制要求学历和英语,但因为要达到 65 分评分,综合条件比较好例如学历高(本科及以上),有英语基础(雅思5分)的申请人更有优势,详见 188 评分标准

188B 申请个人基本条件 - 飞出国:

  • 年龄55周岁以下,或州政府豁免年龄要求;
  • 达到 188 评分标准的 65分;
  • 证实自己具有高超的投资和管理技能;
  • 至少三年的直接投资或管理一个或多个企业的经验;
  • 有总体上成功的投资或经商经验;
  • 承诺最初的投资成熟以后继续在澳大利亚进行经商和投资活动;
  • 愿意在你投资的州或领地居住至少两年;

188B 申请商业及投资经验要求 - 飞出国:


  • 申请前5年至少1年,管理超过150万澳币的投资或在一家合资格的公司拥有超过10%的股份,同时参与公司管理;
  • 过去两个财年,商业或个人净资产至少225万澳币,这些资产必须是合法所得,可以在签证审批的2年时间内合法转移到澳洲;
  • 投资150万澳元购买州政府债券,为期四年;
  • 没有参与不合法活动。


Investor stream - 188B Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa - flyabroad

You must:

  • be under 55 years of age, although a state or territory can waive this requirement if your proposed investment will be of exceptional economic benefit to the nominating state or territory
  • score at least 65 on the 188 points test. Please see the Points test tab on this webpage for further information.
  • have a high level of management skill in relation to the eligible investment or qualifying business activity
  • have at least three years’ experience of direct involvement in managing one or more qualifying businesses or eligible investments
  • have an overall successful record of eligible investment or qualifying business activity
  • have a genuine and realistic commitment to continuing your business and investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured
  • have a genuine intention to live for at least two years in the state or territory in which you have made a designated investment.

You, your partner, or you and your partner combined must:

  • for at least one of the five fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply, have directly managed one of the following:
    • a qualifying business in which you, your partner or you and your partner combined had at least 10 per cent ownership interest, or
    • eligible investments owned by you, your partner or you and your partner combined of at least AUD1.5million.
  • during the two fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply, have legally acquired net business, investment and personal assets of at least AUD2.25 million that are available for legal transfer to Australia within two years of the visa being granted
  • make a designated investment of at least AUD1.5 million in a state or territory government security using unencumbered funds accumulated from qualifying businesses or eligible investments and be prepared to hold that investment for at least four years from date of issue in your nominating state or territory
  • have had no involvement in unacceptable activities.

Income that you earn from your designated investment in Australia is subject to tax under Australian taxation law.