澳洲商业创新和投资(永居)签证 888 visa下的 Business Innovation stream 类别,俗称 888A ,是 188A 签证申请人在澳洲运营企业2年后转永居的签证。
888A Business Innovation stream 类别转永居条件 - 飞出国
188 签证是4年临时签证(根据需要可以续签),188A 申请人在澳洲实际运营企业2年以后符合下列条件的就可以直接按该类 888 签证转永居了,下面列举的时间期限没有特殊说明的都是以递交 888 永居申请的时间点为参考往前推,企业运营和家庭资产都允许主副申请累计后满足具体要求。
- 已经在澳洲实际直接参与自己占有股份等公司运营管理2年
- 递交永居申请前12个月里年营业额30万澳币(偏远地区的话可能豁免该要求)
- 递交永居申请前1年内,根据年营业额的股份要求:低于40万澳币,51%;40万澳币以上,30%;上市企业 10%
- 已经获得 ABN(Australian Business Number)有2年时间
- 不能是从老的 888,890,891,892,893 等签证申请人手里购买企业
- 递交永居申请前的1年内商业净资产 20 万澳币
- 递交永居申请前的1年内个人净资产加商业净资产达到 60 万澳币
- 递交永居申请前的2年内雇佣了至少2名家庭成员之外的澳洲公民或永居全职员工
Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888)
Business Innovation stream - 888A
If you are applying for the Business Innovation stream, you must have been in Australia and held:
for at least one year in the two years immediately before you apply.
In addition, you must be able to show ongoing business involvement, meet certain financial requirements, and have a history of employing Australian workers.
Ongoing business involvement
You must be able to show that you (or you and your partner together) have:
- had an ownership interest (and continue to have an ownership interest) and a direct and continuous management role in an actively operating main business (or main businesses) in Australia for the two years immediately before you apply.
- had an annual turnover of at least AUD300 000 from the main business (or businesses) in the 12 months before you apply. (A nominating state or territory might agree to waive the requirement to show an annual turnover of AUD300 000 if you live and operate business in a specified regional area of Australia)
- owned at least one of the following percentages of the main business (or main businesses) in Australia in the year immediately before you apply:
- 51 per cent of a business with a turnover of less than AUD400 000 per year
- 30 per cent of a business with a turnover of AUD400 000 or more per year
- 10 per cent of a publicly listed company
- obtained an Australian Business Number for each of your main businesses
- submitted Business Activity Statements to the Australian Taxation Office for the two years immediately before you apply
- not acquired the ownership in your main business (or two main businesses) from a person who was an applicant for, or a holder of, a permanent Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 888) or a permanent business skills visa (in subclasses 890, 891, 892 or 893), unless you and that person had a joint interest in the main business for at least one year before you lodge your application for this visa.
You (or your partner, or you and your partner together) must also demonstrate that you have achieved at least two of the following requirements:
- a net value of business assets of at least AUD200 000 in your nominated main business (or two main businesses) in Australia throughout the year immediately before you apply
- a net value of personal and business assets of at least AUD600 000 in Australia throughout the year immediately before you apply
- employed at least the equivalent of two full-time employees in your main business (or main businesses), throughout the year immediately before you apply who are:
- Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, or holders of valid New Zealand passports
- not members of your family.