TEF-Canada 考试是专门针对加拿大移民设立的考试类别,可以用于加拿大联邦及魁北克技术移民加分,TEF-Canada 与雅思类似考试项目有听说读写四项。
TEF CANADA | 题量 | 考试时间 | |
必考部分 | 听力 | 60 题 | 40 分钟 |
口语 | 2 题 | 15 分钟 | |
阅读 | 50 题 | 60 分钟 | |
写作 | 2 题 | 60分钟 |
下表是飞出国总结的 TEF-Canada 听说读写各项成绩对应的加拿大联邦 CLB 级别(NCLC 级别)及对应的 TEF 欧洲语言等级标准,加拿大联邦将使用 CLB 级别计算分数,魁北克移民将使用 TEF 级别计算分数。
Intervalles des scores correspondant aux principaux Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) pour chaque épreuve du au Test d’évaluation de français pour le Canada (TEF Canada)
CLB 级别 -飞出国 Niveau NCLC | 听 Compréhension orale | 说 Expression orale | 读 Compréhension écrite | 写 Expression écrite | TEF 级别 - 飞出国 Niveau TEF CANADA |
11 à 12 | 317-360 | 416-450 | 278-300 | 416-450 | C2 |
10 | 316-333 | 393-415 | 263-277 | 393-415 | C1 |
9 | 298-315 | 371-392 | 248-262 | 371-392 | C1 |
8 | 280-297 | 349-370 | 233-247 | 349-370 | C1 |
7 | 249-279 | 310-348 | 207-232 | 310-348 | B2 |
6 | 217-248 | 271-309 | 181-206 | 271-309 | B2 |
5 | 181-216 | 226-270 | 151-180 | 226-270 | B1 |
4 | 145-180 | 181-225 | 121-150 | 181-225 | B1 |
0 à 3 | 0 - 144 | 0 - 180 | 0 - 120 | 0 - 180 | <A1 à A2 |
NCLC: Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien
CLB: Canadian Language Benchmark
如果打算报名 TEF-Canada 考试一般是联系当地法语联盟,加拿大境内法盟可以亲自报名,也可以邮寄或email报名,当前考试费用是 440 加币。
中国区只接受只接受电话报名,报名电话是 020-83802501 或者 020-83818323。电话报名后按短信信息汇款,然后邮寄资料给指定法盟。2016年还有最后一场 TEF 十二月, 21/12/2016,当前已经截止报名。2017 年考试情况飞出国会进一步跟进。
2016年 TEF-Canada 考试中国区注意事项-飞出国:2016-TEF-Canada-china-flyabroad.pdf (209.2 KB)。
TEF Canada 考试报名表填写说明 -飞出国: TEF-Canada-Form-guide-flyabroad.pdf (438.6 KB)。
TEF Canada(4 项)2016年考试费用是 2200 元人民币(听力、口语、阅读、写作),TEF-Canada 考试后一般 6-7 周拿到成绩。其他具体问题请咨询报名电话。
下面是加拿大法语联盟(alliance-francaise)对 TEF-CANADA 的介绍:
The TEF Canada is recognised as official proof of language proficiency by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) as well as the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés Culturelles du Québec (MICC) for permanent residency applications, certificat de sélection du Québec applications and Canadian citizenship applications.
Level of proficiency
The TEF Canada assesses the candidate’s proficiency in French using a 7 level scale based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) and the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB).
Candidate profile
The TEF Canada is directed specifically at candidates wishing to assess their level of proficiency in French for immigration applications to Canada or Quebec, or for Canadian citizenship applications.
The TEF Canada is recognised as official proof of language proficiency by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés Culturelles du Québec (MICC).
Information for candidates: download the TEF Canada candidate handbook.
The TEF Canada consists of 4 modules: listening, speaking, reading and/or writing.
- Compréhension écrite (reading): 60 minutes – 50 questions – 300 points
- Compréhension orale (listening): 40 minutes – 60 questions – 360 points
- Expression écrite (writing): 60 minutes – 2 topics – 450 points
- Expression orale (speaking): 15 minutes – 2 topics – 450 points
Examination rules and regulations
Candidates must check in with the supervisor of the official TEF centre or the invigilator(s) with their notification of schedule and a picture ID with signature (valid passport / valid driver’s licence / national ID card).
After the identity check, the head of the official TEF centre or the invigilator(s) will take an identification picture of each candidate and direct them to their assigned seats.
Each table will be equipped with: a guide to the answer sheet on which will appear the candidate’s name, date of birth and candidate ID number; an answer sheet.
Draft or spare paper is not permitted.
During the entire multiple choice questions part of the test (approximately 1 hour 40 minutes), no exits will be permitted. During the entire written expression examination (1 hour), no exits will be permitted, unless in case of emergency or health issue previously informed by the candidate and justified with a medical certificate.
During the entirety of the exams, communication amongst candidates will not be permitted.
Candidates arriving late will not be allowed in the examination room once the examination has started.
In the event of fraud or misconduct by a candidate (disturbing the examination procedure, communication or attempt to communicate with other candidates or the outside…), candidates expose themselves to immediate removal from the examination room as well as a ban from taking the test for a period of time that will be determined by the CCI Paris Ile de France.
An official certificate of results will be delivered to each candidate. Each certificate is detailed and personalised. For each module, the certificate will show the score obtained, the level of proficiency reached as well as a commentary of the skills in general French.
The results will be sent 6 to 8 weeks after the exam date.
Academic degrees are not required to take the TEF Canada. Candidates may take the test several times, allowing a minimum of 60 days between two exam sessions.