飞出国:SINP 企业家移民 Human Capital 评分标准(SINP Entrepreneur Category Points Assessment):
**年龄:**小于20岁0分,21-29 10分,30-39最高分15分,40-54 10分,55岁及以后 0分。申请萨省省提名企业家移民应该小于54周岁。萨省按申请人提交 EOI 时的年龄计算分数,通过出生公证,护照或身份证来证明申请人年龄。
Age - flyabroad
You’re eligible for points on the basis of your age at the time you submit your Expression of Interest.
Exploratory Visit - flyabroad
You’re awarded fifteen points if you’ve participated in an exploratory visit to Saskatchewan for at least five (5) working days over the previous 12-month period before your Expression of Interest. During this visit you must have conducted meetings with local stakeholders and service providers relevant to your Business Establishment Plan (BEP) including, but not limited to suppliers, commercial realtors, lawyers, accountants, business brokers/consultants, financial institutions and economic development agencies. Activities such as meetings, information sessions and workshops are only eligible for consideration if you can demonstrate how they directly relate to your BEP.
The exploratory visit is mandatory for people buying an existing business or a business succession opportunity in all Saskatchewan communities, including Regina and Saskatoon. It’s also mandatory for applicants establishing and actively managing a rural business opportunity.
To be eligible for points, you’re required to complete and submit an Exploratory Visit Report that details the activities you carried out during your visit. The report must:
- Cover the entire length of your stay in Canada, including time spent in other provinces, if any.
- List the dates, times, contact information and description of the activity and/or meeting and how it relates to your business establishment or settlement.
-Should include copies of airline tickets, boarding passes, hotel receipts and business cards. Please don’t include photographs, brochures, flyers, maps or other promotional information collected during the Exploratory Visit.
**语言:**萨省企业家移民语言考试成绩不是必须的,只是加分项,CLB 6 就可以加到最高 15 分,CLB 5 10 分,CLB 4 5 分。语言考试有效期2年,英语认可G类雅思,法语认可 TEF-Canada。
Official Language Ability - flyabroad
Acceptable language tests are:
- The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training.
- The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General).
- The Test d’évaluation de français (to test proficiency in French).
The SINP will not accept any other evidence of language proficiency. A language test from the principal candidate is not mandatory; however points for language will not be awarded without submission of eligible language test results. Tests must be taken no more than two years before the date the EOI is submitted.