澳大利亚州/领地担保的投资者移民签证 State/Territory Sponsored Investor Visa (subclass 893)

澳大利亚州/领地担保的投资者移民签证 State/Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893)

893 签证特征

  • 893 签证是永久居留签证,用于 165 签证持有者转永居居民。

893 签证针对人群

  • 由州或领地政府担保,在澳大利亚有不少于四年的指定投资且想要申请澳大利亚永久居民签证的人群.同时该申请人必须已持有州或领地担保投资者(临时)签证(subclass 165)。

893 签证申请条件

  • 当前持有州或领地担保投资者(临时)签证(subclass 165)

  • 由澳大利亚州或领地政府提供担保

  • 申请签证前的四年内,在澳大利亚居住时间不少于两年

  • 申请人和其合伙人从未参与过非法商业活动

  • 申请人和所有家庭成员身体健康、品行端正 Health requirment and character requirement

  • 满足业务要求:

  • 获得州或领地担保投资者(临时)签证(subclass165)后, 申请人或者其配偶(或有事实婚姻关系的伴侣)必须以申请人(配偶/事实婚姻伴侣)的名义连续投资不少于四年,且指定投资额不少于750000澳元。

  • 有真实意愿在澳大利亚继续进行商业或投资活动

  • 申请人与其配偶(或有事实婚姻关系的伴侣)从未参与

  • 满足临时签证(subclass 165)的所有条件

  • 债务要求:对澳大利亚政府无未偿还的债务或者在获得该签证前有计划支付未偿还的债务

893 签证申请过流程




893 签证申请费用

签证申请费用评估系统 Estimate the Cost of Your Visa

893 签证申请材料清单

年满18周岁申请者需签订Australian Values Statement,确保会尊重澳大利亚生活方式,遵守澳大利亚法律。


Form 47BU Application for Business Skills (permanent) visa (589 kB PDF)

Form 949 State/Territory sponsorship: Business Skills class (115 kB PDF)


  • 证明为了获得州或领地担保投资者(临时)签证(subclass165), 申请人或者其配偶(或有事实婚姻关系的伴侣)必须以申请人(配偶/事实婚姻伴侣)的名义连续投资不少于四年,且指定投资额不少于750000澳元。材料包括:

    • 来自the Treasury Corporation的确认证明,以书面或发邮件形式均可

    • 关于还款金额的银行对账单


  • 证明担保有效(即未被撤回)的材料。 撤销担保协议需提供书面说明。


  • 申请人需在为其提供担保的州或领地于其提出签证申请前的四年内居住时间不少于两年(可间断,总时间不少于两年即可)。同时,申请人必须持有State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 165)。证明材料如下:

    • 房产证(住宅所有权证明)

    • 居住地址

    • 租金发票

    • 公共事业费用(电费、天然气费、电话费等)

    • 申请人的邮寄地址


  • 在澳大利亚商业或投资活动概述。除了指定投资外,需将在澳大利亚从事的一些商业或投资活动进行总结。


  • 用一页纸总结你将在澳大利亚进行商业或投资活动的长久计划。

  • 在澳大利亚商业或投资领域从事的任何投资活动的证明材料。


  • 在获得邀请时,所有年满18周岁的随行人均需提供以下材料之一:

    • 如果你有functional English,提供雅思成绩单(提出申请前12个月内考取的成绩单有效)

    • 如果你有less-than-functional English, 需提供一份声明,说明你将支付第二阶段签证申请费的意愿

  • 申请人和年满17周岁的每位家庭成员(他们自16岁起在过去10年内已在澳大利亚生活时间不少于12个月)需出具一份证明,即:AFP National Police Check

  • 申请人和年满17周岁的每位家庭成员,若自16岁起在过去10年内在某个或多个国家生活时间不少于12个月,则需持有来自这些国家的Police clearances


  • 申请中年满18周岁的所有人(除申请人和配偶)需以下材料:

    • Form 47a Details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over (238 kB PDF)
  • 不持有商业技术(临时)签证(subclasses 160-165)的每位随行人需提供:

    • 年满18周岁者提供随行的相关证明(如,当前学习状况证明材料)

    • 写有父母(养父母)双方姓名的收养协议、出生证或户口本复印件,并予以公证

  • 申请中年满16周岁的每个人需填写:Form 80 - Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (373 kB pdf)


  • 若你的申请包含一个未满18周岁的子女,而该子女的父亲或母亲之一未在该申请中, 请证明你有权利将该子女纳入该申请中(即你对该子女享有监护权)。 例如:

    • 正式法律文件的复印件(法院颁布的监护权、探访权或监护令)

    • statutory declaration (80 kB pdf)

    • 同意给予未满18周岁子女澳大利亚签证的同意书(Form 1229 Consent form)。如果你有这个同意书,必须附上另一位父亲或母亲的政府出具的身份证明(护照或驾驶证),并附有照片和签字。Form 1229 Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years (238 kB PDF)

  • 申请中年满16周岁的每位申请人需填写以下表格:

    • Form 80 - Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (373 kB pdf)

State/Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893)


  • This is a permanent residence visa. You will be able to travel in and out of Australia for five years.

Target Customers

  • The State/Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893) is for people who are sponsored by a state or territory authority and have held a designated investment in Australia for four years. And you must have already held a State/Territory Sponsored Investor (provisional) visa (subclass 165).


You can apply for this visa if:

  • you are the primary holder of a State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 165)

  • you are sponsored by a state or territory authority

  • you lived in Australia for at least two of the four years immediately before you apply

  • you and your partner have never been involved in unacceptable business activities

  • you and all your family members meet health and character requirements: Health requirment and character requirement

  • you meet business requirements

    • You, or your spouse or de facto partner together must have held continuously for at least 4 years, in your name or your partner’s name, your designated investment of at least AUD750 000 made for the purpose of being granted a State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 165).

    • You have a genuine and realistic commitment to continue to maintain business or investment activities in Australia

  • neither you nor your spouse or de facto partner have ever been involved in unacceptable business activities

  • you met all the conditions of your provisional visa.

  • Debts to the Australian Government

    • You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted.

Process of Application

You must be in Australia when you lodge your application. Your family can be in or outside Australia.

Lodge your application by post or in person

Lodge your application with the Adelaide office in South Australia - attention Adelaide Business Skills Processing Centre. Provide all relevant documents.

Cost of Application

Estimate the Cost of Your Visa

Document Checklist

If you are older than 18 years of age, you must sign an Australian Values Statement to confirm that you will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws.


Form 47BU Application for Business Skills (permanent) visa (589 kB PDF)

Form 949 State/Territory sponsorship: Business Skills class (115 kB PDF)

Designated investment

  • Evidence you have held continuously for at least 4 years, in your name or your partner’s name, your Designated Investment of at least AUD750 000 made for the purpose of being granted a State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 165). If the investment has already matured then the evidence can be in the form of:

    • written or emailed confirmation from the Treasury Corporation

    • bank statements confirming repayment of the amount.


  • Evidence that the sponsorship has been ongoing and has not been withdrawn. Evidence of withdrawal may include written advice.

Residence requirement

  • You will need to have been resident in the state or territory of your sponsor as a State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 165) holder for a total of at least two years in the four years immediately prior to the visa application. The two-year period in Australia does not need to be continuous.

  • Evidence to prove where you have resided could include:

    • ownership of residential property

    • residential address

    • rental receipts

    • utilities accounts such as electricity, gas, telephone

    • correspondence addressed to the applicant.

Business or investment record and history

  • Overview of your business or investment activities in Australia. Please provide a short summary of any activities undertaken in Australia in addition to holding the Designated Investment.

Commitment to business and/or your investment activity

  • A one-page summary of your proposed business or investment intentions in Australia in the long term

  • Include any investigation undertaken into the Australian business or investment operating environment.

Your identity

  • For each of your dependants aged 18 years or older at the time of invitation, provide one of the following:

    • if they have functional English: the results of an IELTS test that they each took less than 12 months before you lodge your application

    • if they have less-than-functional English a statement indicating your intention to pay the second visa application charge.

  • An AFP National Police Check for you and each member of your family unit aged 17 years or over (whether applying or not) who, in the last 10 years, has been in Australia for 12 months or more since turning 16.

  • Police clearances for you and each member of your family unit aged 17 years and over (whether applying or not); from each country where, in the last 10 years, that person has lived for 12 months or more since turning 16.

Your relationships

  • For anyone included in the application who is 18 years of age or older and is not your partner:

    • Form 47a Details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over (238 kB PDF).
  • For each dependant who is not the holder of a Business Skills (Provisional) visa (subclasses 160-165) provide:

    • evidence of dependency if aged 18 or over (such as evidence of current studies)

    • certified copy of adoption or birth certificate or the family book, showing names of both parents or adoptive parents

    • certified copy of the marriage certificate (if applicable).

  • For each person included in the application who is 16 years of age or older:

    • Form 80 - Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (373 kB pdf)

Your children

  • If you want to bring a child younger than 18 years of age with you to Australia, and that child’s other parent is not included in the application: documentary evidence that you have the legal right to bring that child to Australia, such as:

    • certified copies of official legal documents, such as a court-issued parental responsibility (custody), access or guardianship order

    • statutory declaration (80 kB pdf)

    • Form 1229 Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years (125 kB pdf . If you use Form 1229 or a statutory declaration, you will have to attach a certified copy of the other parent’s government-issued identification document (such as a passport or driver’s licence) with their photograph and signature. Form 1229 Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years (238 kB PDF).

  • For each person included in the application who is 16 years of age or older:

    • Form 80 - Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (373 kB pdf)

澳大利亚州/领地担保的投资者移民签证官方网站 State/Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893)
