澳洲企业主永久移民签证 Business Owner Visa (890 Visa)

澳洲企业主永久移民签证 Business Owner Visa (890 Visa)

1. 890 签证针对人群 (Who Could Get This Visa)


124 Visa is for people who hold one of the required provisional business visa and manage business in Australia for the past two years. It is a permanet residence visa and allows applicant to travel in and out of Australia for five years.


2. 890 签证申请条件 (Application Requirements)

业务要求 (Business Requirements)

  • 你和你的伴侣从未参加过不被接受的商业活动

You and your partner have never been involved in unacceptable business activities

  • 在递交申请之前必须拥有两个企业经营活动,并至少连续经营了2年

You have direct and continuous management of up to two businesses operating in Australia for the past two years

  • 你至少拥有其中一点:
  1. 年营业额低于40万澳币的公司,应占有至少51%的股份
  2. 年营业额40万或高于40万澳币的公司,应占有至少30%的股份
  3. 如果是一个上市公司,应占有至少10%的股份
  4. 如果你的业务是在2010年4月19日之前购买的,则应至少占主要业务股权的10%


  • 你的主要业务(或两个主要业务加一起)的营业额至少30万澳币

You main business (or two main businesses together) had a turnover of at least AUD300 000

  • 你(或全家持有)的企业净资产不少于10万澳币

The net value of your (or your partner’s, or you and your partner’s combined) assets in the main business (or two main businesses) in Australia was at least AUD100 000

  • 个人和企业净资产在澳洲持续拥有不少于25万澳币

The net value of your (or your partner’s, or you and your partner’s combined) personal and business assets in Australia was at least AUD250 000.

  • 企业雇佣至少两个澳洲全时工人,(除家庭成员外的澳洲公民、永久居民或新西兰护照持有人)

You or your partner’s businesses employed at least the equivalent of two full-time employees who are: Australian citizens; Australian permanent residents; New Zealand passport holders; not members of your family

3. 890 签证申请流程 (Application Process)

准备文件 (Prepare your documents)

You need to provide documents to prove the claims you make in the application. The documents are listed in the Document checklist.

890 签证申请人签证资料

商业文件 (Business Documents)

  • 在澳洲的商业生涯和概述

  • 申请前的两年企业所有权的证据

  • 申请前的两年参加过的日常管理业务(包括合同,会议纪要,发起或授权的文件)

  • 澳洲商业号码(ABN)和商业活动声明(BAS)

  • 财务报表摘录(包括资产负债表,损益表和账目说明)

员工证据 (Evidence of Employees)

  • 至少两名全职员工的证据(包括现收现付的摘要,工资书,员工合同,劳动者报酬,保险和养老金的文件)

  • 指定就业期的员工的居住/公民身份(例如,护照复印件,出生证明,公民证)

  • 单页的组织结构图(包括申请日期前的申请人职位,员工归属,管理报告线和功能职责)

  • 商业场所和经营活动的照片(最多六张)

个人或全家净资产 (Net Assets of You and Your parter)

  • 一页关于介绍全部资产和负债的总结声明

  • 所有权和净值资产的证据

  • 同一时期的财务报表和员工记录的证据

  • 每项资产的负债证据(如:抵押贷款,第三方贷款,信用卡等)

  • 澳洲现金资产证明(银行对账单或定期存款证书);房地产资产证明(所有权,价值和抵押声明)

  • 澳洲企业净资产证明(包括所有权,价值,个人或企业在澳洲的贷款,贷款协议,表明金额和还款日期的贷款声明)

  • 股票和债券(股票或债券登记,股份,股息或定息证券或债券,过户证,市场价值)

身份鉴定 (Your Identity)

  • 护照复印件

  • 护照照片大小的近期照片(45mm*35mm)

  • 名字变更证明(如适用)

  • 服兵役证明(如适用)

  • 无犯罪记录证明

网上申请 (Lodge Your Application Online)



Pay the visa application charge by credit card when you apply. You must also send your documents as soon as you lodge your online application. Lodge your documents by registered post to the Adelaide office in South Australia

4. 890 签证类别 (Category)

此签证是一个永久性签证 (Permanent)

5. 890 签证费用 (Cost)


6. 890 签证更多信息 (More Information)

