安省省提名计划综述(OINP Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program)

安省省提名计划综述(OINP Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program) - 飞出国

安大略省(英语、法语:Ontario,缩写 ON),简称安省,位于加拿大的东部,面积约100万平方公里,加拿大的首都渥太华也在安大略省。安大略是加拿大人口最多的省份,根据2015年7月统计数据显示,安大略人口大约有1379万。


安大略省主要城市有多伦多(Toronto),渥太华(Ottawa),哈密尔顿(Hamilton),京士顿(Kingston),雷湾(Thunder Bay),伦敦(London),温莎(Windsor),滑铁卢(Waterloo)。虽然加拿大省提名没有严格的定居限制,但通过安大略省省提名移民后定居多伦多,伦敦,温莎这些地区就没有任何心理负担了。

OINP 项目分类

1.雇主担保类别(需要雇主offer) EMPLOYER/JOB OFFER

2.人力资源类别(无需雇主offer) HUMAN CAPITAL

3.商业移民类别 BUSINESS








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ON 20150625 将更新部分申请指南和网站,同时对申请流程,材料及申请要求都做更新,Opportunities Ontario Updates ,6.25之前递交申请的不受影响。这些变化大多是针对雇主及ON留学生类别。

Changes to Application Process

  • OOPNP 申请人不再需要第三方宣誓书 Affidavits from a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits 表。

Affidavits from a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits are no longer required.

Applicants will no longer be required to acquire an affidavit from a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits.

  • OOPNP 只提供email查询,不提供电话,传真,qq,微信。。。,只有递交90天之后的才会接受 case-specific enquirie 。为了避免申请人担心,ON 在收到完整资料后会给申请人发邮件确认。

Case Specific Enquiries

All case-specific enquiries must be made in writing and submitted to the OOPNP via email to [email protected]. In addition, OOPNP will respond to case-specific enquiries only after the 90-day service standard has passed. Applicants will continue to receive an acknowledgement letter from the program once a complete application has been received.

OOPNP 20150625后统一按下面标准要求申请材料:加拿大境内申请人翻译必须是ON认证的翻译,境外的必须公证,申请人自己,代理及申请人亲戚朋友的翻译都不认可。翻译不合格可能被当作材料不全被退料(will not be processed)。


Changes to Supporting Documents

1. 翻译 Translation of Supporting Documents for applicants applying within Ontario:

If a supporting document requires translation into English or French, the translation must be completed by a certified translator accredited by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO). For more information on certified translators in Ontario, visit http://www.atio.on.ca/

Applicants applying from outside Ontario can still have their translations completed by any translator. However, the translation must be notarized. OOPNP reserves the right to require applicants to submit translations by an ATIO translator if the notarized translation is deemed insufficient by officers assessing the application.

Applications with translations that are not complete, certified or notarized are considered incomplete and will not be processed.

Translations that are completed by the applicant, the applicant’s representative, or other individuals with personal ties to the applicant are not acceptable in any case even if these individuals are certified translators.

2. 推荐信 Letters of Employment (from previous/current employers)

Prospective nominees applying under the Foreign Worker Stream must submit copies letters of employment from previous/current employers.

This letter may not be applicable to applicants applying under the International Students with a Job Offer Stream if employment has not yet commenced.

The letter must meet the following requirements:

  • 信头纸 Printed on company letterhead and identify company address, telephone/fax numbers, email and website addresses;
  • 签字 Identify the responsible Officer/Supervisor and include his/her signature;
  • 盖章(可选) Stamped with the company’s corporate seal (if applicable) AND specify:
    • 时段 Employment period,
    • 职位 Positions held, duties and responsibilities during the employment period for each position and the time spent in each position (if applicable);
    • 薪水 Total annual salary plus benefits
    • 工时 Number of hours worked per week; and
    • 间断 Any extended periods of leave (i.e. more than one month).
  • Additional supporting documents may include:
    • 合同 Copy of employment contracts; and
    • 工资单 Copy of paystubs.
  • 加拿大工作 If the applicant is currently working in Canada:
    • 合同 Copy of employment contracts;
    • 许可 Copies of all work permits issued by CIC and all immigration records authorizing employment for the period of work stated in the application;
    • 推荐信 Employer reference letters for all periods of work stated in the application;
    • 税T4 Copies of Canada Revenue Agency T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid and Notice of Assessment (NOA) statements (if applicable) for the periods of work experience stated in the application; AND
    • 工资单 Pay statements and any relevant documentation that can support the applicant’s work experience.

3. 照片 Photo Requirements

Nominee applicants are required to submit two photos each of the applicant and each accompanying dependent. Photos must meet the following specifications:

  • 35*45 Final frame size of the photo must be at least 35mm by 45mm (1 3/8” x 1 3/4”), showing full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photograph and including the top of the shoulders.
  • 头顶到下巴 31-36 Head, from chin to crown, must be between 31mm and 36mm (1 1/4” or 1 7/16”).
  • 白底 The background of the photo must be white.
  • 背面注明申请人姓名及生日 The applicant’s name and date of birth must be written on the back of each photo.
  • 装在小信封里附在第一页上 The photos must be placed in a small envelope and attached to the first page of the application to enclose with the applicant’s application package submission.
  • 清楚 Photos that are unclear or of low-quality will not be accepted.

OOPNP 20150625 更新的其他说明 Additional Clarifications


留学生类别需要提供定居意向,这些意向需要提供相关证明,意向可以包括在ON的工作,ON的job offer/面试,ON 的志愿工作,租房或购房,专业性联盟,ON 的其他家庭成员及社会联系,在ON的旅行经历等。

研究生类别要求提供近2年进出 ON 的旅行记录,离开 ON 的时间太久会对申请不利。

一. Existing permanent full-time Employees must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents (for Employer Stream)

Employers are required to have a minimum number of existing permanent, full-time employees positions for each position they wish to fill. These existing permanent, full-time employees must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents. Foreign workers or international students with work permits, including the prospective nominee applicant(s), are not eligible to be included in this minimum requirement.

二. Statement of Intent to live and work in Ontario (for Masters Stream and PhD Stream)

International Students: Masters and PhD Graduates are required to provide a statement of intent which states their reasons to settle in Ontario and their ties to Ontario. This can include (but is not limited to):

  • Employment in Ontario;
  • Job offers or jobs applied/interviewed for in Ontario;
  • Volunteer work in Ontario;
  • Lease agreements for a residence in Ontario or property ownership;
  • Professional networks and affiliations;
  • Family ties;
  • Social connections or personal relationships; and/or
  • Previous visits to Ontario.

Please provide documentation to support the statement where possible (i.e. copy of job offer, completed volunteer application forms, lease agreements, etc.).

三. Travels to Ontario and outside of Ontario

Section E, question 2b requires prospective nominees applying under the International Student: Masters Graduates stream to list all travels to Ontario and outside of Ontario (including international travels) within the two years prior to the submission of the application.

This list of travels is required to verify residency requirements, as travels outside of Ontario can impact the applicant’s cumulative residency.

1 我已经收到兴趣信,需要先给安省那个邮箱答复一下吗?还是直接准备材料寄出就可以?
2 在工作证明这里,所有的offer letter和合同都需要翻译加公证吗?那个addtional documents 也是需要全部准备提交的吧,合同一般会很长很长,也需要翻译公证吗?所有的工资单也需要翻译公证?
3. 我查看一下过去的offer letter,有些没有用公司抬头纸,就是普通的A4,这个要求很严格吗?
4. settlement fund就打印出近六个月的银行流水,保证余额够最低限就可以?还是要尽量多,像我family number 选2人,需要大概多少?
5.最不明白就是那个intention of staying ON statement, 这个需要如何准备,我计划在on读MBA,有一些和他们交流的邮件和资料,这个算吗?还没有正式的offer

  1. PT 邮件里有说明 ,需要及时联系: 加拿大 OINP EE 意向申请通知信 P/T notification of Interest
  2. ON 要求境外的资料都公证: 安省EE类别文件翻译要求(Ontario Express Entry: Document Translation)
  3. 这个要求不严格
  4. 两人1.5万加币,满足官方最低金额和时限要求即可,留出余地没坏处,参见这里: HCP 安省EE下技能优先类别申请要求及流程(OINP Express Entry Application Guide for Ontario Human Capital Priorities Stream)
  5. 其他帖子里讨论了

合同应该不是必须的吧,我看了application guide 上面写的是可能需要提供。是不是这样呢?


刚打电话问Ontario, 跟大家分享:
1,有些公司没有盖章,只要你的reference letter写在公司抬头的纸张上面即可;
3,有些申请者,比如我,在申请过程中因为年龄导致分数降低的,是不会撤销我们的申请的。 但其他因素比如结婚(详见application guide)会有影响。

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这两天才收到他们正式的邮件回复。 关于年龄导致分数变化的。

CRS Score due to age -

A candidate who reports an age difference between the time they receive an invitation to apply (ITA) and the time they submit a federal application for permanent residence (APR) could lose points that were awarded to them for their age, which is one criterion used to establish their rank relative to other Express Entry candidates, and to determine their eligibility to receive an invitation to apply. Applications can be refused for this reason despite the applicant’s ability to meet regulatory requirements of the economic immigration program for which they have applied.

A temporary public policy will permit the exemption of candidates from application of section 11.2 of the IRPA only if the loss of eligibility or qualification has occurred due to aging of the applicant between the submission of an invitation by the federal government, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the receipt of the resulting application by CIC.

Accordingly, this exemption will apply to those individuals whose ranking may change due to age from the time an invitation to apply to Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) was sent and receipt of the APR application.

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OINP 要求信用卡账单信息在递交时需要隐去关键账号信息,复印后纸质递交。3月30号后不按要求处理的资料将会被退回。

February 29, 2016

The OINP collects credit card information to verify an applicant’s residency history and/or assess an applicant’s intention to settle in Ontario.

This update provides guidelines on the submission of credit card information to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

Please note that documents containing sensitive credit card information must be redacted to be accepted by the OINP. To sufficiently redact the sensitive information from your credit card statement, please do the following:

  • Using a black marker, block out the entire cardholder account number on all pages of your credit card statements or other documents containing this information, if applicable.
  • Photocopy the document(s) after you have blocked out all appearances of the cardholder account number and security code, if applicable.
  • Submit the photocopied document(s) only, not the originals.

Applicants should not submit credit card statements unless they are specified to do so in the application guide/form or are otherwise requested to do so by program staff to support an application.

Where the program requests supplemental financial information to support an application, applicants are asked to remove any credit card information prior to forwarding to OINP.

Please be advised that the OINP cannot accept redacted documents containing credit card information via email or fax. Redacted documents containing credit card information must be forwarded via mail/courier or dropped off in person at the OINP offices.

Effective March 30th, 2016, application submissions that contain documents with credit card information that lack sufficient redaction will be returned to applicants as incomplete submissions because these documents cannot be accepted by OINP

要求总在变化,要不断关注,发一个前一段资料要求的消息,OINP EE HCP 和 FSSW 要求 ECA 机构直接将报告寄给 OINP:

As of December 4, 2015, applicants to Ontario’s Express Entry streams – Human Capital Priorities and French-Speaking Skilled Worker - are required to have an original or official copy of their Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report sent directly from their ECA-issuing organization to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). Note that fax submissions from ECA organizations are not acceptable.

申请 OINP 时 remuneration by piece work, bonuses, commissions, vacation pay or non-financial compensation 不被认定为薪金。

Clarification: Wage Requirements

The OINP expects that the employee will receive pay for hours worked according to the information provided by the employer. The OINP requires that an employer’s wage offer to a prospective nominee be described on the basis of the individual’s hourly wage expressed as either a) hourly pay and hours per year, or b) weekly pay and weeks per year. This allows the program to verify that prospective nominees will be appropriately remunerated.

Please note: The program does not consider remuneration by piece work, bonuses, commissions, vacation pay or non-financial compensation as comprising part of a prospective nominee’s offered wage. An employer may offer a prospective nominee piece work, bonuses, commissions, vacation pay or non-financial compensation in addition to base pay.

However, these will not be considered part of the prospective nominee’s hourly or weekly base pay. Additionally, the hourly or weekly base pay offered to the prospective nominee must meet or exceed the prevailing wage (for the Foreign Worker Stream) or entry-level wage (for the International Student with a Job Offer Stream) established by occupation and region on the federal government’s Job Bank website.


OINP EE 这个月没发新邀请,没见更新。

安省移民提名计划(OINP) 已暂停,于2016年共5,500个名额(2,500个为公开申请;3,000个来自联邦快速通道),安省府收到超过 7,000份申请表计算,名额爆满。预计年底会再次开放,当然可能性最大的是 2017 年年初开放。

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