安省省提名EE法语类别申请条件及流程(Ontario Express Entry: FSSW - French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream)

FSSW 安省省提名EE法语类别 French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream - 飞出国

飞出国,从 安省省提名人力资源类别 oinp human capital 继续讨论:安省省提名EE法语类别申请条件及流程(Ontario Express Entry: French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream) 。

French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream项目介绍 - 飞出国

安省Ontario French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream 项目主要面向说法语且有很强的英语能力的技工。要求申请人首先要满足FSW或CEC的要求(FST暂时不适用),并且成功注册EE。在填写EE系统时意向居住省份要选安省或者所有省(All Provinces and Territories” ),法语达到CLB7,英语达到CLB6,且职业属于NOC 0、A、B类别。


打算申请此类别申请人必须: 已经注册EE;符合FSW或者CEC移民条件;EE注册时移民省份选的安省或者所有省。

安省省提名EE法语类别申请人要求 - 飞出国

A. 教育: 学士学位以上,需要提供加拿大ECA学历认证。

B. 语言: 法语CLB7,英语CLB6.(雅思G类, CELPIP G类或者 TEF.)语言成绩必须是2年之内的。

C. 安家资金: 所有家庭成员无论随行与否,都需要算在内。

D. 工作经验:

FSW类别: 近5年中至少有1年连续全职带薪工作经验,或者等同的兼职,工作是NOC 0.A.B的职业。工作经验必须是同一NOC代码。

CEC类别: 近3年中至少有1年累计全职带薪加拿大工作经验,或者等同的兼职,工作是NOC 0.A.B的职业(You must have gained your work experience with the proper authorization)。自雇或者学习期间的工作经验不能计算在内。

E. 定居意向: 打算定居安省以及与安省的联系Ties to Ontario。

安省省提名EE法语类别申请流程 - 飞出国

  • 申请人需要首先注册EE;
  • 如果已经提交EE的申请人符合提名条件,安省会通过MyCIC给申请人发一个 PT Notification of Interest,申请人凭此通知可以申请。
  • 申请人收到 PT Notification of Interest 后,有45天的时间向OOPNP递交申请。
  • 准备申请表格和需要的材料,递交申请。
  • 提名获批后,安省会通过申请人的MyCIC账号向其发一封提名信,申请人有30天的时间接受提名。

安省省提名EE法语类别申请费用: 1500加币/每个申请,费用支付给安省财政部。

安省省提名EE法语类别 : http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNP_EE_FRENCH.html#display


3 个赞

Working in a regulated occupation in Ontario

职业属于 ON 监管或注册的,需要有 certification or license 。

If you are currently working in an occupation that is regulated in Ontario which requires mandatory certification or licensing in Ontario, you must submit proof of your certification or license.

For more information on regulated professions in Ontario, visit: http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/working/OI_HOW_WORK_PROF_PROFS.html

如果已经在 ON 工作且工作职业属于 regulated skilled trade ,必须提交 a certificate of qualification issued by the Ontario College of Trades 。

If you are currently working in a regulated skilled trade in Ontario, you must submit a certificate of qualification issued by the Ontario College of Trades.

For more information on trades that require mandatory certification in Ontario, visit: http://www.collegeoftrades.ca/


OINP 法语类技术移民 Ontario French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream 官方要求的语言是与 CLB 有明确对应关系的,语言成绩有效期也是两年(24个月)。

这里的 TEF 指的是 TEF Canada 类别: http://www.francais.cci-paris-idf.fr/tef-canada/

B. Language

Demonstrate a French-language level of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 7 or above in all language competencies (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and an English-language level of CLB 6 in all competencies with a test result from a recognized assessment institution. Acceptable tests are: IELTS (General Training Test only), CELPIP (General Test only) or TEF.

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) recommends you take your language tests within the year prior to the application to ensure that your results remain valid after nomination and through application for permanent residency.
Note: the IELTS, CELPIP, or TEF tests need to be taken within 24 months of application submission to ensure the results are valid at the time of permanent residence processing.

OINP 官方指南的语言要求里可以更好的说明这一点,下面的关于 TEF 分数的说明与 TEF Canada 分数是一一对应的。

Intervalles des scores correspondant aux principaux Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) pour chaque épreuve du au Test d’évaluation de français pour le Canada (TEF Canada)

CLB 级别 -飞出国 Niveau NCLC 听 Compréhension orale 说 Expression orale 读 Compréhension écrite 写 Expression écrite TEF 级别 - 飞出国 Niveau TEF CANADA
11 à 12 317-360 416-450 278-300 416-450 C2
10 316-333 393-415 263-277 393-415 C1
9 298-315 371-392 248-262 371-392 C1
8 280-297 349-370 233-247 349-370 C1
7 249-279 310-348 207-232 310-348 B2
6 217-248 271-309 181-206 271-309 B2
5 181-216 226-270 151-180 226-270 B1
4 145-180 181-225 121-150 181-225 B1
0 à 3 0 - 144 0 - 180 0 - 120 0 - 180 <A1 à A2

NCLC: Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien
CLB: Canadian Language Benchmark


You must demonstrate official language proficiency equivalent to the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or above for each language competency (i.e., listening, reading, writing, and speaking) in French and CLB 6 in English.

Please provide copies of language test results from either IELTS (General Training Test only), CELPIP (General Test only), or TEF.

You will be required to have the following minimum scores in each of the language competencies:

  • Listening: IELTS 5.5 or CELPIP 6 AND TEF 249-279
  • Reading: IELTS 5.0 or CELPIP 6 AND TEF 207-232
  • Writing: IELTS 5.5 or CELPIP 6 AND TEF 310-348
  • Speaking: IELTS 5.5 or CELPIP 6 AND TEF 310-348

详见: Application Guide For Ontario French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream oinp_en_fssw-20160404-flyabroad.pdf (821.0 KB)。

为吸引法语申请人,OINP 为 French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream 引入了在线申请系统(online application process)来加快移民申请流程。OINP 已经在加拿大时间2017年1月23日更新指南。

RE: French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has launched a new online application process to make it easier to apply to the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream and to help improve processing times for applicants.

Our ministry is committed to improving its application and business systems with a focus on enhancing client service. Additional online application systems are being developed over the coming months.

Please refer to the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream Application Guide for further details on this stream

Please monitor the OINP updates webpage for news, announcements and new developments in the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program.

Ontario is dedicated to celebrating and furthering the 400 years of Francophone culture in our province, and we are working towards meeting the Ontario Immigration Strategy’s goal of five per cent Francophone immigration.

In November 2016, members of the Group of Experts on Francophone Immigration submitted a report to help guide our efforts and resources to increase Francophone immigration to Ontario.

We have already started to implement some of the recommendations, with an early focus on international promotion and attraction.

Note: If you received a Notification of Interest (NOI) from Ontario before January 23, 2017, you may submit a paper application to the OINP by mail. For instructions on how to submit a paper application and to access the application form and corresponding Application Guide, please click here . If you received a NOI after January 23, 2017, you must submit your application online.

Application Guide: Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

Effective: January 23, 2017 oinp_en_fssw-20170123-flyabroad.pdf (979.6 KB)。

OINP Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream 适合已经符合加拿大联邦 EE 申请条件(满足 FSWCEC)同时对语言学历和工作做了限制:

  • 语言:法语 CLB 7 同时英语 CLB 6
  • 学历:具有本科及以上学位
  • 工作:近5年内1年带薪,0,A,B类工作

OINP 会去 EE Pool 里挑选符合上述条件的申请人,给他们发邀请,然后通过 OINP 在线系统提交安省提名,安省提名通过后 EE 里加 600 分直接再下一捞里被邀请申请签证(ITA),随后就是EE下签证申请流程(半年左右完成)。

OINP searches the Express Entry pool on a regular basis and identifies potential candidates who meet the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream criteria.

  • Minimum of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 7 in French and CLB 6 in English;
  • Equivalent of a Canadian Bachelor’s degree or above;
  • Minimum level of work experience:
    • at least one year (1,560 hours total) of continuous full-time (30 hours/week for 12 months) or an equal amount in continuous part-time (15 hours/week for 24 months or 30 hours/week for 12 months in more than one job),
    • paid work (volunteer work, unpaid internships do not count),
    • at Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A or B of the National Occupation Classification (NOC),
    • in the same NOC occupation, and
    • within the last five years from the date of the Notification of Interest from Ontario.


法语类别要等邀请, 时间不确定。 名额不太紧张

谢谢解答 这个安省法语项目 第一步EE中注册后 获得安省的NOI (Notification of Interests) 要等多久呢 ? 我看没有时间说明,官网上倒是有资料齐全获得最后提名的时间期限90天出结果,但是没说明NOI等这个 邀请要多久。。谢谢啦



不需要。。 但是法语要到CLB7,不是B2就可以的,B2可能是CLB6,只要分数够了CLB7就能提名~~

多谢解答,再提个问题。联邦EE和安省法语优先省提名的要求里,都明确要求: You must plan to live outside the province of Quebec

那么 如果同时申请EE和魁北克,是否会使联邦移民局和魁省移民局怀疑居住意向而造成不利影响?


请问法语项目的综合评分也按照CRS吗?不知道是否也按照从高往低抽人,每次抽人大概是什么分数呢?我看这个项目每次抽签都不公布分数,只有Human Capital Priorities Stream会公布。

