本科学历,EE 400 分可申请安省省提名技术移民 Express Entry 下高分类别 - 人力资源技能类别 OINP Human Capital Priorities。
安省省提名EE技能优先类别项目简介 - 飞出国
安省省提名EE技能优先类别项目(Human Capital Priorities Stream),要求申请人首先要满足FSW或CEC的要求(FST暂时不适用),并且成功注册EE,并且是在2015年6月1日以后进入池子。
如果申请人在EE中的分数达到400分,语言CLB7以上,且职业属于NOC 0、A、B类别,意向居住省份选的安省或者所有省(All Provinces and Territories” )。 则安省移民局将会在EE中向申请人发出邀请。申请人在接到邀请后有45天时间准备申请材料。安省移民局收到材料并审批后将在EE系统发出省提名给该申请人,申请人确认后便可获得600分加分。申请人有30天的时间接受提名。
安省省提名EE技能优先类别申请条件 - 飞出国
A. 教育: 学士学位以上,需要提供加拿大ECA学历认证。 B. 语言: 英语或法语达到CLB7,语言成绩必须是2年之内的。 C. 安家资金: 配偶及子女无论随行与否,都需要算在内,同加拿大联邦EE资金要求。
OOPNP 对工作经验的要求比CIC更严格,是以 PT notification of interest 为参考的。
境外的,5年有1年工作经验,并且在一个noc代码上的职业最少有一年: in the past five years from the date of the PT Notification of Interest from Ontario.
If you choose to be assessed against the FSWP criteria, OOPNP requires that you have a minimum of one year of continuous and full-time employment (1,560 hours or more) or an equal amount in continuous part-time paid work experience in a National Occupation Classification (NOC) level 0, A, or B occupation in the past five years from the date of the PT Notification of Interest from Ontario. The one year minimum of continuous and full-time (or equivalent continuous part-time) employment must have been completed in one specific NOC occupation.
境内的,3年内必须有1年加拿大合法工作经验: in Canada in the past three years from the date of the PT notification of interest from OOPNP.
If you choose to be assessed against the CEC criteria, OOPNP requires that you have a minimum of one year of cumulative and full-time employment (1,560 hours or more) or an equal amount in part-time paid work experience in a NOC 0, A, or B occupation in Canada in the past three years from the date of the PT notification of interest from OOPNP.
Each year the federal government determines the number of nominations Ontario can issue. In 2015, that number is 5200. Of these, 2700 must be used under Express Entry.
At this time Ontario can only search the Express Entry Pool for candidates who meet Ontario’s Human Capital Priorities stream criteria and who have submitted an Express Entry profile on or after June 1st 2015.
Accordingly, for the Human Capital Priorities stream, Ontario will only send notifications of interest to candidates who submitted an Express Entry profile on June 1st or after.