安省省提名人力资源类别分为以下几类 - 飞出国
- 硕士留学生类别 Masters Graduates
- 博士留学生类别 PhD Graduates
- Express Entry 类别
2015 年 OINP 配额是 5200,2016 年配额大概在 5500,人力资本类(Human Capital)里的 Express Entry 类别是2015年后新引入的,包括EE里 400 分以上的申请人(当前已暂停)及法语B2(CLB 7)的申请人。
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program: Human Capital
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program helps employers meet their human resource needs for workers, by enabling them to recruit foreign workers and international students. Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program has a target of 5,200 nominations in 2015, this includes nominations for both the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) and the Ontario Express Entry.
Find out if you are eligible and how to apply to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) as:
Application Guide for Ontario Human Capital Priorities Stream: oinp_en_hcps-20160404-flyabroad.pdf (750.4 KB).
OINP 安省省提名下周重开此前被关闭的3个热门项目,同时启用在线申请方式。
这三个项目都是不需要雇主offer的,两个面向安省硕、博留学毕业生,一个针对境外 EE 达到 400 分以上的申请人, Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream,对申请人是绝对的好消息。
February 16, 2017
Re: International Masters and PhD Graduate Streams and Human Capital Priorities Stream to reopen next week with online application systems
Next week, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) will be reopening and launching online applications for the:
For the international student streams, eligible applicants must have graduated from a publicly funded Ontario university.
For more efficient processing of applications, the International PhD Graduate, International Masters Graduate, and Human Capital Priorities streams will pause and reopen periodically.
New for International Masters Graduate Stream
When this stream reopens, eligible applicants will now be able to apply if they are residing outside Ontario. Applicants will also now have the option of using an alternate service provider to obtain their language test.
Ontario’s Express Entry - Human Capital Priorities Stream
When this stream reopens, the OINP will begin searching the federal government’s Express Entry pool for qualified applicants and issue Notifications of Interest.
2017年2月21日安省重开了2016年关闭的无雇主offer类别里的硕士,博士和400分类别都已经重开并实施 OINP e-Filing Portal 在线申请流程。另外硕士类别不需要必须当前在安省才能申请了。安省 2016 年配额 5500 ,2017 年配额大概在 6000 左右。
Ontario is allowed to select 5,500 through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) in 2016.
OINP 人力资源类别(无需雇主offer) HUMAN CAPITAL - 飞出国
Re: International Masters and PhD Graduate Streams and Human Capital Priorities Stream now open
The OINP is now accepting 2017 applications for the International Masters Graduate Stream and International PhD Graduate Stream.
The OINP is also reopening the Ontario Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream. The OINP is now identifying qualified applicants from the federal government’s Express Entry pool and will issue Notifications of Interest to applicants that meet the criteria.
The OINP has also launched online application systems for these streams to improve customer service, help improve processing times and make it easier to apply
To ensure processing efficiency and quality customer service, the OINP will be monitoring the volume of applications to each of these streams. These streams will be paused and reopened periodically throughout the year until the province’s 2017 federal allocation is fulfilled.
OINP 启用在线系统,申请资料都改为电子版扫描,申请费在线信用卡支付,照片电子版上传,尺寸是3.5×4.5cm的加拿大移民照片,近期的,白底(照片头像下巴到头顶的尺寸是31mm到36mm之间,300dpi或413像素×531像素或更大)。具体资料要求同以前一样。
ONP 在线系统 OINP e-Filing Portal 提交期限宽限到14天,原先 7 天。安省硕士,安省博士和安省 400 分都适用。
Notice: Deadline for Submitting Online Applications through the OINP e-Filing Portal
In order to be responsive to unprecedented application-volume demand on the system, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has revised the deadline from seven to 14 calendar days to submit applications through the e-Filing Portal for the following streams:
- International Masters Graduate Stream
- International PhD Graduate Stream
- Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream
Once you successfully register a profile under any of the above streams through the OINP e Filing Portal, you now have 14 calendar days to complete your application. We are making every effort to ensure we have the technical capacity to meet volume demands and we will continue to monitor the system 24 hours a day, to address any issues.
你好,想问一下怎么确认已经成功register profile了呢?收到了帐号确认邮件,但出现了需要输入entroll number这个错误,应该算没有注册成功吧……?
再有就是,如果超过14天没有填完e-Filling Portal的材料,会产生什么问题么?谢谢~
请问大家,在哪里可以看到是否有收到notification of interest?
我是EE candidate file里收到new message,打开显示内容就是NOI
是不是点开view application and message那里呀~我收到一个邮件提醒说application有updates, 但是登陆EE进去发现并没看到什么…
2017年,安省新增了技工类EE类别,且三类EE类别都有较多邀请。对 HCP 类别来说,351 分以上,有法语 CLB 7 成绩或有当地雇主offer 的都会优先收到邀请。同时安省也有专门的法语类别: OINP FSSW。
OINP 类别 - 飞出国 | 邀请人数 |
Human Capital Priorities Stream (HCP) | 3719 |
French Speaking Skilled Worker Stream (FSSW) | 1596 |
Skilled Trades Stream (ST) | 1626 |
安省NOI总计-飞出国 | 6941 |
HCP 邀请分数也已经限定为不需要 400 分以上,2018年3月26日起,安省 HCP 类别要求分数范围是 351 到 446 分。
Please be advised that the program issued Notifications of Interest through a targeted pilot draw under Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities (HCP) stream on March 26th, 2018.
Notifications of Interest (NOI) were issued under the HCP stream to targeted candidates in the Express Entry pool who met HCP stream criteria and have:
- a job offer in Ontario; or
- French language skills at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or above in all language abilities.
Notifications of interest were issued to individuals with a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score range of 351 to 446. For this targeted draw only, the OINP lowered the required minimum CRS score for the HCP stream to below 400. Candidates still need to meet all other HCP stream eligibility. If you were issued a Notification of Interest on March 26th, please review our HCP criteria to consider applying to this stream.