安省省提名计划综述(OINP Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program)

OINP Entrepreneur Stream 类别启用新 EOI 系统。

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has launched an online application process to make it easier to register an Expression of Interest (EOI), make it easier to apply to the Entrepreneur Stream if invited, and improve processing times for applicants. Additional online application systems are being developed over the coming months.

飞出国:2014 年定居安省的移民是 95793 人,占加拿大新移民的 36.8%,与 2001 年 59.3% 新移民定居安省比起来减少明显,2015 年起安省加强了吸引移民的政策,包括增加OINP省提名配额,接收难民,对新移民提供更多帮助以吸引通过 EE 或其他途径移民加拿大的人定居安大略。

In 2014, Ontario received 95,793 permanent resident landings, accounting for 36.8 percent of the total admissions to Canada. This is compared to 148,639 (59.3 per cent of total landings to Canada) in 2001.

Ontario’s provincial nominee allocation was increased to 5,200 from 2,500 in 2015. This surpasses the objective of 5,000 set out in the Immigration Strategy.

In response to the refugee crisis unfolding in the Middle East, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced a plan on September 12, 2015 to help resettle up to 10,000 refugees in Ontario by the end of 2016.

飞出国:2016年10月20日安省发布消息,为了吸引新移民并帮助新移民成功定居,安省将投资6000万加币在325处教育培训及沟通提供4000个 ESL/FSL 课程,每年为7万新移民提供免费英语或法语培训。

Province Providing Free Language Training for Ontario Immigrants

Equipping Newcomers, Refugees and Immigrants with Skills to Succeed

October 20, 2016 9:00 A.M. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

Ontario is funding free language training for all newcomers and immigrants in the province to help people get jobs, pursue an education and adjust to life in Ontario.

Laura Albanese, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, was joined by Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn at the Mimico Adult Centre in Etobicoke today to make the announcement.

This investment will deliver free language assessment and training courses that help newcomers, refugees and immigrants settle in Ontario, regardless of how long they’ve been in the province.

Ontario’s language training program for immigrants is the largest in Canada. Language assessment and classes are provided through both the public and Catholic school boards to about 70,000 immigrants every year.

Investing in language training is part of the government’s economic plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick Facts

  • The province is investing up to $60 million this year in Ontario’s Adult Non-Credit Language Training Program.
  • Immigrants access language courses through their local CLARS (Co-ordinated Language Assessment and Referral System) Centre. Their language skills are assessed and they are referred to the most suitable and closest training location available to them.
  • Over 4,000 English as a second language and French as a second language (ESL/FSL) courses are delivered across Ontario in more than 325 locations.
  • English and French as a second language courses are offered tuition-free. Some courses may include minimal fees for books and other course materials.
  • As of the end of August, 2016, there have been about 2,040 refugees from the Syrian conflict who have been enrolled in Ontario’s Language Training Programs.

OINP 2016 年配额是 5,500 ,比 2015 年有所增加。

In 2015, that number is 5,200. Of these, 2,700 nominations must be used under Ontario Express Entry.

因为申请安省省提名的人数多,当前安省大量项目已经暂停,2017 年马上到了,2017 年安省还会继续吸收大量新移民,飞出国提醒自身条件好的申请人可以关注 OINP 项目。

OINP 2016年2月16日起暂停发放 Human Capital Priorities (Express Entry) 邀请(按照申请要求申请人EE分数达到 400 分的就可以申请)。5月9日起暂停 Employer Pre-screen,International Student – Masters Graduate stream,International Student – PhD Graduate stream 三类。有安省雇主 offer 的申请将继续处理。

Ontario has made the responsible decision to place a temporary pause on the intake of applications for select, high-volume OINP streams. Other provinces have also done this in the past after fully maximizing their allotments. It’s important to note that lower-volume streams of the OINP and other options continue to be available.

  • Ontario stopped sending Notifications of Interest (NOIs) for the OINP Human Capital Priorities (Express Entry) stream effective February 16, 2016.
  • Ontario temporarily paused the intake of new applications for the following select, high-volume OINP streams effective 5 p.m. EDT on May 9, 2016:
    • Employer Pre-screen
    • International Student – Masters Graduate stream
    • International Student – PhD Graduate stream
  • All applications for the Employer Pre-screen and International Students (Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate) streams sent after 5 p.m. EDT on May 9, 2016 will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant along with the unprocessed payment.
  • The OINP will continue to accept applications from Foreign Worker and International Student with a Job Offer applicants as Employer Pre-screen applications are assessed. Only those Foreign Worker and International Student with a Job Offer applicants whose job offer has been approved through the Employer Pre-screen application process may apply to the OINP**. ** These applicants will have 60 days from the date of the Employer Pre-screen approval letter to apply to either of these streams.
  • The OINP continues to accept and process applications for the French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream and the Corporate stream. The OINP also continues to accept Expressions of Interest for the Entrepreneur stream.
  • Ontario remains a top destination for workers and their families from all over the world.
  • Ontario anticipates that it will receive its 2017 nomination allocation from the federal government before the end of November 2016, and the province expects to be in a position to accept applications for some streams in six months.
  • Given the positive effect of the program on Ontario’s economy, the province continues to engage the federal government on nominee numbers.

安省 2017 年将继续接收叙利亚难民。

Ontario Continuing to Welcome and Support Syrian Refugees

December 6, 2016 9:30 A.M.

Ontario is continuing to welcome and support Syrian refugees as they settle and build new lives in the province.




OINP 申请费还是比较贵的,除了几项免费外,其他大部分都是 1500 加币,大多伦多地区外国工人类别申请费 2000 加币,商业移民雇员类别 3500 加币。这些是省提名申请费,联邦阶段还有申请费,登陆费等费用。

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) will charge a non-refundable processing fee, payable with each nominee application.

Employer/Job Offer Category:

  • Employer Pre-Screen application: Free
  • Foreign Worker: $2000 (inside GTA), $1500 (outside GTA)
  • International Students with a Job Offer: $1500

Human Capital Category:

  • Masters Graduates: $1500
  • PhD Graduates: $1500
  • Human Capital Priorities: $1500
  • French-Speaking Skilled Workers: $1500


  • Investor application: Free
  • Foreign Worker with a job offer from an approved investor (must apply under Foreign Worker Stream): $3500

已经注册CIC的Express Entry和Job Bank,目前420分,我是不是只能等安省重开之后他们去池子里筛选?自己什么也做不了吧?什么时候会再开啊……

2016 年配额已满,只能先等 2017 年政策。2017 年安省会加强在线系统提高处理效率。

January 12, 2017


The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has fulfilled its 2016 federal nomination allocation.

The OINP will continue to process applications. Any additional nominations will go towards Ontario’s 2017 allocation.

The OINP will continue to introduce online application systems in 2017 to make it easier for clients to apply and improve processing times.

Ontario is allowed to select 5,500 through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) in 2016.

飞出国: OINP 安省省提名技术移民 2016 年资金要求,2017 年 LICP(Low income cut-offs) 还未发布(预计5月份后发布)。

2016 LICO Requirements - flyabroad - OINP:

# of Family Members* Funds Required (minimum)
1 $12,164
2 $15,143
3 $18,617
4 $22,603
5 $25,636
6 $28,913
7 or more $32,191

OINP 重申 2016 年暂停的项目当前还处于暂停状态。

Please note that the temporary pause on the intake of applications for the following streams is still in effect: Human Capital Priorities (Express Entry), Employer Pre-screen, International Student (Masters Graduate) and International Student (PhD Graduate).

2017年 OINP 省提名移民配额从 2015年 5200,及2016年的 5500 增加到 6000,同时2017年2月20日后重新开放安省博士留学生, 安省博士留学生,和安省EE HCP(人力资源优先类别)。其中 HCP 400分类别是 2016年2月16日关闭的,硕博类别是2016年5月9日关闭的。2017年2月终于重开,EE 400 分以上申请人有福了。

Ontario Continuing to Welcome Newcomers with Expanded and Modernized Immigration Program

Province Attracting Global Talent, Helping Businesses Find Skilled Workers

February 16, 2017 12:15 P.M.

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

Ontario is continuing to help businesses attract the talented people they need to compete globally by accepting more skilled newcomers than ever before through its successful Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

Laura Albanese, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and Deb Matthews, Deputy Premier and Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development, were at the University of Toronto’s Centre for International Experience today to make the announcement.

Recognizing the success of the OINP and its importance to Ontario’s economy, the federal government has increased the province’s 2017 allocation by 500 nominees to a total of 6,000. Through the OINP, Ontario is able to nominate people for permanent resident status. Nominees include skilled workers, international students, experienced entrepreneurs, and key staff of established foreign corporations seeking to expand into Ontario.

Next week, the OINP will open applications for its three highest-volume streams

  1. International PhD Graduate Stream
  2. International Masters Graduate Stream, and
  3. Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream

With their advanced language skills and global connections, international students are important to the success of Ontario’s economy.

The OINP is also modernizing its application process this year with a new, paperless online system, which will speed up the application process, improve customer service, and help employers find the skilled workers they need sooner.

Attracting and retaining skilled newcomers is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick Facts

  • Ontario’s federal nomination allocation has increased from 2,500 in 2014 to 6,000 in 2017.
  • About 25 per cent of Ontario’s 2016 nominees work in the thriving ICT sector. This is more than double the amount suggested by Ontario business leaders and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (10 per cent)‎.
  • In 2015, the Premier convened an Expert Panel on a Highly Skilled Workforce to provide advice on how Ontario’s workforce can prepare for a more technology- and knowledge-based economy.

OINP 2017 年申请费 - 飞出国

  • 安省技术移民申请费 1500 加币(GTA 地区外国工人雇主 offer 类别申请费 2000 加币)
  • 安省商业移民 job offer 申请费 3500 加币

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) will charge a non-refundable processing fee, payable with each nominee application.

Employer/Job Offer Category:

Human Capital Category:


  • Investors application: Free
  • Foreign Worker with a job offer from an approved investor (must apply under Foreign Worker Stream): $3500


3月10日后 OINP 将只接受 email 的 Reconsideration 申请,申请人需要在拒签30天内提出 Reconsideration 申请。

Update to the Reconsideration Process - OINP - flyabroad

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) gives applicants an opportunity to seek a review or reconsideration of the refusal decision of their application. The reconsideration process is in place to provide applicants recourse to the refusal of their application should they feel an error was made by the program in its assessment.

Effective March 10, 2017, the OINP will no longer accept written requests for reconsideration submitted by mail. Applicants will be required to send all requests for reconsideration by email to [email protected] within 30 calendar days of the date on their refusal letter. In the email, applicants must clearly identify what error(s) they believe was/were made in the assessment of their application. The error(s) identified must be related to the stated reason(s) for the refusal of their application.

Please note that a reconsideration request will consider eligibility at the time of the original application. A decision will not be reconsidered on the basis of a change in circumstances after the application was submitted and will not take into consideration new information or documentation that was not submitted to the program during the initial application assessment. In these instances, applicants should submit a new application to the program. Applicants submitting a new application are required to pay the application fee for the new application.

Note: Please be advised that the OINP will continue to accept and assess any requests for reconsideration received by March 10, 2017. Any requests received by mail after March 10, 2017 will be returned.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact


Ontario EE Human Capital Priorities Stream现在是个什么状况呀?还在继续发邀请么?除了分数还有什么筛选条件呀?400分以上联邦分数线以下的有不少人都没收到邀请吧。。。

OINP HCP 2周发一次邀请。

5.31 OINP 增加了技工类EE类别,主要面向建筑和农业方面的技术工。

The new Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream is targeted at attracting skilled trades workers to meet labour market needs in the construction and agricultural sectors, but could be expanded to other sectors in the future.

OINP 雇主offer项目 6.10 满额,暂不接受新注册。

June 10, 2017

Please note that the Employer Job Offer Stream has reached its registration intake limit. No additional registrations for this stream can be accepted.

The OINP is monitoring the intake of applications with respect to the limits of Ontario’s federal nomination allocation, and will determine if any more applications can be accepted for this stream in the months ahead.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


加拿大时间8月16日起,安省开放针对农业和建筑行业紧缺技能类别(In-Demand Skills Stream),需要有雇主offer才能申请。

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) offers an opportunity for in-demand foreign workers with a job in specific occupations in the agricultural and construction sectors offer to permanently live and work in Ontario.

August 16, 2017


RE: Launch of new Employer Job Offer In-Demand Skills Stream

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has launched a new pilot for workers in high demand occupations with a job offer in Ontario.

Applications for the Employer Job Offer In-Demand Skills Stream are now being accepted.

飞出国:OINP 安省省提名2017年总配额6000,截止到8月8日,共发出4006份提名,2017年剩余配额还有 1994 份。

Total Number of Nominations as of (Date): Number of Nominations Issued Number of Nominations Remaining (out of 6,000)
August 8, 2017 4,006 1,994

飞出国:OINP 处理周期还是很快的,大部分项目1-2个月完成,少数项目会拖到3个月。下面是 8.8 数据。

OINP Processing Times By Stream (Data as of August 8, 2017)

OINP Stream OINP is processing applications submitted and paid for between the following dates: Estimated processing time
Express Entry – French Speaking Skilled Worker February 6, 2017 and August 8, 2017 inclusive 60 to 90 days*
Express Entry – Human Capital Priorities March 8, 2017 and August 7, 2017 inclusive 30 to 60 days*
Express Entry – Skilled Trades June 19, 2017 and August 7, 2017 inclusive Less than 30 days*
International Masters Graduate May 7, 2017 and July 19, 2017 inclusive 30 to 60 days*
International PhD Graduate All applications received to date have been processed N.A.
Employer Job Offer – Foreign Worker and International Student March 13, 2017 and August 8, 2017 inclusive 30 to 60 days*
Entrepreneur Applications are assessed on a case by case basis Dependent upon the complexity of the application
Corporate Applications are assessed on a case by case basis Dependent upon the complexity of the application

OINP 2017年全年年度配额已满,2018年1月将发布新政策。

November 22, 2017


The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has met its 2017 nomination allocation for all streams. If you have submitted a paid application to the OINP, your application will be processed. If your application is approved, the program will nominate you in 2018 and you will be notified at that time.

December 1, 2017

Re: Proclamation of the Ontario Immigration Act

The Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration is pleased to inform you that the Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 and its regulations will be coming into force on January 1, 2018. After seeking input from stakeholders through a series of public consultations held earlier this year, we have formed an Act that supports Ontario’s commitment to creating a fair and diverse society which benefits people across the province.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me



Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Updates

March 22, 2018

Accepting Applications to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program – Completeness Check

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has introduced changes to the processing of applications at intake.

The OINP is administered in accordance with the Ontario Immigration Act , 2015 (Act) and its regulations. Please note that section 5 of Ontario Regulation 421/17 (Approvals under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program and Other Matters) made under the Act requires that all applications be reviewed for completeness.

You must submit a complete application that complies with program criteria at the time you submit a paid application.

A completeness check is then undertaken to ensure that you have submitted all required documentation and information in order to demonstrate that you can meet OINP eligibility requirements.

If your application is complete, the program will issue a letter acknowledging its completeness and indicating that it has been forwarded for formal assessment in order to confirm that you meet all OINP eligibility requirements.

If your application is incomplete, the program will issue a letter providing 14 calendar days to submit documentation or provide information that may have been overlooked or forgotten at the time of application submission.

The provision of additional time cannot be used to satisfy a requirement that should have been met before you applied. Example 1: You cannot use the additional time to take a language test. Example 2: You can use the additional time to submit a language test that was valid at the date of your application submission .

If you do not provide all of the requested information or documentation within 14 calendar days, the program will notify you that your application is incomplete and explain why. Your application fee will also be refunded.

The program will not grant extensions beyond the 14 days.

Please be advised that once your application has been accepted as complete, the program may still contact you should we require additional information to support the formal assessment of your application.