飞出国:2014 年定居安省的移民是 95793 人,占加拿大新移民的 36.8%,与 2001 年 59.3% 新移民定居安省比起来减少明显,2015 年起安省加强了吸引移民的政策,包括增加OINP省提名配额,接收难民,对新移民提供更多帮助以吸引通过 EE 或其他途径移民加拿大的人定居安大略。
In 2014, Ontario received 95,793 permanent resident landings, accounting for 36.8 percent of the total admissions to Canada. This is compared to 148,639 (59.3 per cent of total landings to Canada) in 2001.
Ontario’s provincial nominee allocation was increased to 5,200 from 2,500 in 2015. This surpasses the objective of 5,000 set out in the Immigration Strategy.
In response to the refugee crisis unfolding in the Middle East, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced a plan on September 12, 2015 to help resettle up to 10,000 refugees in Ontario by the end of 2016.
飞出国:2016年10月20日安省发布消息,为了吸引新移民并帮助新移民成功定居,安省将投资6000万加币在325处教育培训及沟通提供4000个 ESL/FSL 课程,每年为7万新移民提供免费英语或法语培训。
Province Providing Free Language Training for Ontario Immigrants
Equipping Newcomers, Refugees and Immigrants with Skills to Succeed
October 20, 2016 9:00 A.M. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
Ontario is funding free language training for all newcomers and immigrants in the province to help people get jobs, pursue an education and adjust to life in Ontario.
Laura Albanese, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, was joined by Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn at the Mimico Adult Centre in Etobicoke today to make the announcement.
This investment will deliver free language assessment and training courses that help newcomers, refugees and immigrants settle in Ontario, regardless of how long they’ve been in the province.
Ontario’s language training program for immigrants is the largest in Canada. Language assessment and classes are provided through both the public and Catholic school boards to about 70,000 immigrants every year.
Investing in language training is part of the government’s economic plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.
Quick Facts
- The province is investing up to $60 million this year in Ontario’s Adult Non-Credit Language Training Program.
- Immigrants access language courses through their local CLARS (Co-ordinated Language Assessment and Referral System) Centre. Their language skills are assessed and they are referred to the most suitable and closest training location available to them.
- Over 4,000 English as a second language and French as a second language (ESL/FSL) courses are delivered across Ontario in more than 325 locations.
- English and French as a second language courses are offered tuition-free. Some courses may include minimal fees for books and other course materials.
- As of the end of August, 2016, there have been about 2,040 refugees from the Syrian conflict who have been enrolled in Ontario’s Language Training Programs.