从 安省省提名人力资源类别 oinp human capital 继续讨论:
安省省提名EE类别文件翻译要求(Ontario Express Entry:DOCUMENT TRANSLATION)- 飞出国
- 如果提交的文件不是英文或法文,你必须提供该文件的复印件,以及完整的认证翻译件。
- 如果从安省境内申请,翻译必须由经过安省翻译协会(Association of Translators and Interpreters
of Ontario (ATIO))认可的译员来翻译。加拿大认证的翻译人员相关的信息可以访问: http://www.atio.on.ca/ - 如果你是从安省境外申请,翻译就可以由任何一个译员来完成。但是翻译件必须要做公证。如果材料审核官员认为你提供的翻译公证件不合格, OOPNP可能有要求你提交由ATIO认证的译员翻译的文件。
- 如果申请中有翻译件不完整,未认证或者公证,都被视为不完整申请,不会被处理。
- 由申请人、申请代理或者其他与申请人有联系的人完成的翻译,即使这些人员是认证的译员,他们的翻译也不被接受。
- If a supporting document is not in English or French, you must provide a copy of the document and a complete, certified translation of the document.
- If you are applying from within Ontario, the translations must be completed by a certified translator accredited by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO). For more information on certified translators in Ontario, visit http://www.atio.on.ca/
- If you are applying from outside Ontario, the translation can be completed by any translator. However, the translation must be notarized. OOPNP reserves the right to require you to submit translations completed by a certified translator accredited by ATIO if the notarized translation is deemed insufficient by officers assessing the application.
- Applications with translations that are not complete, certified or notarized are considered incomplete and will not be processed.
- Translations that are completed by the applicant, the applicant’s representative, or other individuals with personal ties to the applicant are not acceptable in any case even if these individuals are certified translators.
安省省提名EE类别文件翻译要求 : http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/prodconsum/groups/csc/@oipp/documents/document/oi_en_hcps.pdf