OINP 官方说:安省硕士 20170221 开放不到2天就因申请人多暂停,当然接下来3个月里还会重开,申请人还要密切关注,并且 OINP 其他暂停的项目也会在未来几个月里重开。
OINP 会控制 International Masters Graduate, International PhD Graduate, and Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities streams 三大类别申请人数,首先保证不超过联邦分配给安省的 6000 总配额,同时保证处理速度。
OINP 硕士类别申请人已经注册并收到 OINP e-Filing System 确认邮件的就算占上配额,可以继续完善申请。没有注册成功的需要等下一次开放,也就是这批注册的肯定有无效申请,OINP 初步审核后再确定下次开放多少。
February 23, 2017- FCGvisa
Please note that the International Masters Graduate Stream has reached its registration intake limit at this time. No registrations can be accepted through this stream at this time.
The OINP will resume accepting applications for this stream within the next three months. Please check the OINP Updates webpage on May 1, 2017 for an update on when this stream will likely reopen.
To ensure processing efficiency and quality customer service, the OINP is monitoring the volume of applications to the International Masters Graduate, International PhD Graduate, and Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities streams throughout the year. These streams will be paused and reopened periodically until the province’s 2017 federal allocation is fulfilled. Stakeholders will be informed when streams are temporarily paused and reopened via the OINP Updates page.
If you have successfully created a registration for the International Masters Graduate Stream and received a confirmation number from the OINP e-Filing System, you may continue with your application. You have seven calendar days to complete your application after registering.
Flyabroad: Other temporarily paused streams will reopen in the coming months.
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me。
( flyabroad.kh)独家整理完成,转载请保留并注明出处。