加拿大认证翻译 Canada Certified Translation

加拿大认证翻译介绍 Canada Certified Translation - 飞出国

在加拿大,拟作正式用途的重要文件,如果原文不是英/法文,接受单位大都要求认证翻译(Certified Translation)。例如,翻译驾照,交管部门证明;入籍或枫叶卡更新的护照出入境印章/记录;毕业证,学位证,成绩单;结婚证,离婚证,出生证,死亡证明;户口簿,身份证;无犯罪公证,警方证明,法庭传票;合同协议,资产证明,各类法律文书;病例,医药费证明;儿童疫苗证;录音、录像证词等都可能要求是认证的翻译才认可。

IRCC(原 CIC) 规定,加拿大永久居民申请枫叶卡延期或入籍时,护照上的外国(包括中国)出入境章,如没有英、法文的,都需要按要求进行认证翻译。其他类资料如果不是翻译协会会员翻译的需要宣誓,找认证翻译会更简便一些。

Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.

加拿大护照局(Passport Canada)要求所有用于护照/旅行证件申请中需要翻译的文件需要由认证翻译师(Certified Translator)翻译。

All documents submitted as part of a passport application need to be submitted in either French or English.

If the document is not in French or English, it needs to be translated by a certified translator.

“认证翻译”(Certified Translation)是由“认证翻译师”(Certified Translator)翻译并签字的。

Certified translator

A member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada.

“Certified Copy” 指的是经政府委任的监誓官(Commissioner of Oaths/Affidavits)、公证员以及由特别指定专业人员认证为与原件相符的复印件。

在移民申请过程中,如果在加拿大境内,移民局也会要求申请人的翻译是认证的翻译。例如,安省省提名明确要求安省境内申请人的翻译必须是由 ATIO 的认证翻译师翻译的才认可。

魁北克移民里对当前在魁北克或加拿大的,除了认可签发原件的国家大使馆或领事馆的翻译部门的译员,同时还认可加拿大魁省 OTTIAQ,安省 ATIO,BC省 STIBC 和NB省 CTINB 四个翻译协会的会员。

In Québec and Canada

In order for translations to be recognized, they must be done by:

  • a translator who is a member of the translation department of the embassy or consulate of the country or territory that issued the original document (if applicable);

or a translator who is a member of:

  • the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ);
  • the Association of Translators andInterpreters of Ontario (ATIO);
  • the Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC);
  • the Corporation of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters of New Brunswick (CTINB).

Translations done by a non-recognized person will be rejected.



Certified Translation of Documents: When documents are not in English or in French, the principal applicant must submit a copy of the original document and a copy of the certified translation. The Office of Immigration will only accept translations prepared by certified translators.

Translators must be certified by a regulatory body and cannot be a family member of the applicant or spouse, or common-law partner, or work for a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply proof from the translator describing their translation ability or certification.

SINP 省提名移民项目对认证翻译的要求。

About Translators

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) requires that translators are certified by a regulatory body. Make sure translations meet all federal requirements when you’re applying for permanent residency.

Translators can be any one, apart from your family member or spouse. They must not work for or be a paid consultant or representative preparing your application.

If your documents are unclear, missing, or not translated into English or French, your application will be rejected and the SINP will send you instructions on what is missing and how to apply again.
