澳大利亚永久居民权利Permanent resident entitlements以及如何获得新西兰身份New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa

飞出国:从 简说澳洲永居身份与公民身份的区别Australian permanent residency and citizenship 继续说,澳大利亚永居身份有哪些权利呢?

澳大利亚永久居民权利Permanent resident entitlements


As a permanent resident of Australia, you generally can:

  • remain in Australia indefinitely

  • work and study in Australia

  • enrol in Australia’s national health scheme, Medicare

  • apply for bank loans to buy property

  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence

  • apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

  • travel to and from Australia for as long as your travel facility permits. Please see Overseas travel as a permanent resident.

  • attend free English language classes provided by the Adult Migrant English Program


You may also qualify for other government benefits and services. If you hold a permanent visa, but you are not residing in Australia, your eligibility for the above may be impacted. Contact the relevant government departments or authorities to confirm your rights and obligations.

如何获得新西兰身份New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa


Australian citizens and permanent residents can visit, work and live in New Zealand. You do not need a visa before you travel to New Zealand.


If you are a permanent resident of Australia you must hold an NZeTA before you travel, but you do not need to pay the International Visitor Levy (IVL). Australian citizens do not need to hold an NZeTA or pay the IVL.


On your way to New Zealand, you will be given an arrival card to complete. It includes questions about your character and intentions.

When you arrive, we check your arrival card. If we can confirm you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and meet our requirements for good character, we grant you a New Zealand resident visa.


If your Australian Permanent Resident or Resident Return Visa has been issued electronically, it’s a good idea to check your visa is linked to the passport you’ll be travelling on. You can do this by contacting the Australian immigration authorities.

当澳洲公民或者永久居民持有新西兰居民签证后,最直接的可以是一次性在新西兰住满两年,即可获得新西兰永久回头签Permanent Resident Visa 。

Australian citizens and permanent residents may qualify for a permanent resident visa (PRV) once they have held a New Zealand resident visa continuously for more than 24 months. They will also need to meet the permanent resident visa criteria.

如果持有的还是新西兰居民签证Resident Visa,可以多次出入新西兰,但是每次离境新西兰后居民签证都会过期需要重新申请,澳洲公民或者永久居民可以选择每次入境新西兰都申请居民签证,但是断断续续的居住不会累计计算。如果想将这些断断续续的居住用于累计计算居住年限,可以提出对应的申请。那么这样的居住也可以用于以后申请永久回头签的累计居住了。

You can travel to and from New Zealand as often as you wish, but each time you leave New Zealand your Resident Visa will expire.

You can apply for a resident visa each time you arrive in New Zealand, but your New Zealand residence won’t be considered continuous.

This can be important if you later want to:

  • apply for a Permanent Resident Visa
  • apply for New Zealand Citizenship
  • sponsor a resident visa application for a parent who is not an Australian permanent resident or citizen.

If an Australian citizen or permanent resident is in New Zealand holding a resident visa, they can consider making an application for a variation of travel conditions (VOTC). The travel conditions may be granted for 24 months from their last date of arrival into New Zealand as a resident. This allows them to travel in and out of New Zealand without the New Zealand resident visa expiring.

另外,持有新西兰居民签证Resident Visa还可以在新西兰工作和学习。

You can work in any occupation for any employer in New Zealand. You can study in New Zealand.

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