简说澳洲永居身份与公民身份的区别Australian permanent residency and citizenship


An Australian permanent resident is someone who holds a permanent visa but is not a citizen. A permanent resident can live, work and study without restriction in Australia.


权利 澳洲公民身份 澳洲永久居民身份
出入境澳洲 澳洲公民自动享有入境澳洲的权利。A citizen has an automatic right of entry to Australia. 如果是澳洲永久居民身份,由于持有的不是澳洲护照,出入境澳洲需要持有有效的签证才可以。If a permanent resident chooses to travel internationally they need to ensure they have a permanent visa with a valid travel authority if they wish to return to Australia as a permanent resident.
投票选举 澳洲公民享有投票选举权。A citizen can vote in Australian government elections. 一般情况下,澳洲永久居民身份不享有投票选举权。In most cases permanent residents can’t vote in Australian government elections. However, if a permanent resident was enrolled to vote (as a British subject) prior to 1984, they may remain eligible to vote.
政府服务和福利 享有政府服务和福利。Eligibility for government services and benefits depends on the rules set by the relevant government agency responsible for the service or benefit. 享有政府服务和福利。Eligibility for government services and benefits depends on the rules set by the relevant government agency responsible for the service or benefit.



  • 通过公民入籍测试(除非已过60周岁)
  • 在递交公民申请和公民申请要通过的时候,都是永久居民身份
  • 满足居住要求
  • 愿意且继续居住在澳洲,和澳洲保持紧密的持续的关联
  • 品格良好

Generally, those over the age of 18 who apply for Australian citizenship must:

  • have passed a citizenship test (unless over the age of 60)
  • be a permanent resident at the time of application, and also, at time of decision
  • satisfy the residence requirement
  • be likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia
  • be of good character.


  • 四年居住中至少有一年是作为澳洲永久居民身份居住在澳洲
  • 四年内离开澳洲的时间不能超过12个月
  • 在申请入籍前的12个月内不能有超过3个月的时间不在澳洲

Any adult who became a permanent resident on or after 1 July 2007 must have been lawfully residing in Australia for four years immediately before applying for Australian citizenship. This includes:

  • 12 months as a permanent resident
  • absences from Australia of no more than 12 months
  • absences from Australia of no more than three months in the 12 months before applying.



  • 居住澳洲 live in Australia
  • 申领澳洲护照 apply for an Australian passport and to leave and re-enter Australia without applying for a resident return visa
  • 在海外时可以请求澳洲外交使馆的帮助 seek assistance from Australian diplomatic representatives while overseas
  • 从事公职岗位 work in the public service
  • 可以入伍 serve in the armed forces
  • 入籍后,其在海外出生的子女可以通过继承获得澳洲国籍 register as Australian citizens by descent any of your children born overseas after you become an Australian citizen
  • 可以竞选议员 stand for Parliament
  • 可以投票选举 vote to elect members of Parliament