
飞出国:之前在 澳大利亚永久居民权利Permanent resident entitlements以及如何获得新西兰身份New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa 中提到澳大利亚公民或者永居身份入境新西兰即可获得新西兰居民签证,但是每次离境新西兰后,居民签证都会过期,再入境新西兰又需要重新申请,而且这种断断续续的居住不会累计计算,这样对于之后申请新西兰永久回头签很不利,那么该怎么办呢?

You can apply for a resident visa each time you arrive in New Zealand, but your New Zealand residence won’t be considered continuous.

This can be important if you later want to:

  • apply for a Permanent Resident Visa
  • apply for New Zealand Citizenship
  • sponsor a resident visa application for a parent who is not an Australian permanent resident or citizen.

If you want your New Zealand residence to be considered continuous, you can apply for a variation of travel conditions before you leave New Zealand. This will allow you to travel to and from New Zealand without affecting your New Zealand residence status.


If an Australian citizen or permanent resident is in New Zealand holding a resident visa, they can consider making an application for a variation of travel conditions (VOTC). The travel conditions may be granted for 24 months from their last date of arrival into New Zealand as a resident. This allows them to travel in and out of New Zealand without the New Zealand resident visa expiring.


  • 当前持有新西兰居民签证 hold a New Zealand resident visa,以及
  • 当前是澳大利亚公民,或者持有澳大利亚永久居民签证,或者持有155/157居民返程签证


  • 申请表格INZ1175
  • 护照
  • 护照尺寸照片
  • 申请费


Your variation of travel conditions will be valid for 24 months from the date your New Zealand resident visa was granted. For most people, this will be the date of their most recent entry to New Zealand.


Australian citizens and permanent residents may qualify for a permanent resident visa (PRV) once they have held a New Zealand resident visa continuously for more than 24 months. They will also need to meet the permanent resident visa criteria.

You have spent 184 days or more in New Zealand as a resident in each of the two 12 month portions of the 24 months immediately preceding your application for permanent residence.