澳洲身份如何获得新西兰永久回头签?Can Australians get a New Zealand permanent resident visa?

澳大利亚永久居民权利Permanent resident entitlements以及如何获得新西兰身份New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa 继续说,


  1. 澳大利亚公民身份和永久居民身份可以获得新西兰居民签证,该签证只能是入境新西兰才能拿到,无法提前申请

Australian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for a resident visa on arrival to New Zealand. Eligibility for this visa is assessed on arrival to New Zealand; there is no way to apply for it in advance.

  1. 如果是澳大利亚永久居民身份,需要提前申请NZeTA可以入境新西兰,同时需要在入境时出示护照以便于验证澳洲永居身份,需要确保所持有的澳洲永居签证或者澳洲居民返程签证是在有效期内。

We’ll use your passport to check your Australian citizenship or immigration status.

If you have a valid Australian passport, use it to travel to New Zealand.

Otherwise you can use a foreign passport that confirms you’re both an Australian permanent resident, and hold either:

  • a valid Australian Permanent Resident Visa
  • a valid Australian Resident Return Visa.

If you are a permanent resident of Australia you must hold an NZeTA before you travel, but you do not need to pay the International Visitor Levy (IVL).


In most cases Immigration New Zealand systems will recognise Australian permanent resident visas automatically, however there may be times that your Australian visa is not picked up. We advise for you to carry a print-out of your Australian visa if possible.

  1. 当澳洲永久居民入境新西兰之后,即可获得新西兰居民签证。为了确保入境新西兰的时候,就可以获得新西兰居民签证,澳洲永久居民需要遵循以下步骤:
  • 在 arrival declaration card的section 7部分正确回答相关问题
  • 随身携带澳洲永居签证打印件一份
  • 抵达新西兰后去往primary line,而不是e-Gate或者SmartGate
  • 和海关或者移民官说明需要申请居民签证


If you hold an Australian permanent resident visa, to ensure that you are granted a New Zealand resident visa when you arrive you will need to follow the steps below.

  • correctly complete the relevant question in section 7 on your arrival declaration card;
  • carry a print-out of your Australian permanent resident visa with you;
  • go to the primary line when you arrive in New Zealand (not the e-Gate or SmartGate);
  • explain to the Customs/Immigration Officer that you are applying for a resident visa.

This process is especially important if you already hold a temporary visa (e.g. visitor, student or work visa) for New Zealand.



  1. 在申请永久回头签之前,已经连续两年持有新西兰居民签证,且需要当前持有的居民签证还在有效期内或者过期不超过3个月

To apply, you must have held a New Zealand resident visa for at least 24 months continuously.You will also need to have a current resident visa (or one that hasn’t expired more than 3 months ago).

  1. 对于24个月居住,具体解释为:在递交永久回头签申请前的两年内,每年居住在新西兰有至少184天

You have been in New Zealand as a resident for a total of 184 days or more in each of the two 12-month portions of the 24 months immediately preceding your permanent resident visa application. You do not have to provide any extra evidence, other than your passport(s).

  1. 申请永久回头签时,需要是当时持有新西兰居民签证的主申请人先申请,也就是持有新西兰居民签证的副申请(比如配偶和孩子)不能早于主申请提交永久回头签的申请

If you were a non-principal applicantwhen you applied for a resident visa, you must apply for your permanent resident visa at the same time or after the principal applicant, unless a non-principal exception applies.


  1. 不论是居民签证还是永久回头签,都可以在新西兰境内居住,学习,工作和生活。一般说来,居民签证只有两年有效期,最长是5-10年有效期,到期后需要重新申请居民签证,而澳洲公民或者永居身份的一般是每次出境后需要重新申请居民签证,除非申请VOTC(variation of travel conditions旅行条件变更),那么这个居民签证可以两年有效且在两年内多次出入新西兰。

Both of these visas allow you the same privilege of living permanently in New Zealand, but they provide you with different travel conditions.

Your resident visa will allow you to travel in and out of new Zealand (as a resident) for a specified period of time only – usually 24 months or in some situations they are valid for 5 or 10 years.

Please note that resident visas held by Australians expire on departure from New Zealand. This means that travelling in and out of New Zealand can affect the requirement that the resident visa must be held for two years continuously.

If an Australian citizen or permanent resident is in New Zealand holding a resident visa, they can consider making an application for a variation of travel conditions (VOTC). The travel conditions may be granted for 24 months from their last date of arrival into New Zealand as a resident. This allows them to travel in and out of New Zealand without the New Zealand resident visa expiring.

  1. 持有新西兰永久回头签的话,以后可以多次随意出入新西兰,且不再有居住天数要求。

You are able to travel in and out of New Zealand (as a resident) at any time, as long as you have the permanent resident visa (physical label or eVisa) in your valid passport.