As a result of changes Ontario has made to more closely align the streams of the program with the needs of its labour market, the province has already received the sufficient number of OINP applications to meet its 2016 federal allocation. This is further proof that Ontario remains a very sought after destination for highly-skilled workers.
Following the lead of other jurisdictions, Ontario has made the responsible decision to place a temporary pause on the intake of applications for select, high-volume OINP streams. Other provinces have also done this in the past after fully maximizing their allotments. It’s important to note that lower-volume streams of the OINP and other options continue to be available.
Ontario stopped sending Notifications of Interest (NOIs) for the OINP Human Capital Priorities (Express Entry) stream effective February 16, 2016.
Ontario temporarily paused the intake of new applications for the following select, high-volume OINP streams effective 5 p.m. EDT on May 9, 2016:
Employer Pre-screen
International Student – Masters Graduate stream
International Student – PhD Graduate stream
All applications for the Employer Pre-screen and International Students (Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate) streams sent after 5 p.m. EDT on May 9, 2016 will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant along with the unprocessed payment.
The OINP will continue to accept applications from Foreign Worker and International Student with a Job Offer applicants as Employer Pre-screen applications are assessed. Only those Foreign Worker and International Student with a Job Offer applicants whose job offer has been approved through the Employer Pre-screen application process may apply to the OINP**. ** These applicants will have 60 days from the date of the Employer Pre-screen approval letter to apply to either of these streams.
Ontario remains a top destination for workers and their families from all over the world.
Ontario anticipates that it will receive its 2017 nomination allocation from the federal government before the end of November 2016, and the province expects to be in a position to accept applications for some streams in six months.
Given the positive effect of the program on Ontario’s economy, the province continues to engage the federal government on nominee numbers.
There are many ways to immigrate to Ontario:
The federal government determines the maximum number of nominations Ontario can award annually. Each year, there are about 300,000 immigrants that come to Canada. Of these, Ontario is allowed to select 5,500 through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) in 2016. This program, which represents only 1.8 per cent of total immigration to Canada, is targeted towards filling labour market gaps with skilled workers. It is just one option for immigrating to Ontario.
安省提名 EE 类别下 Human Capital Priorities Stream 要求申请人在整个审理过程中都要满足 400 分,因为 11.19 加拿大联邦 EE CRS 评分系统调整,相应的 OINP HCP 类别也受影响。
November 28, 2016
On November 14, 2016, Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced changes to the Express Entry System. These changes take effect on November 19, 2016. The changes include:
Awarding Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points to those who have completed high school-level or higher education in Canada,
Lowering CRS points awarded for those with job offers, and
Lengthening the time candidates have to submit an application for permanent residence after they receive an invitation to apply.
Please visit the IRCC website for details about the changes to Express Entry.
The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has two streams that are used in conjunction with the Express Entry system: the Human Capital Priorities Stream and the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream. To qualify for these streams you must have successfully submitted a profile for the Express Entry system, and maintained your eligibility for Express Entry throughout the processing of your OINP application.
Those who have applied to the Human Capital Priorities Stream must also maintain a CRS score of 400 or above during the processing stage(s) of their OINP application, and during the subsequent federal Express Entry processing stages.
Please note that the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration has placed a temporary pause on the intake of applications for the Human Capital Priorities Stream. However, all applications received before the pause will be processed to completion.