APEGS 萨省工程师协会职业认证申请指南
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan,萨省专业工程师和地球学家协会,简称APEGS,负责加拿大工程师和地球学家职业的认证工作。
工程职业和地球科学职业在萨省属于监管职业,如果打算申请这种职业的萨省省提名SINP,需要获得APEGS的member-in-training license。如果打算在萨省从事工程职业或地球科学类职业,申请人要么申请APEGS的认证,要么由专业工程师、专业地学科学家、工程职业许可人、地球科学职业许可人或临时许可人来监管。为了能尽快融入萨省劳动力市场,建议申请人尽快申请APEGS。APEGS没有居住要求,因此申请人可以在申请移民之前在加拿大境外申请。
- Engineering and Geoscience are regulated professions in Saskatchewan. If you plan to immigrate to Saskatchewan and work as an engineer or geoscientist then you must obtain your member-in-training license with APEGS to be eligible to apply for SINP.
- In order to practice engineering or geoscience in Saskatchewan, you must either become licensed by APEGS or be supervised by a professional engineer, professional geoscientist, engineering licensee, geoscience licensee or temporary licensee.
- In order to expedite your transition into the work force in Saskatchewan, it is recommended that you begin the application process with APEGS as soon as possible. There is no residency requirement for your application or approval as a member, and you can apply prior to immigrating to Canada.
移民申请本身与APEGS认证是两个完全独立的过程,但是申请了APEGS的认证能够加快你技术移民申请速度:获得APEGS许可后,可以增加你获得job offer的机会。而如果你获得了job off,就能够大大增加你在EE中被选中的机会(加600分)。
申请工程师注册时,首先需要提交 engineer-in-training 申请,同时提供相关的支持材料。APEGS 是按先到先处理的原则处理申请。当你申请 engineer-in-training成功后,再满足一定的条件后,就可以申请专业工程师注册了 professional engineering。
大部分情况下APEGS都会进行academic review,从提交材料到收到结果,academic review大概需要1年的时间。如果academic review的结果是denial,那么申请人当前就无法申请APEGS认证。
“practice of professional engineering” means any act of planning,designing, composing, measuring, evaluating, inspecting, advising, reporting,directing or supervising, or managing any of the foregoing, that requires the application of engineering principles and that concerns the safeguarding of life, health, property, economic interests, the public interest or the environment;
“practice of professional geoscience” means the application of principles of geoscience that include, but are not limited to, principles of geology, geophysics and geochemistry, to any act of acquiring or processing data, advising, evaluating, examining, interpreting, reporting, sampling or geoscientific surveying, that is directed toward:
(i) the discovery or development of oil, natural gas, coal, metallic or non-metallic minerals, precious stones, water or other natural resources; or
(ii) the investigation of surface or sub-surface geological conditions;
APEGS 工程师认证类别适用的人群及认证用途
APEGS 共有以下7种类别的工程师认证。
各类别的申请费和周期可以参考: APEGS
1. 工程师培训-加拿大毕业生 Engineer-in-training - Canadian graduates
适用于持有CEAB 认证的工学学士学位的申请人。
If you have a CEAB accredited bachelor degree in engineering, follow this process.
2. 工程师培训-加拿大外国际毕业生 Engineer-in-training - International graduates
适用于学士学位在加拿大境外获得的国际留学生。If your bachelor level education is from outside Canada, follow this process.
3. 专业会员 Professional Member
适用于当前是APEGS会员的申请人。If you are currently licensed as a member-in-training with APEGS, follow this process.
4. 协会内部交流 Inter-Association Mobility
适用于当前是加拿大其它协会:专业会员、培训会员、工程职业持照人,地球科学职业持照人的申请人。If you are currently licensed as a professional member, member-in-training, engineering licensee (or equivalent), geoscience licensee (or equivalent) in another Canadian jurisdiction, follow this process.
5. 国际交流 International Mobility
适用于在澳大利亚、香港、爱尔兰、墨西哥和美国有 professional designation的申请人。
If you have a professional designation in Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Mexico or United States, read the page titled International Mobility to see if you are elligible for this process.
6. 临时许可 Temporary Licensee
If you are a Professional Engineer in Texas or have a Cedula in Mexico, read the page entitled Temporary Licenee to see you are eligible for this licence.
7. 工程职业持照人 Engineering Licensee
Engineering Licensee的申请费为315加币,处理周期大约为1年。
- 没有工学学士学位,但是有工程职业的专业工作经验;或者
- 被评估为符合engineer-in-training认证类别,但是有缺陷或者不足。或者被评为不符合engineer-in-training,可以申请此类别。
This registration category is available for these two scenarios:
a) If you do not have a bachelor level education in engineering, but you do have professional experience in engineering, or
b) If you were assessed as an engineer-in-training and you have deficiencies that need to be fulfilled, or you were denied, then you may qualify for engineering licensee.Note: If you are not sure if you meet the academic requirements for engineer-in-training, you should apply as an engineer-in-training anyway and see what the results are. If your result shows that you do not meet the academic requirements, your options would be to fulfill the deficiencies, or apply as an engineering licensee. There is no application fee for engineering licensee if you applied as an engineer-in-training in the past.
加拿大境内工学学历毕业生(Canadian Engineering Graduates)
申请人须有经加拿大工程师认证委员会 CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) 认可的工学学历,才可以申请此类别。如果没有,就需要申请International Engineering Graduates类别。如果申请人有工程师工作经验,但是没有4年的本科学位,可以申请Engineering Licensee类别。
CEAB认可的学位可以去这里查询: http://www.engineerscanada.ca/sites/default/files/w_engineering_schools.pdf
- 会员申请表和210加币的申请费;
- 身份证明;
- Direct Confirmation of Graduation
Step 1: Submit Application
1.申请表下载地址: http://www.apegs.ca/Portal/Sites-Management/FileDownload/DataDownload/4790/MIT%20application%20form_May2014%20plus%20GCG/pdf/1/1033
You should not use the paper application form unless a company is paying the application fee by cheque or the company who is paying the application fee does not pay GST (such as Government of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Watershed Authority). Do not submit the paper application form if you apply on-line.
3.填写完成后,签字扫描,然后通过电子邮件、传真或邮寄的方式,给APEGS。可以使用的支付方式有:credit card, cheque, cash or debit
Scan and then email or fax or mail the completed paper application to the APEGS office ([email protected]). You may pay for paper applications by credit card, cheque, cash or debit (cash or debit in person at the APEGS office only).
Step 2: 提交材料给APEGS Submit Required Documents to APEGS
需要的材料是:Direct Confirmation of Graduation 和 proof of ID,前者需要学校邮寄给APEGS,后者需要申请人自己邮寄给APEGS。
2a) Direct Confirmation of Graduation
有2种方式获得 Direct Confirmation of Graduation:
**Option 1:**申请人需要下载 Confirmation of Graduation 表格,自己填写完前2个项目后(即申请人名字和毕业时间),发给颁发学士学位的学校,由学校相关人员填写剩余的部分,填完后盖章签字,由学校直接寄给APEGS.
Option 2: 让颁发学士学位的学校将成绩单原件寄给APEGS,成绩单上要写明授予的学位。
申请人可以登录PAWS(需要提供NSID和密码),如果没有ID和密码,可以联系校友会。填写申请时,确认信发到这个邮箱:[email protected]。
2b) Proof of Identification
关于proof of ID的说明见最下方。
国际工学学历毕业生(International Engineering Graduates)
申请人首先要申请APEGS,完成会员申请流程,收到APEGS的approval letter后,申请人就可以用这个approval letter申请萨省省提名SINP。
Engineer-in-training的申请费为210加币,周期最长为1年(highly variable (up to 1 year))
For people who want to apply for SINP, they require the approval letter showing that you are currently an engineer-in-training. Therefore, you must apply with APEGS first, complete the process required to obtain membership and wait for the approval letter. APEGS cannot provide a letter indicating that you are eligible to obtain a license. The only way to demonstrate eligibility is to actually apply and obtain your engineer-in-training license.
- 会员申请表(APEGS Member-in-training application form);
- WES学历认证;
- 身份证明;
- 学历评估申请表(Academic Assessment application form);
- 自我评估;
- 课程描述;
- 简历。
国际工学学历毕业生认证申请流程(Member-in-training Application Process)
查看国际工学学历认证申请流程图 EIT flow chart 详解
STEP 1: 提交会员申请 Submit member-in-training application
1.入口 https://www.apegsservices.ca/applications/default.aspx
1.申请表下载地址: http://www.apegs.ca/Portal/Sites-Management/FileDownload/DataDownload/4790/MIT%20application%20form_May2014%20plus%20GCG/pdf/1/1033
You should not use the paper application form unless a company is paying the application fee by cheque or the company who is paying the application fee does not pay GST (such as Government of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Watershed Authority). Do not submit the paper application form if you apply on-line.
3.填写完成后,签字扫描,然后通过电子邮件、传真或邮寄的方式,给APEGS。可以使用的支付方式有:credit card, cheque, cash or debit
Scan and then email or fax or mail the completed paper application to the APEGS office ([email protected]). You may pay for paper applications by credit card, cheque, cash or debit (cash or debit in person at the APEGS office only).
STEP 2: 申请 WES Submit an application to World Education Services
备注:如果申请人有美国NCEES Record,就无需提供WES了。
- Note regarding ii) that if you have a NCEES Record in the United States, then the WES assessment is not necessary. The NCEES Record contains all the documents we need, except for Proof of ID. For Professional Engineers registered in the USA who do not qualify for Temporary Licensee, we will let you know if we need anything further after reviewing your application, NCEES Record and Proof of ID. Also, WES assessment is not required if you qualify under a professional level Mutual Recognition Agreement (Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Mexico, Texas).
STEP 3: 邮寄材料 Mail proof of ID and Canadian Educational documents to APEGS
2.申请人需要将身份证明文件邮邮寄给APEGS,不能通过传真或者扫描方式发送。关于proof of ID的说明见最下方。
STEP 4: 学历评估 Academic Assessment (required for most international graduates)
Academic Assessment 申请流程:
APEGS收到在线申请后,会确定申请人是否需要做学历评估。如果需要,会在3周内通过邮件通知申请人。申请人需要支付210加币的申请费(在收到发票后在线支付即可)。同时会发给申请人一个自我评估表 self-assessment form ,并告诉你是否需要提供课程描述。自我评估表中的学术评价部分需要根据课程描述填写。APEGS都是通过Email联系申请人,因此申请人要提供有效的邮箱地址。
- 学历评估申请表(Academic Assessment Application );
- 自我评估申请表;
- 官方课程描述(如需要提供);
- 简历。
申请完成后的步骤 Next Steps
关于Academic Assessment: APEGS需要将你的工学学历背景与加拿大工学学历标准进行对比,加拿大工学资格委员会负责制定相关标准(The Engineers Canada - Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB))。CEQB给出了加拿大大学最常见的工学学科的大纲描述。有一个适用于所有学科的基本教学大纲,还有一个指定学科的教学大纲,两个教学大纲都需要满足。
APEGS will compare your academic background to the Canadian academic standard for engineering. The Engineers Canada - Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) has set this standard. The CEQB has provided syllabus descriptions for the most common engineering disciplines that are offered at Canadian Universities. There is a basic studies syllabus that is common to all disciplines. There is also a discipline specific syllabus. Both of these must be met. The self-assessment tables that you are required to fill out as part of the academic assessment are based on these syllabus descriptions. APEGS will send you the appropriate self assessment table after you have submitted your application. APEGS will carefully review your self-assessment for accuracy and we will create our own assessment using the same table.
学历评估的结果 Possible Results of Academic Assessment
Academic Assessment共有2种结果,一种是评估通过,然后就会安排确认考试;另外一种是发现与大纲之间有gaps,需要fulfill或者被拒。
1. Deficiencies
如果评估后发现你的学历跟CEQB大纲比,有gaps,那么你需要fill这些gaps or “deficiencies”。但是如果超过6个 “deficiencies”,APEGS就会拒绝此申请。
If there are any gaps in your academic background compared to the CEQB syllabi, then you will be assigned to fill these gaps or “deficiencies”. You are allowed a maximum of deficiencies. If you have more than six deficiencies then APEGS will deny your application. However you will be given a “roadmap” of what you must do to re-apply in the future. You are given three options for fulfilling deficiencies:
共有3种方式可以fulfill deficiencies:
- 参加批准的课程学学习(taking an approved course(s));
- 参加考试(writing challenge exams);
- 提供工作经验证明也叫学历前认证(writing a description of work experience that demonstrates knowledge of the deficient areas (called Recognition of Prior Learning or RPL)).
2. 确认考试 Confirmatory Exams
- 获得理学硕士、工学硕士或者工学博士;
- 5年以上认可的工作经验;
- The ARC has determined that your performance in completing deficiencies through the course or exam route demonstrates an acceptable level of education
确认考试完成后(或者被豁免了),APEGS就会通知你,你已经被授予培训工程师会员( engineer-in-training),并且通知你交会员费。交完会员费后,会寄给你stamp and certificate,然后你就可以使用 engineer-in-training 头衔了。
Once Confirmatory exams have been completed, or they have been waived, APEGS will send you a letter informing you that you have been approved as an engineer-in-training. This letter will include a notice for your membership dues. Once you have paid the dues, we will send you your stamp and certificate. You will also be eligible to use the “engineer-in-training” title.
APEGS 专业会员 (Professional Member (from member-in-training))
如果申请人已经被批准为 Geoscientist-in-Training 或 an Engineer-in-Training,接下来就可以申请专业会员了(professional membership).
2011.1.1之后的Engineer-in-Training,申请专业会员的费用为105加币,周期为1个月。 Professional Engineer from APEGS engineer-in-training (applied as eng-in-training after January 1, 2011)
- 拥有工作审核委员会认可的4年工作经验;
- 通过了专业执业考试(Professional Practice Exam);
- 满足 Good Character 要求;
- 需要有3个专业工程师/地球科学家作为推荐人;
- 母语不是英语,并且大学期间非英语授课的申请人,需要满足英语要求:A类雅思4个6,或者其他英语考试,认可的英语考试种类可以参考: http://www.apegs.ca/Portal/Sites-Management/FileDownload/DataDownload/1191/Reg7.0_Eng_Comp_Website_Jan2014/pdf/1/1033;
- You must have 4 years of work experience approved by the Experience Review Committee
- You must have passed the Professional Practice Exam
- You must meet the Good Character Guideline
- You must have three professional geoscientists or professional engineers who can act as references (names are requested in the professional member application)
- English competence. If your first language is not English and you have not completed a university degree at an institution where the language of instruction was English, then you must provide proof of competence in English
- 入口:https://www.apegsservices.ca/applications/default.aspx
- 在线申请需要通过信用卡支付。
1.申请表下载地址: APEGS
3.填写完成后,签字扫描,然后通过电子邮件、传真或邮寄的方式,给APEGS。可以使用的支付方式有:credit card, cheque, cash or debit
Scan and then email or fax or mail the completed paper application to the APEGS office ([email protected]). You may pay for paper applications by credit card, cheque, cash or debit (cash or debit in person at the APEGS office only).
只要是没有在加拿大任何一个省申请过注册的人,不论他们有多少年的工作经验,在他们申请成为专业工程师之前 professional engineer ,都必须先申请MIT - member-in-training。
direct confirmation of graduation and degree: APEGS 在授予你 member-in-training 之前,需要你的学位授予学校确认你获得的学位水平和获得时间。主要是为了防止申请人造假。
If you bachelor level education is not in either of these fields, then you may not be qualified to apply for a licence. However, if your bachelor degree is in a related field and you have a graduate degree in engineering or geoscience you may meet the academic requirements for member-in-training. You must follow the same process as international graduates, because we require a full academic assessment. If you do not think you can meet the academic requirements for member-in-training, but you have a significant amount of engineering or geoscience work experience then you may qualify as a engineering licencee or geoscience licencee. The Engineering Licensee and Geoscience Licensee page contains a table that shows how much work experience would be required for your type of education.
- 会员和许可的区别 the difference between membership and licensure:
APEGS annual dues contain two components: a membership fee and a licence fee. If you are a practicing engineering or geoscientist in Saskatchewan you must pay both. If you are not practicing for a certain period of time you, can have your license fee waived, but maintain your membership in APEGS. This allows you to re-instate your licensee at any time without having to re-apply. You must re-instate your license if you start practicing again. Retaining your membership allows you to vote for Council and at the annual meeting. If you resign your membership or your membership lapses because you have not paid your dues, then you will have to re-apply to start practicing again. See the Reinstatement page for details of when you need to reapply and what is involved.
关于proof of ID的说明:
- 提供国家签发的、带照片的身份文件的影印件,需要由guarantor签名盖章,guarantor可以是(a Notary public, a professional engineer or a professional geoscientist),非英语文件提供certified translation。以及
- 由同一个 guarantor 签署的 proof of identity form,或者其他官方文件。
All applicants not previously registered with APEGS or another constituent Associations/Ordre of Engineers Canada or the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists (CCPG) must provide proof of identification by:
- a photocopy of a government issued photo ID (see acceptable documents below), signed and stamped by a guarantor who is either a Notary public, a professional engineer or a professional geoscientist, and a certified translation if the document is not in English.
AND- the proof of identity form signed by the same guarantor
OR- other official documentation acceptable to the Registrar
- 认可的身份文件有(需要有近期照片):
- 萨省或加拿大其他省签发的驾照;
- 护照;
- 加拿大永居卡;
- 出生证明;
- 加拿大政府签发的或者代表加拿大政府签发的印第安人身份卡证明;
- 2012.2之前的加拿大公民证书;
- 加拿大政府签发的或者代表加拿大政府签发的身份证明(永久居民);
- Guarantee of identity in a form satisfactory to the Registrar completed by a person satisfactory to the Registrar
- Statutory declaration in a form satisfactory to the Registrar;
Acceptable Documents (must have a current photo)
- (a) Driver’s licence or motor vehicle operator’s licence issued by or on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan or the government of another province or territory of Canada;
- (b) Passport issued by or on behalf of the Government of Canada or the government of another country;
- (c) Permanent resident card issued by or on behalf of the Government of Canada (must have a photo);
- (d) a birth certificate (only if it has a photo);
- (e) Certificate of Indian Status card issued by or on behalf of the Government of Canada;
- (f) Certificate of Canadian Citizenship issued prior to Feb 2012 (Citizenship certificate issued after Feb 2012 does not have a photo)
- (g) Certificate of Identity issued by or on behalf of the Government of Canada. This certificate is issued to permanent residents of Canada who are not yet Canadian citizens, who are stateless, or who are unable to obtain a national passport.
- (h) Guarantee of identity in a form satisfactory to the Registrar completed by a person satisfactory to the Registrar;
- (i) Statutory declaration in a form satisfactory to the Registrar;