从 Apegs 萨省工程师协会职业认证申请指南 继续讨论:
对于非加拿大学历(international graduates)的申请人,如果打算申请工程师职业的萨省省提名SINP,必须要申请APEGS的认证。APEGS没有居住要求,因此申请人可以在申请移民之前在加拿大境外申请。申请人首先要向APEGS申请 Members-in-Training,完成会员申请流程,收到APEGS的approval letter后,申请人就可以用这个approval letter申请萨省省提名SINP了。
申请人获得 Members-in-Training后,并且满足一定的条件后,可以申请专业会员身份 professional member。
Engineering and Geoscience are regulated professions in Saskatchewan. If you plan to immigrate to Saskatchewan and work as an engineer or geoscientist then you must obtain your member-in-training license with APEGS to be eligible to apply for SINP.
In order to practice engineering or geoscience in Saskatchewan, you must either become licensed by APEGS or be supervised by a professional engineer, professional geoscientist, engineering licensee, geoscience licensee or temporary licensee.
For people who want to apply for SINP, they require the approval letter showing that you are currently an engineer-in-training. Therefore, you must apply with APEGS first, complete the process required to obtain membership and wait for the approval letter. APEGS cannot provide a letter indicating that you are eligible to obtain a license. The only way to demonstrate eligibility is to actually apply and obtain your engineer-in-training license.
国际工学学历申请MIT时的学历评估 academic assessment
对于国际学历申请人,APEGS收到其 MIT 在线申请后,会确定申请人是否需要做学历评估。如果需要,会在3周内通过邮件通知申请人,但是实际上大部分申请人都需要进行学历评估 academic assessment。除非你满足下面介绍的豁免学历评估的条件。
信中还会给申请人发一份自我评估表 self-assessment form ,并告诉你是否需要提供课程描述 course descriptions。自我评估表中的学术评价部分需要根据课程描述填写。APEGS都是通过Email联系申请人,因此申请人要提供有效的邮箱地址。
academic assessment 的周期大概为1年,费用为210加币。
After APEGS has received your on-line application, we will determine if the Academic Assessment is required. There is a fee of $210 (including tax) for the academic assessment. You can pay this fee online once APEGS has created an invoice for you. We will also send you the appropriate self-assessment form and let you know if you are required to provide course descriptions. We will contact you by email, so please provide us with a valid email address that you check regularly.
APEGS需要将你的工学学历背景与加拿大工学学历标准进行对比(加拿大工学资格委员会The Engineers Canada - Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB))负责制定相关标准。CEQB给出了加拿大大学最常见的工学学科的大纲描述。有一个适用于所有工学学科的基本课程大纲,还有一个特定学科的课程大纲,两个大纲都需要满足。
APEGS will compare your academic background to the Canadian academic standard for engineering. The Engineers Canada - Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) has set this standard. The CEQB has provided syllabus descriptions for the most common engineering disciplines that are offered at Canadian Universities. There is a basic studies syllabus that is common to all disciplines. There is also a discipline specific syllabus. Both of these must be met. The self-assessment tables that you are required to fill out as part of the academic assessment are based on these syllabus descriptions. APEGS will send you the appropriate self assessment table after you have submitted your application. APEGS will carefully review your self-assessment for accuracy and we will create our own assessment using the same table.
academic assessment 需要的表格和材料有:
- i. Academic Assessment Application
- ii. Self-assessment
- iii. Official Course descriptions (APEGS will let you know if these are required)
- iv. Resume
1. 学历评估表(Academic Assessment Application): APEGS
内容很简单,只需要提供申请人的姓名,File no,所有的university的:名字,所在地,专业,获得的学位或学历,学习起止时间。
2. 自我评估表:
The self assessment form that you must fill out is based on the Engineers Canada, Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) syllabi.
3. 官方课程描述:
所谓官方课程描述,即由教育机构发布的课程描述,发布方式可以是:学校网站上在线发布,学校的学生手册,或者专门的文档或信件等。如果学校确实没有官方课程描述,申请人就需要自己制作,但是要让学校相关部门的教授 verify。
What does “official” course descriptions mean?
“Official” course descriptions means that the description is published by the institution. There are a number of ways these can be published:
- on-line
- in a booklet (you may make a copy as long as you include the publication details)
- a special document/letter issued by the university
If the university does not have official course descriptions, you may prepare them yourself, but you must have someone (usually a professor in the appropriate department) in the university verify that they are correct.
4. 简历
Make sure that the resume you provide includes all the engineering experience you have gained since completing your bachelor degree. You must include the dates (including month and year) you started and ended each position, the title of the position, the name of the company and a brief description of the job tasks. There is no prescribed format for the resume. Submit the same style resume that you would use for a job application. We review your resume to see the full history of your academic and experience background.
**国际工学学历申请人豁免学历评估的情况 When is an academic assessment not required **
- 持有与加拿大签定了相互认可国协议MRA的国家的学士学位,这些国家有:美国,英国,法国,爱尔兰、南非、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、中国台北、中国香港、韩国、马来西亚、俄罗斯、新加坡和土耳其;
- 美国工学学士学位和 PE designation;
- 是里贾纳大学或萨省大学的教职工,并且有工学学士学位和任意专业的博士学位;
- 获得工学学位的学校在加拿大工程师资格委员会的学校列表中,并且有:
- 加拿大工学硕士或博士学位,并且所学的专业与你的本科学位的专业相同或相近;
- 与加拿大签定了相互认可国协议的国家的工学硕士或博士学位,并且所学的专业与你的本科学位的专业相同或相近。
- 我们之前曾经评估过某个申请人,与你的学士学位相同,并且顺利通过了确认考试。如果你符合这种情况,我们会在收到你的申请后通知你。
For engineer-in-training applicants, the only situations where the academic assessment form, fee and self-assessment are NOT required for international graduates are:
- You have a bachelor degree accredited under a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). Such agreements exist with the accreditation bodies in these countries**: United States, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Chinese Tapei, Hong Kong China, Korea, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore and Turkey. See the International Mobility page for further information.
- You have a bachelor level university program of study in engineering (bachelor degree or equivalent) and a PE designation in the United States.
- You are a faculty member at the University of Regina or University of Saskatchewan, and you have a bachelor level university program of study in engineering (bachelor degree or equivalent) and a PhD (any discipline).
- You obtained your bachelor degree in engineering from an institution that is on the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) List and you have one of the following:
- a Masters and/or PhD in engineering from Canada in the same or closely related discipline as your bachelor degree OR,
- a Masters and/or PhD in engineering from an institution where there are MRA-accredited bachelor degrees (outside Canada) in the same or closely related discipline as your bachelor degree;
- We have previously assessed an applicant who completed the same bachelor program as you have and they have successfully passed confirmatory exams. After we have received your application, we will inform you if this applies to you.
** IMPORTANT: Not all degrees from these countries are accredited. It depends on the specific details of the agreement. APEGS will contact you if this applies to you.
For geoscientist-in-training applicants, the only situation where the academic assessment form, fee and self-assessment are NOT required for international graduates is: if you have a four year bachelor level program of study in geoscience that is acceptable to Council, a Ph.D. and are a faculty member in geoscience at a Saskatchewan University.
加拿大工程师学历资格委员会 CEQB Syllabi(Engineers Canada, Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) syllabi.)
CEQB负责制定加拿大工程师专业的课程描述/课程大纲。每一种工程学科都由2部分组成,一个是通用科目 Basics Studies,另外一个是专业科目 specific to the discipline,比如土木工程学,机械工程学等。
The Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) develops and maintains a description of the content of generalized Canadian Engineering programs in a variety of disciplines that are commonly offered in Canada. These are known as syllabus descriptions. Each engineering discipline is comprised of two syllabi, one called Basics Studies, which is common to all disciplines, and another which is specific to the discipline e.g., Civil Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering.
APEGS uses these descriptions to determine if the content of your education has equivalent breadth and depth to a Canadian Bachelor Degree in Engineering. You must meet both the basic studies and the discipline specific syllabus requirements. The Required/Optional table (R/O table) for basic studies shows which subjects are required and which are optional for each discipline.
- Basic Studies
- Basic Studies Required Optional Table
- Ag-Bio-Engineering
- Biomedical-Biochemical-Engineering
- Building-Engineering
- Chemical-Engineering
- Civil-Engineering
- Computer-Engineering
- Electrical-Engineering
- Engineering Physics
- Environmental-Engineering
- Forest-Engineering
- Geological-Engineering
- Geomatics-Engineering
- Industrial-Engineering
- Marine-Engineering
- Mechanical-Engineering
- Metallurgical-Engineering
- Mining-Engineering
- Naval Architecture
- Petroleum-Engineering
- Software-Engineering
- Structural-Engineering
CEQB Syllabi : http://www.apegs.ca/Portal/Pages/self-assessment-engineering