萨省技术移民2018年4月更新 2173 职业认证要求

萨省2173职业认证要求说明 - 飞出国

工学学位必须申请 APEGS:2173 软件工程师和软件设计师职业申请 APEGS 认证还是 CIPS 认证由学位决定

  1. 工学学位可以按 software designer 申请但也需要 APEGS 认证;
  2. 非工学学位可以按 2173 software desinger 申请 CIPS 认证,但无法申请 software engineer;

也就是萨省允许非工学申请人评估 2173 。

If you are a software designer and have an engineering degree, you must apply through APEGS
because you have an engineering degree. An applicant with an engineering education is eligible to work as a software designer; however, APEGS licensing would still be required due to your engineering education.