188C 显赫投资者签证(Significant Investor Stream),常称为500万澳元显赫投资者签证或重大投资者签证,是澳洲188类商业创新和投资临居签证5类里的第三类,无须评分,无语言要求,居住时间限制宽松(可申请两次延签)。
188C 澳洲重大投资者签证对投资资金要求较高,适合高净值人群,高龄投资人群,希望快速移民澳洲及不能长期留在澳洲的投资者。
当前,澳洲188C 500万澳币重大投资签证要求主申请人每年在澳洲累计住满40天(近1个半月),或是配偶每年在澳洲境内累计注满180天(近半年),即可全家获得永居身份。
188C SIV 签证申请基本要求 - 飞出国
- 拥有至少500万澳币资产,该资产须为合法取得、可支配、可用于指定的澳洲投资产品;
- 签证批准前,投资至少500万澳币到指定的投资领域(2015年7月1号后要求):
- 至少50万澳元投资于符合条件且投资初创或小型私营公司的澳大利亚风投或成长型私募股权基金(VC/PE);
- 至少150万澳元投资于符合条件且投资澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市新兴公司的管理基金或上市投资公司(LIC);
- 剩余的最多300万澳元投资到投资领域较为综合的管理基金或上市投资公司;
- 未从事过非法生意或投资活动;
- 承诺不会因上述投资行为造成的任何资产损失对联邦政府提起诉讼。
- 获得州/地区政府或者澳贸委(Austrade)提名及签证申请的邀请;
Significant Investor stream - Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188C) - flyabroad
Please note that the rules that were in force at the time that you applied for your Significant Investor visa will continue to apply for the duration of your provisional visa, including any Extension stream visas you apply for that relate to that provisional visa.
You must have a genuine and realistic commitment to:
- reside in the state or territory whose government agency nominated you,
- continue your business and investment activity in Australia after the conclusion of your provisional visa,
- live in Australia for at least 40 days per year (calculated cumulatively) for the duration of your provisional visa, or your spouse to live for at least 180 days per year (calculated cumulatively) for the duration of your provisional visa.
You, your partner, or you and your partner combined must have net assets of at least AUD5 million that are legally acquired, unencumbered, and available to be used to make the complying investment in Australia.
You and your partner must not have been involved in unacceptable business or investment activities.
You, members of your family unit aged at least 18 must agree not to bring any action against the Commonwealth for any loss relating to your complying investment.
Income that you earn from your complying investment in Australia is subject to tax under Australian taxation law.
You must also make a complying investment or a complying significant investment of at least AUD5 million over four years.
Important: You might want to seek independent legal advice in relation to ensuring that an investment made for the purpose of this stream is a ‘complying significant investment’. It is your responsibility to ensure your investment options comply.
Complying Significant Investments for applications made after 1 July 2015
If you applied for a Significant Investor visa prior to 1 July 2015, see the rules below, which will continue to apply to you.
For applications made after July 2015 you must make a complying significant investment of at least AUD5 million over four years in the following proportions:
- At least AUD500 000 in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-ups and small private companies.
- At least AUD1.5 million in approved managed funds investing in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
- A ‘balancing investment’ of at least AUD3 million in managed funds that may invest in a range of assets, including ASX-listed companies, Australian corporate bonds or notes, annuities and commercial real estate.
Direct investment in residential real estate continues to be prohibited and indirect investment in residential property through managed funds is now strictly limited.
Investments must not be used as security or collateral for a loan.
Complying Investments for applications made prior to 1 July 2015
You must make a complying investment of at least AUD5 million in any of the following options, in any proportion, and hold that investment continuously for at least four years:
- Commonwealth, state or territory government bonds
- Eligible managed funds - that are limited to investing in any or all of the following Australian assets:
- infrastructure projects in Australia
- cash held by Australian deposit-taking institutions
- bonds issued by the Commonwealth Government or a State or Territory government
- bonds, equity, hybrids or other corporate debt in companies and trusts listed or expected to be listed within 12 months on any Australian stock exchange
- bonds or term deposits issued by Australian financial institutions
- real property in Australia
- Australian agribusiness
- annuities issued by an Australian registered life company in accordance with section 9 or 12A of the Life Insurance Act 1995
- loans secured by mortgages over the investments listed above
- derivatives used for portfolio management and non-speculative purposes which constitute no more than 20 per cent of the total value of the managed fund
- other managed funds that invest in the investments listed above
- direct investment into private Australian companies - in which you have an ownership interest. The company needs to operate a qualifying business if you intend to apply for and meet the criteria for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) in the Significant Investor stream.