ACT 188C/888C 堪培拉500万重大投资者移民签证
Canberra Significant Investor - Business Innovation and Investment - subclass 188C / 888C.
188C 500万澳币投资移民项目没有英语,学历,年龄要求,成功获签后主申请人每年在澳洲累计住满40天(近1个半月),或是配偶每年在澳洲境内累计注满180天(近半年),即可全家获得永居身份。适合高净值人群,高龄投资人群,希望快速移民澳洲及不能长期留在澳洲的投资者。
堪培拉 188C 500万澳币重大投资类别申请要求-飞出国:
只需要将 500 万澳币投资到堪培拉并在堪培拉居住(才可以通过 888C 转永居)。并且满足下面投资要求:
- 向符合重要投资者签证的早期风险投资有限合伙企业投资至少50万澳币,符合符合投资框架的A部分(见;并将余下的资金投资于重要投资框架的B部分和C部分。
- 50万澳币投资于对ACT有经济效益的项目。例如:
- (A) - 投资ACT初创企业和小型私营公司的风险投资和增长型私募股权基金的最低50万澳币投资;
要么 - (B) - 对正在积极寻求ACT投资的基金中的风险投资有限合伙人(VCLP)基金组成部分的最低50万澳币投资;
要么 - (C) - 在“平衡”投资组成部分最低50万澳币的投资,包括重要的基于ACT的投资。
- (A) - 投资ACT初创企业和小型私营公司的风险投资和增长型私募股权基金的最低50万澳币投资;
To be eligible to apply for ACT Nomination you must:
- Enter into an agreement to either :
- Invest a minimum $500,000 into Significant Capital Ventures, a Significant Investor Visa compliant early stage Venture Capital Limited partnership that complies with Part A of the Complying Investment Framework (see; and invest the remaining funds in Part B and C of the Complying Significant Investment Framework.
- Invest at least $500,000 into a Complying Significant Investment that is of economic benefit to the ACT. For example:
- Part (A) – minimum $500,000 investment in a venture capital and growth private equity fund investing in start-ups and small private companies in the ACT;
or- Part (B) – minimum $500,000 investment in a Venture Capital Limited Partner (VCLP) fund component in a fund that is actively sourcing investment in the ACT;
or- Part (C) – minimum $500,000 investment in a ‘balancing’ investment component that includes significant ACT based investments.
堪培拉 888C 重大投资类别永居居民签证 - 飞出国:
500 万澳币在堪培拉投资4年且满足 DIBP 要求即可申请 888 转永居。持 188C 签证期间主申请人每年在澳洲累计住满40天(近1个半月),或是配偶每年在澳洲境内累计注满180天(近半年),即可全家获得永居身份。
Canberra 888 Significant investor stream (Permanent)
- Meet the Department of Immigration and Border Protection criteria for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) (subclass 888) visa – Significant Investor stream.
- Provide evidence that a proportion (minimum $500,000) of your complying investments have been of economic benefit to the ACT, as required by your ACT nomination.