

  1. 递交了澳大利亚技术移民申请的主申请人以及配偶和子女
  2. 对于已婚申请人,只要是已婚状态,即使配偶或子女不随行此次移民,也需要做体检


  1. 最早体检时间:申请人收到Skillselect签证邀请后,在线提交签证申请并扣款后,当天会在线生成体检号HAP ID下载的链接,就可以安排体检
  2. 最晚体检时间:签证申请递交上去后,等到分签证官Case officer后,收到要求补交体检邮件的28天内完成体检
  3. 体检时间选择:体检时间没有硬性要求,参考上面的最早和最晚体检时间。鉴于目前移民局整体审理速度偏慢,飞出国建议申请人可以早点安排体检。


  1. 澳大利亚境内:BUPA
  2. 中国境内:中国境内有指定体检医院的城市包括北京,成都,重庆,广州,杭州,哈尔滨,济南,南京,上海,沈阳,深圳,武汉和西安,具体参考链接中的Panel Physician Contact us
  3. 其他地区:该链接中选择所居住国家,查看Panel Physician
    Contact us


  1. 如有乙肝,丙肝病史,体检前需要空腹,其他情况不需要空腹,建议清淡饮食
  2. 如有结核病史,需提供距现在超过6个月的X光胸片供体检医生对比诊断。曾经进行过抗结核治疗的需提供详细的诊断治疗病历,内容包括:初次诊断结果、详细治疗方案、服药记录、治疗结束后的诊断结论等
  3. 如过往有手术史,需要携带病案首页,手术记录,出院证明(或者出院记录)以及病理检查报告。病历材料可以是复印件,但要盖有医院的病情证明鲜章
  4. 近视或花眼者请佩戴框架眼镜前来体检,请勿戴隐形眼镜
  5. 女性避开经期,经期结束5天后再做体检,避免因经期出现尿检隐血不正常
  6. 体检一般包括身高和体重测量,血压测量,眼睛测试,尿液和/或血液检查,具体体检项目可以参考 澳洲移民体检到底有哪些项目?What health examinations you need?
  7. 小孩尽管是小月龄婴儿也要进行体检,不需要照X光,但是对于两岁以上小孩要多做一个肺结核皮试(因为中国是肺结核高发区)
  8. 如在服用长期药请携带正在服用药物的说明书;如果申请人有高血压(吃药可以控制的情况),建议可以先吃药几天观察血压正常再去进行体检
  9. 整体说来,体检内容很简单,不用紧张。影响体检的主要包括艾滋病、肺结核及重大的传染性疾病或会给政府带来极大财政负担的疾病,例如尿毒症。具体可以参考 澳洲移民体检中哪些疾病会导致拒签?


  1. 对于之前得过肺结核有治疗好的申请人,后续肺部还有钙化点,可能会被要求复查,只要复查没问题,都不影响准签;大致有以下几种情况:
  • 不要求复查,签证依旧审理,申请人需要提供815表格,该表格需要提供一位澳洲境内联系人的联系方式,以备移民局等申请人登陆后联系通知做复查
  • 发现体检有问题后,一个月左右要求申请人复查,会被要求照X光或者做痰培养,并需要带上以往肺结核诊断治疗的记录去给体检医院查看,做痰培养和复查X光周期较长,其中痰培养的时间需要2个月出结果,再加上X光复查以及后续等待815的时间,总计可能比一般的案例长3个月左右
  • 如果确诊为肺结核,做三次痰培养看结果,然后治疗,治疗过程预计会超过90天,等治疗好后,再复查,提供结果给移民局,再签署815表格
  1. 对于之前有做过心脏手术的申请人,后续可能会被要求复查,并出具医生的说明,证明该病近五年内复发的风险率,提供了这些信息,也不影响准签
  2. 常见的关于三高,乙肝,大小三阳等问题,不影响准签;如果被要求加查4项:丙肝测试,HIV测试,谷草转氨酶,谷丙转氨酶,有任何一项不通过则体检不通过,全家拒签
  3. 曾患甲状腺纤维瘤,乳腺纤维瘤等良性肿瘤的申请人(已手术),体检是可以通过的
  4. 如果申请人在递交此次签证的一年内有做过移民体检,可以不用重复体检,因为体检一年有效,可以将之前体检的HAP ID直接填写在签证申请页面
  5. 签署815表格的申请人,登陆澳洲后要主动联系BUPA进行复查
  6. 体检一般一年有效,因此,移民局一般都会在体检过期之前下签,但是飞出国也遇到有少数案例审理时间过长导致体检过期,这种情况一般只要主申请人二次体检即可
  7. 如果成年女性处于怀孕状态,一般不建议照X光,移民局允许申请人选择怀孕照X光(需要咨询医生如何做好防护工作),或者等生完小孩后再去做体检,但是会需要等小孩出生后才会下签。

If you are pregnant and required to complete a chest x-ray, you should discuss your options with your own treating doctor and the examining panel physician or radiologist. You may choose to either proceed with the chest x-ray, or defer this until after giving birth.

If you have chosen to defer the chest x-ray requirement a decision will not be made on your application until after the birth of your child.

If you are in Australia and are pregnant, you will have been asked to complete a hepatitis B test. Most women will complete hepatitis testing as part of their neo-natal care plan. If this applies to you provide your case officer with a copy of your test results. You should not attend a medical clinic in Australia to repeat this test.

  1. 澳大利亚技术移民体检,如果申请中的任何一人体检不通过,则全家拒签, one fails, all fail

The Schedule 2 criteria for certain visa subclasses require all members of the family unit of the applicant seeking to satisfy the primary criteria to meet the health requirement, regardless of whether they are themselves a visa applicant and/or intend to join an applicant in Australia or already resident in Australia on a temporary visa.

For this visa, the health requirement is a “one fails, all fail” criterion. That is, if any member of the applicant’s family unit fails to meet the health requirement and no health waiver is available, no family member (including the applicant seeking to satisfy the primary criteria) can be granted a visa.


  1. 登录immiAccount,ImmiAccount ,进入以下界面,点击arrange health examinations

  1. 在每一位申请人的下方都有organize health examinations,点击

  1. 进入以下页面,需要按照问题提示回答家庭成员是否有重大疾病史(如肺结核,心脏手术,严重的肾病等,其中如果有接触过肺结核病人的情况也要说明);如没有,点击Answer No to All,declaration勾选,点击Submit
  2. 点击print,将跳出窗口的文档PDF(如下)保存,里面有记录HAP ID(体检号),申请人基本信息和体检项目(大人体检项目包括501基本体检,502X光,707HIV测试,小孩体检项目包括501基本体检, 719肺结核皮试-仅针对2岁以上小孩

  1. 然后,申请人电话联系指定的体检医院,预约体检时间,携带以下材料,确认好HAP ID是否可以查询到申请人信息,并了解体检注意事项等,去进行体检
  • HAP ID (如果是申请人自行下载体检号,如以上步骤4,则携带打印的Referral letter即可;如果分签证官后做体检的话,体检号一般在签证官邮件的附件IMMI Request Checklist and Details里就有,可以不用再去immiAccount操作下载体检号,直接打印Details里面的最后2/4/6(对应1/2/3人)页就是体检号文档)
  • 护照或者身份证原件
  • 申请人之前的X光结果(如果是近期做的X光检查,有可能此次不需要再做)
  • 申请人相关病例报告(比如曾患有肺结核,之前的病历及治愈结果等)
  • 其他材料:具体和所预约的体检医院确认
  1. 体检完成后,一般都没有问题,如果不放心,可以询问下体检医生,医生说没问题一般都没有问题;体检结果正常的话,结果及相关体检报告会在两个工作天内准备好。您无需过来取报告,澳大利亚签证体检使用移民局的eMedical系统,所有结果会直接提交给移民局;immiAccount在线看不到具体的体检结果,但是health assessment状态显示finalized则一般是体检没问题,如果体检需要复查,一般是收到BUPA的邮件通知或者签证官的邮件通知,同时immiAccount也会显示是需要复查;没有问题的话,会收到签证官对于申请审理的进一步通知,比如继续需要补交相关材料,缴纳副申语言费或者下签。

相关阅读: 专业干货!这些疾病不影响通过澳洲移民体检!



Raffles Hospital - 北京莱佛士医院

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:

​Suite 105, Wing 1 Kunsha Building
16 Xinyuanli
Chao Yang District
Beijing 100 027

Counter hours: ​Monday to Sunday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

Phone: +86 10 6462 0303

Email: visa_beijing@rafflesmedical.com

Website: ​www.rafflesmedical.com

United Family Jianguomen Clinic 和睦家建国门门诊

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:

Between Buildings 14/15
Jianwai Diplomatic Residence
Compound (DRC)
No. 1 Xiushui Street
Chaoyang District, Beijing

Counter hours: Monday to Sunday 8.30 am to 5 pm​

+86 10 8532 1678
+86 10 8532 1221

Email: ​​lily.li@ufh.com.cn​​

Beijing New World Eaton Medical Center 北京新世界耀东诊所

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:

​Level 5, Beijing New World
Shopping Mall
No. 3 Chong Wen Men Wai Street
Beijing 100062

Counter hours:
​Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday to Sunday 8 am to 12 pm

​+86 10 6708 5077
+86 10 6708 5075
Hotline: 86 400 680 8068 (Central Bookings)

Email: ​ausime@eatonclinic.com

Website: http://www.eatonclinic.com/

Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center 北京国际旅行卫生保健中心

​​Medical and Radiology examinations ​​

Street address:
6th Floor, 20 Hepingli North Street
Dongcheng District
Beijing 100013

Phone: +86-10-58648801​

Email: ​BITHC2008@hotmail.com


Chengdu IME Centre 成都西区医院

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​6th floor, Chengdu Western
No.2, 3rd Section of Erhuan Road
Chengdu, Sichuan 610036

Counter hours: ​Monday to Saturday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

Phone: +86 28 8757 5985

Email: ​chengdu@rcime.com

Website: ​https://www.rcime.com


Healthmate International Clinic 健康之友国际诊所

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
Jiangbei MEC of Ciming Oasis Health Management
1-2 Floors, Tower 1, Lifan Center
7 Juxianyan Square, Jiangbei District


Counter hours:
​Monday to Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm
Saturday 8.30 am to 1 pm


+86 23 6125 5215
+86 23 6197 1713
+86 23 6711 0234
+86 23 6751 9682​

WeChat: 1950799651, a61255215

Email: ​cqclinic123@126.com


IME Centre-Fujian Provincial Hospital (South Branch) 福州出国移民体检中心-福建省立医院南院

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:

​516 Jinrong South Road
Cangshan District
Fuzhou 350 001​​

Counter hours: ​Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm (appointment required)

+86 591 8861 9601
+86 591 8861 9602


Guangzhou International Travel Healthcare Centre 广东国际旅行卫生保健中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:

​6th floor, Eastern Tower of the Poly Building
59 Huali Road
Zhujiang New City
Tianhe District, Guangzhou

Counter hours: ​Monday to Friday 8 am to 12 pm and 1 to 4 pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm

Phone: +86 20 3828 8738

New Omega Medical Centre 新奥美嘉医疗

​Medical and Radiology examinations​

Street address:

​9th Floor Tower A
Centre Plaza, 161 Linhexi Lu
East Railway Station
Tianhe District

Counter hours: ​Monday to Sunday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

+86 20 2886 1900
+86 20 2886 1999

Email: ​liuhuaclinic@126.com


IME Centre - Hangzhou Mingliu Clinic 杭州名流诊所

​Medical and Radiology examinations​

Street address:
​No. 677 Dong Ning Road
Jiang Gan District, Hangzhou

Counter hours: ​Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm (appointment required)​

Phone: +86 571 8701 1318

Email: ​hailiao_hz@126.com


Harbin IME Centre - Heilongjiang International Travel Healthcare Centre 哈尔滨出国移民体检中心-黑龙江省国际旅行卫生保健中心

​Medical and Radiology examinations​

Street address:
​3rd Floor, 9 Ganshui Road
Nangang District
Harbin 150 001

Counter hours: ​​Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm

Phone: +86 451 8233 5862

Email: ​harbin@rcime.com​​

Website: https://www.rcime.com


Jinan IME Centre 济南出国移民体检中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
No. 38 Wuyingshan Road
Jinan Shandong Province 250033

Counter hours: ​​Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm

Phone: +86 531 5569 2289

Email: ​jinan@rcime.com​​

Website: ​https://www.rcime.com


Nanjing Jiangning LaiNing Clinic - (Managed by Raffles Medical) 南京江宁来宁诊所-莱佛士国际医疗

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
Ground Floor, Crown plaza hotel
BLK 01, No.9 JiaHu East road
Mulin Street Jiang Ning district

Counter hours:
​Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday 8:30am to 12:30pm

Phone: +86 25 8480 2696

Email: ​visa_nanjing@rafflesmedical.com

Website: https://www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com/international-clinics/locations/china/nanjing


Medifast Shanghai Medical Centre 上海快验保门诊部

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​Room 102, Hua Xia Bank Tower
256 Pudong South Road
Pu Dong, Shanghai 200120

Counter hours:
​Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 12 pm

Phone: +86 21 5887 8260

Email: ​imedical@163.com

Parkwayhealth Shanghai Centre Clinic 上海瑞新医疗中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
315 West Retail Plaza
1376 Nanjing Xi Lu
Shanghai 200 040

Counter hours: ​Monday to Sunday 8.30 am to 5 pm

+86 21 6279 8129
+86 400 819 6622 - Hotline for appointments - 9am-9pm, Monday-Sunday (except major national holidays, such us Chinese New Year)

Email: ​cn.scv.healthcheck@parkwaypantai.com

Website: ​www.parkwayhealth.cn

Shanghai Eaton Medical Centre 上海怡东门诊部

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​Room 304-309, Real Tower
1325 Huai Hai Road Central (Huaihaizhonglu)
Xu Hui District, Shanghai

Counter hours:
Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 4 pm

Phone: +8621-64730055

Email: ​Sheaton@eatonclinic.com

Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center 上海国际旅行卫生保健中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​No 15 Jinbang Road
Changning District
Shanghai 200335

Counter hours: Monday to Friday 8 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 4 pm,

Phone: +86 21 6268 3085

Email: ​shanghaiithc@163.com

Zhabei District Central Hospital 闸北区中心医院

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
Shanghai ​Zhabei District Central Hospital
6th Floor, Fu Zhen building
619 Zhonghua Xin Rd
Jing’an District
Shanghai 200070​

Counter hours:
​Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday 8 am to 12 pm

Phone: +86 21 3653 3651

Email: shanghai@prioritymedi.com

Website: ​https://www.prioritymedi.com


IME Centre - Shenyang 沈阳出国移民体检中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​No. 2 Wanghu Road, Heping District
Liaoning Electric Power Central Hospital
Liaoning 110006

Counter hours: Monday to Saturday 8.30 am to 5 pm

Phone: +86 24 23260528

Email: shenyang@rcime.com

Website: https://rcime.com


IME Centre - Shenzhen 深圳出国移民体检中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​2/F, 11 Jinhu Road
Luohu District
Guangdong 518025

Phone: +86 755 2535 8080

Website: ​https://www.prioritymedi.com


IME Centre - Wuhan (Priority Medical Services) 武汉出国移民体检中心

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
​453 Luoshi South Road
Hongshan District

Counter hours: Monday to Friday 7.30 am to 5.30 pm (appointment required)

Phone: +86 27 8581 1605

Email: ​wuhan@prioritymedi.com


Healthmate International Clinic 健康之友国际诊所

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
2/F, Health Check-up Building
Changan Hospital
17 Wenjing Lu
Weiyang District
Xi An City 710 068

Counter hours: ​Monday to Saturday 9am to 5 pm

Phone: +86 29 8618 7071


Sun Medical Centre ⁄ UMP Medical Centre (Central) 中環:聯合醫務中心

Medical and Radiology examinations ​​

Street address:
Room 1401, Wing On House
71 Des Voeux Road
Central Hong Kong (MTR - Central Station ‘exit A’)​

Counter hours:
9 am to 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm to 5:45 pm (Monday to Friday)
9 am to 1:30 pm (Saturday)
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays​

Phone: +85 2 3950 8828


Website: 聯合醫務集團有限公司

Quality Healthcare Medical Center – Mongkok 旺角:卓健醫療服務有限公司

Medical and Radiology examinations ​​

Street address:
Room 801-805, Wai Fung Plaza
664 Nathan Road

Counter hours:
8:30am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 6 pm (Monday-Friday)
8:30am to 1 pm (Saturday)
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

+85 2 8200 8825
9 am to 9 pm (Monday to Friday)
9 am to 1 pm (Saturday)

Email: info@qhms.com

Website: http://www.qhms.com

Sun ⁄ UMP Medical Centre - Jordan 佐敦:聯合醫務中心

Medical and Radiology examinations ​​

Street address:
15/F, 238 Nathan Road

Counter hours:
9 am to 1 pm, 2 pm to 6 pm (Monday to Friday)
9 am to 1 pm (Saturday)
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays​

Phone: +85 2 3950 8828


Website: 聯合醫務集團有限公司


Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital (KMUH) 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院

Medical and Radiology examinations​​

Street address:
Department of Preventive Medicine
KMUH, No.100, Tzyou 1st Road
Sham-min District​

Counter hours:
Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5 pm
Saturday, 9 am to 12 pm
(Radiology facility available on Saturday)​

Phone: +886 7 312 1101 ext 6863​

+886 7 311 0529
+886 7 322 0761​

China Medical University Hospital 中國醫藥大學附設醫院

Street address:
China Medical University Hospital Preventive Medicine Center
(corner of Wu Quan Road and Jim Xin Street)
No 2 Yuh Der Road
North District
Taichung 404

Phone: +886 4 2205 2121 or ext 5620, 5621, 5622, 5623​

Mackay Memorial Hospital Health Evaluation Center 馬偕紀念醫院– 國際醫療中心

Medical and Radiology examinations

Street address:
16F No.92
Sec 2
Chung Shan N. Rd
Taipei 10449​

Phone: +886 2 2543 3535 ext 2860​

Website: 馬偕醫院 健康檢查中心

​Taiwan Adventist Hospital 臺安醫院

Medical and Radiology examinations
Street address:
424 Pa Te Road
Sec 2
Taipei 10558​

Phone: +886 2 2771 8151​