

We expect important changes to immigration medical examinations to come into effect on 1 July 2023. From this date urine tests will no longer form part of the medical examination. We will require a blood test to be undertaken instead. Applicants aged 15 years or older who have not completed their medical examinations prior to 1 July 2023 will no longer undertake a urine test. We will require them to undertake a blood test instead. We will no longer require children between the ages of 5 and 14 years old to undertake urine or blood tests unless clinically indicated.

澳洲移民体检是移民申请的必要环节,那么澳洲移民体检有哪些项目呢?可以参考 澳洲移民体检到底有哪些项目?What health examinations you need?

要顺利拿到澳洲签证的话,体检必须要通过,不仅仅是主申请人,随行家庭成员也要通过,那么哪些疾病不影响体检呢? 可以参考 专业干货!这些疾病不影响通过澳洲移民体检!

对于移民体检预约以及一些常见问题,可以参考 飞出国2023年最新版澳大利亚技术移民体检指南