澳洲移民体检到底有哪些项目?What health examinations you need?


永久和临时签证申请人的体检项目 Permanent and provisional visa applicants

  1. 通常说来,永久和临时签证申请人会需要进行以下体检项目:
Age 年龄 Tests required 体检项目
Under 2 years 2周岁以下 * medical examination 体格检查
2 or more but under 11 years 2周岁以上11周岁以下 * medical examination 体格检查* TB Screening test - either Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) if you are from a higher risk country for tuberculosis or are applying for a refugee or humanitarian type visa 如果是来自肺结核高风险国家或者申请难民或者人道主义签证,则需要做肺结核筛查检查
11 or more but under 15 years 11周岁以上15周岁以下 * medical examination 体格检查 * chest x-ray X光检查
15 or more years 15周岁以上 * medical examination 体格检查 * chest x-ray X光检查 * HIV test 艾滋病毒检测
  1. 如果申请人适用于以下情况,则需要加查以下项目:
Situation 情况 Additional tests required 加查项目
You are 15 years old or older and intend to work as (or study to be) a doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic 15周岁以上且将从事医生,牙医,护士或者医务人员或者进行这些方面的学习 * hepatitis B and C test 乙肝丙肝测试
You are 15 years old or older and applying for an onshore protection visa 15周岁以上且申请的是境内保护签证 * hepatitis B and C tests 乙肝丙肝测试 * syphilis test 梅毒检测
You are 15 years old or older and applying for a refugee visa 15周岁以上且申请的是难民签证 * syphilis test 梅毒检测 * tests that address your specific health risks 其他针对特定健康风险的检测
You are pregnant and plan to have your baby in Australia 已经怀孕且计划在澳洲生产 * hepatitis B test 乙肝测试
You are a child for adoption or a child in the care of an Australian state or territory government welfare authority 是澳洲州或者领地福利机构收养或者看护的小孩 * hepatitis B test 乙肝测试 * HIV test 艾滋病毒检测

短期签证申请人的体检项目 Temporary visa applicants

  1. 申请人需要做的体检项目,取决于以下几点:
  • 申请的签证类别 what visa you are applying for
  • 将在澳洲停留的期限 how long you plan to stay in Australia
  • 申请人所在国家的肺结核风险级别 what level of tuberculosis risk we think your country poses
  • 基于申请人去澳洲的目的,来判断申请人健康的重要性 whether we think your health is of special significance, based on what you plan to do in Australia
  • 其他特殊情况 any special circumstances
  • 体检过程中或签证申请过程中发现的重大的身体健康状况 whether any significant medical conditions were found when you were examined or during the visa application process
  1. 通常说来,短期签证申请人需要进行以下体检项目:
Country risk level 国家风险级别 Your stay will be less than 6 months 在澳洲停留不超过6个月 Your stay will be 6 months or more 在澳洲停留超过6个月
Low risk 低风险 * no health examinations needed unless special significance applies 一般不需要体检,除非特殊情况 * no health examinations needed unless special significance applies 一般不需要体检,除非特殊情况
High risk 高风险 * no health examinations needed unless special circumstances apply 一般不需要体检,除非特殊情况 * medical examination 体格检查* chest x-ray (if aged 11 years or over) 11周岁以上需要X光检查

注:如果申请人近28天内有在澳洲待过,则这段在澳洲停留的时间也会计算在内 If you have been in Australia in the last 28 days, we include any time you have already spent in Australia when we work out your length of stay for health requirement purposes.

  1. 如果申请人适用于以下情况,则需要加查以下项目:
Situation 情况 Additional tests required 加查项目
You are from a country with a higher risk of TB and likely to enter a healthcare or hospital environment 申请人来自于肺结核高风险国家且将要进入医疗保健或者医院工作 * chest x-ray examination (if aged 11 or over) and a medical examination 体格检查,11周岁以上需要X光检查
You are pregnant and intend to have the baby in Australia 已经怀孕且计划在澳洲生产 * hepatitis B test 乙肝测试
You intend to work as (or study to be) a doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic 将从事医生,牙医,护士或者医务人员或者进行这些方面的学习 * chest x-ray X光检查* medical examinations 体格检查 * HIV 艾滋病毒检测 * hepatitis B and C tests 乙肝丙肝检测
You are likely to work (or be a trainee) at an Australian childcare centre (including preschools and creches) 将去澳洲儿童托管中心(包括学前机构和托儿所)工作 * chest x-ray X光检查 * medical examination 体格检查
You are aged 75 years or older and applying for a Visitor visa (subclass 600) 申请600签证的75周岁以上的申请人 * medical examination 体格检查

注:申请人去体检时,会被问及接下来6-12个月是否会申请永久停留,如果是,将会按照永久停留的要求来做体检,将会有更多的体检项目。When you attend the panel clinic they will ask you whether you plan to apply for a permanent stay in the next 6 to 12 months. If yes, they will ask if you want to be assessed for permanent stay. You will have to have more examinations if you do. You will have to pay for the extra examinations.

肺结核低风险国家 Countries with low risk of tuberculosis


Albania Estonia Netherlands Tokelau
American Samoa Falkland Islands Netherlands Antilles Tonga
Andorra Faroe Islands New Caledonia Trinidad and Tobago
Antigua and Barbuda Finland New Zealand Tunisia
Argentina France Niue Turkey
Aruba French Polynesia Norfolk Island Turks and Caicos Islands
Australia Germany North Macedonia United Arab Emirates
Austria Gibraltar Norway United Kingdom (British citizen)
Bahamas Greece Oman United States of America
Bahrain Grenada Palestinian Authority Uruguay
Barbados Guadeloupe Pitcairn Island Vatican City
Belgium Heard and McDonald Islands Poland Virgin Islands (British)
Belize Hungary Portugal Virgin Islands (US)
Bermuda Iceland Puerto Rico Wallis and Futuna Islands
Bonaire Iran Reunion Island
Bouvet Island Ireland Saint Eustatius & Saba
Bulgaria Israel Saint Helena (Ascension and Tristan da Cunha)
Canada Italy Saint Kitts and Nevis
Cayman Islands Jamaica Saint Lucia
Chile Japan Saint Martin (Dutch)
Christmas Island Jordan Samoa
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kosovo San Marino
Cook Islands Kuwait Saudi Arabia
Costa Rica Lebanon Serbia
Croatia Lichtenstein Seychelles
Cuba Luxembourg Slovakia
Curacao Malta Slovenia
Cyprus Mauritius South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Czech Republic Mexico Spain
Denmark Monaco Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Dominica Montenegro Sweden
Egypt Montserrat Switzerland