飞出国:2018年12月18日,新西兰移民部发布了工签政策调整的大致框架并发布意见征求在线调查,该在线调查会在2019年3月18日(星期一)下午5时结束:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TempWorkVisaConsultation ,随后将在2019年下半年分步骤实施。
- 将审核和调查的重点转到雇主,通过审核的雇主才能招聘海外雇员,审核有效期为12个月;
- 用区域技能短缺清单(Regional Skills Shortage Lists)取代技能短缺清单(Essential Skills in Demand Lists ),以更好地反映区域内存在的技能短缺,为区域内临时移民提供更强有力的信息反馈;
- 引入行业协议以解决长期结构性问题,防止行业过于依赖移民劳工;
- 改进移民、福利和教育系统的一致性,增加新西兰本地人就业率,有效促进新西兰带来更好的劳动力市场;
雇主担保型临时工签新体系 - 飞出国
- 雇主检查:批准雇主可以雇佣移民
- 工作检查:确保没有新西兰人能够胜任这项工作
- 移民检查:确保移民符合健康和品行的要求
6类工签受影响,银蕨前途未卜 - 飞出国
- 技术工签 Essential Skills including the Essential Skills in Demand Lists (ESID)
- 收到移民局的原则性批准信 Approval-in-Principle
- 优才工签 Talent (Accredited Employer)
- 工作转居民签证-长期技能短缺职业 Work to Residence – Long-term Skill Shortage List occupation
- 银蕨实践工签 Silver Fern (Practical Experience)
- 银蕨求职工签 Silver Fern (Job Search)
Consultation opens on proposals to improve temporary work visa settingsTuesday, 18 December 2018
On 18 December 2018, the Government announced it is consulting on proposed changes to employer-assisted temporary work visa settings to ensure that work visas issued reflect genuine regional skill shortages. The consultation will close on 18 March 2019.
The proposals released for consultation include:
- introducing a new framework for all employer-assisted temporary work visas which will be employer-led, rather than migrant-led, and will include checks for employers, jobs and migrants
- replacing the Essential Skills in Demand Lists with Regional Skills Shortage Lists
- introducing sector agreements with sectors which rely heavily on migrant labour
- improving alignment of the immigration, welfare and education systems.
For employer-assisted temporary work visas employers often have to demonstrate through labour market tests that there are no suitable New Zealanders available to do the work.
The proposals are designed to strike the balance between providing more incentives and support for businesses to employ more New Zealanders, and ensuring that access to migrant labour is available where there is a genuine need.
Consultation on the proposals is open to all individuals, groups and organisations. Final decisions will be announced by mid-2019.
Regions and industries will benefit from temporary work visa proposals | beehive.govt.nz
Affected visas
These proposals impact the following 6 temporary work visas:
- Essential Skills including the Essential Skills in Demand Lists (ESID)
- Approval-in-Principle
- Talent (Accredited Employer)
- Work to Residence – Long-term Skill Shortage List occupation
- Silver Fern (Practical Experience)
- Silver Fern (Job Search).
Proposed new framework
The new framework will simplify the immigration system by reducing the number of pathways for employer-assisted temporary work visas into one enhanced framework that includes employer, job and migrant checks.
The current employer-assisted temporary work visa system is overly complex, includes a number of different visa options and does not respond sufficiently to sectoral or regional differences in the labour market. There are also too few checks and balances on employers hiring migrants, resulting in some employers with poor track records still being able to access migrant labour. Signals from the immigration system, for example the inclusion of an occupation on a skills shortage list or growth in temporary work visas for an occupation, generally do not trigger corresponding responses from the domestic labour market (such as by employers/industry and the compulsory education, tertiary education, welfare and employment systems).
Overall, the new framework will simplify the immigration system by reducing the number of pathways for employer-assisted temporary work visas into one enhanced framework that includes employer, job and migrant checks. It will also ensure that access to work visas is better matched to where there are genuine and high skill needs, and that the system provides more incentives and support for businesses to employ more New Zealanders.
Impact on employers
Currently, the migrant is the principal applicant for most employer-assisted visas. This means they must collect and provide information about themselves and the employer. This can create issues for employers, and also limits INZ’s monitoring and compliance of employers.
While the new framework would initially require more administration for most employers, the changes as a whole will make overall process faster for employers who meet the required standards and will support better compliance and assurance processes.
): http://flyabroad.me/contact/。