新西兰工签转移民-长期紧缺职业类别 Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa

新西兰长期紧缺职业移民签证 LTSSLRV - 飞出国2019

飞出国:New Zealand Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa 签证属于通过对应工签工作2年后转移民的方式。与 SMC 直接的移民相比,没有雅思总分6.5、EOI 160的要求,同时年薪要求只有 45000 纽币,但要求已经为雇主工作2年同时申请移民时还有长期全职雇佣(You must have been employed in New Zealand for 24 months and have ongoing, full-time employment)。

新西兰长期紧缺职业移民签证 2019 年年中将面临修改,飞出国会密切关注 2019年新西兰工签新政,愿意提供担保的雇主将更少

Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa - flyabroad 2019

This visa is for people who hold a Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa and have been employed in New Zealand for more than 2 years. If you have ongoing employment and your salary is NZ$45,000 or greater, you may be eligible for this resident visa.

Overview - Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa

DURATION Indefinitely

With this visa you can

  • Live, work and study in New Zealand.
  • Include your partner and dependent children aged 24 and under in your residence application.

Things to note - Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa

  • To apply for this visa, you must hold a Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa and have worked in New Zealand for more than 2 years.
  • You must have ongoing, full-time employment in an occupation that was on the Long Term Skill Shortage List LTSSL) at the time you were granted a work visa, or an occupation that is on the LTSSL at the time you apply for residence.

Current work visa - Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa

You must have a current Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa and have held it for at least 24 months

Ongoing employment - Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa

You must have been employed in New Zealand for 24 months and have ongoing, full-time employment

Minimum income - Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa

You must have a minimum base salary of NZ$45,000


访问 飞出国香港flyabroad.hk)网站获得更多出国移民项目及资讯信息。