新西兰认可雇主人才工签 - Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa
飞出国:找到新西兰认可的雇主企业(ACCREDITED EMPLOYERS LIST)找到税前年薪5.5万纽币以上全职工作,不需要雅思,不需要紧缺职业,年龄不超过 55 周岁就可以申请新西兰优才合格雇主工签,一次最长 30 个,工作满 24 个月后可以转移民:新西兰工签转移民-认证雇主类别 Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa 。
新西兰优才工签(认可雇主)类别2019年年中可能会调整: 2019年新西兰工签新政,愿意提供担保的雇主将更少 。
新西兰当前对合格雇主的认证要求参考:新西兰工签认证雇主(Accredited Employer)申请条件 Apply to become an accredited employer 。
Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa - flyabroad 2019
This visa is for people who are looking for a pathway to live in New Zealand and who have a skill that’s needed by a New Zealand accredited employer. If an accredited employer offers you full-time work, you’ll be able to get a visa to work here. If you continue to work for that employer for 2 years, you’ll be able to apply to live in New Zealand permanently.
Overview - Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa - flyabroad
DURATION 30 months AGE RANGE 55 and under With this visa you can - Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa - flyabroad
- Work in New Zealand for the accredited employer who offers you work.
- Apply for residence after 2 years of working for an accredited employer.
Things to note - Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa - flyabroad
- You can’t include a partner or dependent children in your work visa application, but they can apply for visas based on their relationship to you.
New Zealand job offer - Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa - flyabroad
You must have a job offer, Your job offer must:
- be from an accredited employer
- be current at the time you apply for your visa
- be for full-time work
- be for 2 years or more
- pay at least NZ $55,000 a year (before tax)
- be for work that is your employer’s main reason for being in business
- make your employer responsible for the work that you do.
You must provide a copy of your employment agreement as evidence of your job offer. The employment agreement must include:
- your employer’s name and contact details
- your name and contact details
- your job title
- the address for your place of work
- the kind of work you’ll be doing and your responsibilities at work
- details of any necessary qualifications or work experience
- information about whether you’ll need New Zealand registration to do the work
- how long the work will be for
- how long you have to take up the job offer
- pay and work conditions that comply with New Zealand employment law.
提交免费在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国( flyabroad_hk
)或 预约面谈 : http://flyabroad.me/contact/ 。