It allows you to travel overseas and return to Australia as a permanent resident. You need this visa if the travel period on your current permanent visa has expired or is about to expire.
You might be able to be granted 155 visa if you:
have spent a period totalling two years in the last five years in Australia as either an Australian permanent resident or citizen (the ‘residence requirement’).
have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but can satisfy the processing officer that you have substantial business, cultural, employment or personal ties of benefit to Australia, and:
are lodging while in Australia and can show compelling reasons for any continuous absence from Australia of more than five years;
are lodging while overseas, were a permanent resident or citizen when you last departed Australia and can show compelling reasons for any continuous absence from Australia of more than five years;
are lodging while overseas, were a permanent resident or citizen in the last 10 years and can show compelling reasons for absence(s) over five years;
have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but are members of the family unit of a person who holds a subclass 155 visa, or who has also applied for a Resident Return visa and satisfies criteria for grant.
The residence requirement is based on the time you have lived in Australia and the time you have spent outside Australia.
You must:
have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and
not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.
Children under 16 years of age do not need to meet the residence requirements.
have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and
not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.
suffer from a substantial impairment or loss of hearing, speech or sight
can show specialist medical evidence of a permanent or enduring physical mental incapacity which means you are not capable of:
understanding the nature of your application
demonstrating a basic knowledge of the English language
demonstrating an adequate knowledge of Australia and of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship
were born to a former Australian citizen
were born in Papua before 16 September 1975 to an Australian citizen born in Australia as currently defined
are stateless and were born in Australia.
If you do not need to sit the test, you might have a citizenship interview. At the interview we will confirm that you understand your citizenship application, have a basic knowledge of English and understand the responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship.
2014-2015 年间,通过技术类(包括 Business 类别)移民澳洲的申请人中印度第一,中国第二,英国第三,菲律宾第四,巴基斯坦第五。
下面重点看一下澳洲移民里按照类别及总数排名的国家名次,中国是澳洲移民里家庭担保类申请人最多的国家,技术移民里需要 point test 的(包括技术移民和商业移民里的很多类别,不包括雇主这些不需要评分的)印度,中国,巴基斯坦,英国,菲律宾排前五。雇主担保类英国,印度,菲律宾,爱尔兰排前四,中国第五位。这些数据可以说明一些问题。