The MPNP-B will only nominate individuals who intend to reside in Manitoba with their dependent family members, make an investment into a new or existing business and assume an active managerial role in that business. Individuals who do not meet all program requirements are encouraged to explore other provincial and federal immigration programs.
Please note that if your intention is to establish a primary production farming operation, you are not eligible to apply through this regular business stream of the Provincial Nominee Program for Business (PNP-B). You must apply through the Farm Strategic Recruitment Initiative (FSRI) which is a special initiative of the PNP-B for farm business applicants.
To qualify for the MPNP-B, interested applicants must:
have a minimum verifiable personal net worth of CDN$350,000;
have a minimum three years of successful business ownership and management experience or a minimum three years of executive-level experience as senior manager of a business; and
score a minimum of 60 points in the Adaptability Assessment Matrix.
The applicant must also be prepared to:
attend an interview with a MPNP-B officer;
make an Eligible Business Investment in Manitoba; and
reside in Manitoba along with his/her dependent family members.
The applicant may have to:
conduct an Exploratory Visit to Manitoba. The applicant must provide a visit report and other documents to demonstrate the research conducted during this visit (please see details on page 14); and
provide the results of a language competency test to demonstrate language proficiency.
MPNP-B申请流程 - 飞出国
收到MPNP-B的LAA(Letter of Advice to Apply)邀请后递交正式的省提名申请;
曼省省提名商业移民2017年要变政了,调整申请条件及收费标准,吸引那些可以给曼省带来更多工作机会的优质投资 who can establish higher investment businesses that create jobs for Manitobans。最新政策将在2017年初发布,飞出国会密切跟进。
Premier announces a new Labour Market Strategy for Immigration to provide direction for the renewal of the MPNP. The MPNP for Skilled Workers and Business will be renewed with a stronger emphasis on candidates with high potential to meet the Province’s projected labour market needs over the next 5 years, and who can establish higher investment businesses that create jobs for Manitobans. The specific details of changes to MPNP criteria and processes, as well as the new cost recovery model with application fees, will be announced in early 2017 after program changes have been approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
2017年曼省商业移民开始发省提名申请邀请 LAA(Letter of Advice to Apply),一月三十日曼省商业移民 MPNP-B 共发出 40 分邀请,申请人分数在 85-100分之间,曼省2017年1月共收到 35 份省提名商业移民申请。
What’s New for MPNP-B?
Number of LAAs Issued
Range of Scores
85 to 100
Thirty five (35) applications were received for the month of January 2017.
Note: The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depend on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
To apply to the MPNP with the connection of Manitoba Invitation, you must upload in MPNP Online the Letter of Invitation you received directly from the MPNP after being interviewed by a program officer during a recruitment mission or exploratory visit.
Of the 40 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs), only one (1) was sent to an applicant with the lowest point score of 85.
Thirty-three (33) applications were received for the month of February 2017.
**Note: ** The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depend on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
飞出国:曼省省提名商业移民 MPNP-B 类别3月共发出 50 份 LAA(Letters of Advice to Apply),最低分 87 分(发出了5份最低分为 87 的邀请),比 2月份的 40 份邀请人数增加10分且邀请分数比上次85分最低分也有提高。
2017年3月曼省共收到 41 份商业移民申请。
What’s New for MPNP-B?
LAA results – March 2017
Number of LAAs Issued
Range of Scores
87 to 95
Of the 50 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs), only five (5) were sent to applicants with the lowest point score of 87.
Fourty-one (41) applications were received for the month of March 2017.
Note: The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depend on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
飞出国:曼省省提名商业移民 MPNP-B 类别4月共发出 40 份 LAA(Letters of Advice to Apply),最低分 87 分(最高分 97),比3月份的 50 份邀请人数减少10份,邀请分数类似。
What’s New for MPNP-B?
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Posted on May 2, 2017 by Manitoba Immigration
LAA results – April 2017
Number of LAAs Issued
Range of Scores
87 to 97
Of the 40 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs), only seven (7) were sent to applicants with the lowest point score of 87.
Thirty (30) applications including those from Farm Strategic Recruitment Initiative were received for the month of April 2017.
Note: The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depends on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
Of the 90 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs), only seven (7) were sent to applicants with the lowest point score of 87.
Eighty-four (84) applications including those from Farm Strategic Recruitment Initiative were received for the months of May and June 2017.
Note: The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depends on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
Of the 27 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs), seventeen (17) were sent to applicants with the lowest point score of 90.
Forty-one (41) applications were received for the month of August 2017.
**Note: ** The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depends on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
Of the 27 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs), seventeen (17) were sent to applicants with the lowest point score of 90.
Forty-one (41) applications were received for the month of August 2017.
Note: The MPNP-B draws submissions from the EOI pool periodically. A Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is issued to the highest scoring submissions existing in the pool at the time of draw. Due to limited number of available spots, the LAA issuance is prioritized on the basis of date of last update in case of a tied score.
The EOI pool is active and dynamic. Its composition changes with every additional submission. Submissions are drawn multiple times every month and the range of scores varies for every draw. The range of scores depends on the available EOI submissions in the pool at the time of the draw.
The renewed Business Investor Stream (BIS) will replace the current PNP-B business immigration category.
BIS allows Manitoba to recruit and nominate qualified business investors and entrepreneurs from around the world who have the intent and ability to start or purchase businesses in Manitoba within the first 24 months of arrival in Canada on a temporary work permit. Applicants will no longer be required to submit a deposit of $100,000 to the Manitoba government.
There will be two pathways:
The Entrepreneur Pathway for applicants seeking to open a business in Manitoba; and
The Farm Investor Pathway for those intending to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba.