从 曼省省提名投资移民介绍(MPNP-B Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program for Business) 继续讨论:
曼省省提名投资移民评分标准(MPNP Adaptability Matrix) - 飞出国
申请曼省投资移民,评分至少要达到60分(满分100分)才可以。有5大评分因素,以下为曼省投资移民 Business Immigration Adaptability Matrix 细节:
1. 年龄(满分15分):年龄在21-54之间。
Age | Point |
Below 21 |
0 |
21 to 24 |
5 |
25 to 29 | 10 |
30 to 44 |
15 |
45 to 49 |
10 |
50 to 54 |
5 |
Above 54 | 0 |
2. 业务知识(满分15分):主要是看是企业所有者还是高级经理,如果是企业所有者,还有看其所有权比例。
- 近5年内有3年企业所有权;
- 如果申请人有多个企业,只会考虑主要业务的所有权比例;
- 如果配偶在同一企业占有股份,计算时会将主申和配偶的股份加在一起算;
- 如果申请人在企业占的股份不足20%,需要按高级经理进行评估。
Business Knowledge (Max 15 points) Points
飞出国 flyabroad | Points |
Business Owner and manager (more than 50% ownership) | 15 |
Business Owner and manager ( 20% to 50% ownership) | 12 |
Senior Manager | 10 |
3. 经验(满分15分): 最少3年,只认可高级管理经验。
Length of experience is counted only for senior management or business ownership experience as defined by the PNP-B. No points will be awarded for other experience. For example, middle or entry level management experience or self-employed business ownership experience will not score any points under this criteria.
Business Experience (Max 15 points)
Length of Experience | Points |
Above 10 Years or more | 15 |
Above 6 to 10 Years | 10 |
3 to 6 Years | 5 |
**4. 净资产(满分15分):**最少35万加币。
Net Worth (Max 15 points) - flyabroad
Total Net Worth | Points |
$350,000 to $500,000 | 8 |
$500,000 to $1 Million | 10 |
Above $1Million to $1.5 Million | 12 |
Above $1.5 Million to $2 Million | 13 |
Above $2 Million to $2.5 Million | 14 |
Above $2.5 Million | 15 |
5. 语言能力(最高20分): 最低CLB4,CLB 4,5,6 15分,CLB 7及以上20分。
English and/or French Fluency (Max20 points)
Description | CLB/NCLC or equivalent test score |
Points |
No/little English/French language proficiency (e.g., you have no or minimal English/French languageskills) | Less than 4 |
0 |
Moderate language proficiency or you have some English/French skills and cancommunicate well in most everyday situations | 4 to 6 |
15 |
Higher language proficiency or you communicate very well and are fluent in English/French | Above 6 |
20 |
6. 适应能力(最高20分): 曼省访问,曼省近亲属,配偶语言能力,曼省学习和工作等。
- 曼省访问必须是提交EOI之前的一年之内的;
- 曼省近亲属必须是加拿大公民或者永居,在曼省定居1年以上。近亲属可以是:兄弟姐妹,叔姑姨舅,侄子侄女,外甥外甥女,祖父母或外祖父母,以及堂/表兄弟姐妹。需要提供关系证明和他们的定居证明,定居证明可以有:工作,居住地,加拿大平税通知书等。
- 提供子女曼省学校的入学证明。
Enhanced Settlement Factors (Applicant can only score a maximumof 20 points under enhanced settlement factors).
Points |
You have visited Manitoba forat least consecutive five working days and conducted relevant business and lifestyle-relatedresearch |
15 |
You have aclose relative currently residing in Manitoba for more than one year |
5 |
Your child is enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educationalinstitution at least six months prior to the date of submission of NominationApplication and is activelypursuing academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. |
5 |
Your spouse has a high language proficiency (CLB score of 5 orabove) |
10 |
Previous Study and/or work experience in Manitoba: |
5 |
- The Exploratory Visit must be conducted no more than one year prior to submission of an EOI.
- A close relative must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and residing in Manitoba for more than one year. A close relative is defined as a sister/brother, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, grandparent or first cousin. Proof of relationship must be provided. If your relative has lived in Manitoba for more than one year, provide proof that he/she is well-established in Manitoba (proof of employment, proof of residence, Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment, etc.)
- You must provide documents supporting the enrollment of your children in an accredited Manitoba educational institution.
- You can score a combined maximum of 20 points for this criterion.
飞出国曼省省提名投资移民2016年最新评分标准:MBPNP-Business Immigration-e_matrix-201610-flyabroad.pdf (358.3 KB)。