澳大利亚偏远地区 Regional Australia - 飞出国
在澳洲读书2年可以加澳洲2年学习的5分,如果这2年学习是在澳洲偏远地区或低人口增长地区(low population growth metropolitan areas)就可以额外获得5分偏远地区学习分数。也就是鼓励到偏远地区留学。
另外在申请 489 及从 489 转 887 时也要注意这些偏远地区的概念,看完下面说明还不清楚的话可以咨询飞出国。
除了 ACT(堪培拉,首领地)外,各个州都有偏远地区(Regional Australia)。
最北边的北领地 NT,最南边的南澳 SA,东南面的岛州塔斯马尼亚 TAS 全境都属于偏远地区。
新州 NSW,昆州 QLD,维州 VIC,西澳 WA 核心大城市区域外的地区属于偏远地区,在判断能否符合 489 或 偏远地区学习条件时可以参考对应的邮编。
General Skilled Migration - Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas
General Skilled Migration Points Test – Study in Regional Australia
If you have studied in a regional area of Australia and meet the Australian study requirement then you can claim points for Study in Regional Australia on the General Skilled Migration points test.
Visa subclasses with a Regional Requirement
Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489)
Holders of this visa subclass including dependent applicants are required to:
- reside in a designated regional or low population growth area for a minimum of two (2) years; and
- work in a regional area for a minimum of one (1) year.
This requirement applies to visa holders regardless of whether they were sponsored by an eligible relative residing in a regional area or nominated by a state or territory government. There is a condition attached to the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa to ensure that you comply with the requirement.
To meet the criteria for a Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887), applicants must have complied with the condition attached to your Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa.