
澳大利亚 489临时签证申请材料清单-飞出国


  1. 出生公证: 可能需要去公证处拿单子,去户籍所在地派出所盖章,咨询当地公证处(参考出生公证办理指南)
  2. 曾用名公证: 检查户口页,如果有,列明曾用名,做公证
  3. 结婚证公证: 公证主申请为持证人的那份
  4. 雅思成绩单: 提供申请前两年内考出的成绩单
  5. 职业评估通过函: 必须在有效期内
  6. 学位学历公证: 专科毕业证、本科毕业证、本科学位证、硕士毕业证、硕士学位证(如果学校能在证书复印件与翻译件上盖章(学校/学院公章/档案室章/教务处章),就不必公证了)
  7. 学位证教育部认证件: 本科学位证、硕士学位证、博士学位证教育部认证,我们帮您申请,您在线进行支付,办理周期比较长,请尽快
  8. 成绩单: 专科、本科、硕士中英文成绩单盖章件
  9. 推荐信: 近8/5/3年内的雇主推荐信;当前公司推荐信需要更新时间,注意替换,打印,签字
  10. 工作证明材料: 提供近8/5/3年工作的合同、工资单、个税证明、社保证明(尽量提供)
  11. 资格证书: 提供与工作职位相关的资格证书
  12. 简历: 如果有职位职责变动,需要更新简历
  13. 护照: 护照首页、签字的尾页、澳洲签证页。有效期需要在两年以上(不足两年的去换新护照;如果实在不能换,备注情况,预签阶段换发也可以)
  14. 移民照片: 3.5cm*4.5cm,近期的(6个月内),彩照,纯白底色-可以是数码相机拍摄的电子版(照片头像,下巴到额头的尺寸是25mm到30mm之间)
  15. 申请表 80表、1221表
  16. 签证申请费: 主申3520澳币,副申1760澳币,小孩880澳币,总计XXX澳币(用具有国际支付功能的双币信用卡支付,
    • Visa and MasterCard* - 1.08%
    • American Express and JCB - 1.99%
    • Diners Club International - 2.91%
  17. 国内无犯罪公证 去户籍所在地管辖派出所办理无犯罪证明然后公证(等预签时移民局通知时再提供)
  18. 国外无犯罪公证 任何16周岁后并且10年内连续居住超过半年或累计居住超过1年的国家都需要提供无犯罪证明公证(办理周期相对较长,需要提前准备)


  1. 出生公证: 可能需要去公证处拿单子,去户籍所在地派出所盖章,咨询当地公证处(参考出生公证办理指南)
  2. 曾用名公证: 检查户口页,如果有,列明曾用名,做公证
  3. 雅思成绩单: 提供申请前1年内考出的成绩单,平均分不低于4.5分。签证申请时可以不提供,预签之前考出来就行。
  4. 语言学习费: 如果无法考出雅思成绩,需缴纳4885澳币的语言学习费(预签后缴纳)
  5. 护照: 护照首页、签字的尾页、澳洲签证页。有效期需要在两年以上(不足两年的去换新护照;如果实在不能换,备注情况,预签阶段换发也可以)
  6. 移民照片: 3.5cm*4.5cm,近期的(6个月内),彩照,纯白底色-可以是数码相机拍摄的电子版(照片头像,下巴到额头的尺寸是25mm到30mm之间)
  7. 其他相关资料 :如配偶已做职业评估并考过雅思(雅思可以是近三年内的),需要给该申请加5分,则需和主申一样提供学历和工作方面的材料,参考主申
  8. 申请表: 80表、1221表
  9. 国内无犯罪公证: 去户籍所在地管辖派出所办理无犯罪证明然后公证(等预签时移民局通知时再提供)
  10. 国外无犯罪公证: 任何16周岁后并且10年内连续居住超过半年或累计居住超过1年的国家都需要提供无犯罪证明公证(办理周期相对较长,需要提前准备)


  1. 出生医学证明公证: 将孩子的出生医学证明公证(公证里带有出生医学证明的复印件),不是普通的出生公证
  2. 曾用名公证: 检查户口页,如果有,列明曾用名,并公证
  3. 护照 :护照首页、签过字的尾页、澳洲签证页。有效期需要在两年以上(不足两年的去更新护照)
  4. 移民照片: 3.5cm*4.5cm,近期的(6个月内),彩照,纯白底色-可以是数码相机拍摄的电子版(照片头像,下巴到额头的尺寸是25mm到30mm之间)


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澳洲移民部最新 489 官方清单,澳洲签证阶段主申雅思有效期都是3年。

Optional evidence

You can provide other information and evidence about your attempts to recruit Australians, such as labour market research, expressions of support from government employment agencies or information about your participation in job and career expositions.

Redundancies or retrenchments

If an Australian citizen or permanent resident has been retrenched or made redundant in your business, or an associated entity of your business, within the four months prior to lodging your nomination, you must also provide information about those redundancies or retrenchments.

You must have undertaken labour market testing after those redundancies or retrenchments, and you must provide information and evidence of that labour market testing with your nomination.

  • If you are seeking to demonstrate proficient English or superior English for the points test, you must submit the results of a specified English language test even if you hold one of the passports specified above.
  • A suitable skills assessment assessed by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated occupation from the relevant Skilled Occupation List.
  • You were under 50 years of age. Your personal documents are counted as evidence.
  • Evidence that you need to provide to support your Points Test claims made in your Expression of Interest (EOI). Evidence you need to provide is available below. Your assessed points score must be equal to or greater than the points score you claimed in your EOI.
  • State or territory Government agency nomination through SkillSelect or Sponsorship by an eligible family member living in a designated area of Australia.


  • Form 1393 Electronic application form (online form link provided in your letter of invitation)


  • Pay the visa application charge.
  • Pay any second instalments of the visa application charge, if applicable.

Documents to show identity

  • Scanned colour copies of the biographical pages of the current passports or travel documents of all people included in the application.
  • Recent, scanned passport-sized photograph (45 mm x 35 mm) of you and each other person included in the application. Alternatively, digital photos can also be provided. Each photograph should:
  • be of the head and shoulders against a plain background and
  • be labelled with the applicant’s name.
  • If your name has changed or the name of anyone included in your application has changed:
  • evidence of the name change.
  • Scanned colour copy of your birth registration, and that of all people included in the application, showing the names of both parents. If you do not have a birth certificate, provide a certified scanned colour copy of the identification pages of at least one of the following:
    • passport
    • family book showing both parents’ names
    • identification document issued by the government
    • document issued by a court that verifies the person’s identity
    • other acceptable evidence that you are who you claim to be.

Your family relationships

Spouse or de facto partner

  • If you are married or in a de facto relationship, provide evidence of a genuine and continuing relationship with your partner at the exclusion of all others.
  • If you are married provide a scanned colour copy of marriage certificate or relationship registration for you and your partner
  • For de facto relationships this should include evidence that you have been in the relationship for at least 12 months at time of application. Evidence can include, but is not limited to, joint bank account statements, billing accounts in joint names, other evidence of cohabitation etc).
  • If you or anyone included in the application has been widowed, divorced or is permanently separated: a certified scanned colour copy of the relevant death certificate, divorce decree absolute, or statutory declaration/separation certificate.


  • Copies of birth certificates or the family book showing the names of both parents for each dependent child included in the application.
  • For all children included in the application aged 18 years or older, provide a scanned colour copy of:
  • their full birth certificate to evidence their relationship to you
  • evidence of their current or recent formal studies
  • evidence of financial dependency on you
  • a completed Form 47A
  • If any dependent child included in the application is adopted include scanned colour copies of the adoption papers.
  • If you have included a child under 18 years of age in the application, and that child’s other parent is not included in the application you must provide documentary evidence that you have the legal right to include that child in your application, such as:

Other dependent relatives

For all other dependent relatives included in your application:

  • completed Form 47A
  • evidence of the relationship between this applicant and you or your spouse (birth and marriage certificates, etc)
  • evidence that this relative lives in your household
  • evidence your relative has been financially dependent on you for at least the 12 months immediately before you lodge your application
  • if your relative has been widowed, divorced or is permanently separated a copy of any relevant death certificate, divorce decree absolute, or statutory declaration/separation certificate.

Character requirements

  • Police checks for you and everyone included in your application, whether they are migrating or not, who is at least 16 years of age. You must provide a scanned colour copy:
    • of an Australian National Police Check for anyone who has spent a total of 12 months or more in Australia since turning 16 years of age
    • of police certificates from each country in which anyone in your application has spent a total of 12 months or more in the past 10 years since turning 16 years of age.
  • If you or anyone included in the application has served in the armed forces of any country:
    • certified scanned colour copy of military service record or discharge papers.

Family member English language ability

  • For each of your dependent applicants who are 18 years or older at the time of application must provide evidence of having Functional English. If the applicant does not have evidence of having Functional English, you will need to provide a statement indicating your intention to pay the second instalment of the visa application charge.

Points test

Evidence to support your claims made against each relevant criterion on the Points Test should be scanned, certified where required and uploaded with your online application.

  • Age: Proof of age such as a copy of your birth certificate or passport. Your personal documents are counted as evidence and in most cases you will not need to provide more documents.
  • English language ability: The results of specified English language test that you took in the three years immediately before lodging your application. You need to ensure you are able to provide evidence of the level of your English language ability attained at time of invitation. You will need to provide your English language test result as evidence of your English language ability.
You only need to provide the Test Report Form (TRF) Number or the test registration number that is on your English language test certificate.
  • Skilled employment: evidence of working full-time in skilled employment in the 10 years before you were invited to apply, such as:
  • employment references
  • contracts, pay slips, tax returns, group certificates
  • evidence that you have been self-employed
  • any other documents that you provided to the relevant assessing authority to obtain your skills assessment, including any documents relating to your employment history.

Employment references must meet the following requirements:

  • be written on the official letterhead of the company or government department providing the reference;
  • the letterhead should indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone, fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses;
  • the name and position of the person authorised to sign the employment reference should be typed or stamped below that person’s signature;
  • the contact telephone number of the person writing the reference should be included in the letter;
  • the letter should indicate the exact period of employment (including whether permanent or temporary, full or part-time), position(s) held, the duties undertaken and the salary earned - positions should not be described by generic titles (eg. research officer, public servant) but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (eg. research chemist, accounts clerk); and
  • a payslip from your current employment should also be included – this is especially important from applicants working in government departments.
  • Qualifications: evidence of your qualifications, such as certified copies of:
  • degrees, diplomas, certificates and course transcripts
  • any other documents you provided to the relevant assessing authority to support your qualification claims.
  • Australian study requirement: evidence that you have completed one or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications for award by an Australian educational institution as a result of a course or courses:
  • that are registered courses;
  • that were completed in a total of at least 16 calendar months;
  • that were completed as a result of a total of at least 2 academic years study;
  • for which all instruction was conducted in English; and
  • that you undertook while in Australia as the holder of a visa authorising you to study.
  • Credentialled community language: evidence that you have been accredited at the paraprofessional level or above for interpreting or translating by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).
  • Study in regional Australia: Obtain evidence that you have lived and studied in regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas:
  • you will need evidence of residency which spans the 2 year period – this will usually include documents such as rental agreements and gas, power and telephone bills; and
  • you may need to provide supplementary evidence of studying at a campus in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area if your academic transcript does not identify the campus.
  • Partner skills:
    • your partner’s personal documents that prove they are under 50 years of age
    • evidence your partner has at least competent English at time of invitation. The evidence can include one of the following:
    You need a valid passport or other travel document for this visa. If you plan to get a new passport, you should do so before applying for your visa. If you get a new passport after you have lodged your application, give the details of your new passport to one of [our offices](http://www.border.gov.auLocations/Pages/our-offices.aspx).
    You might be able to update your passport details using [ImmiAccount](http://www.border.gov.auVisasupport/Pages/ImmiAccount.aspx).
  • a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for your partner’s nominated occupation (which must be on the same skilled occupations list as your nominated occupation).
  • Professional year in Australia: documents that prove you completed a specified professional year of 12 months in Australia in the four years before you were invited to apply.

Sponsorship by an eligible relative living in a designated area of Australia

  • Documents to prove your sponsor is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    • For Australian citizens—a certified copy of their citizenship certificate or, if born in Australia, their full birth certificate.
    • For Australian permanent residents—a certified copy of their visa or the biographical page in their passport or their visa grant letter.
    • For an eligible New Zealand citizen—a certified copy of their certificate issued under the Social Security Act 1991. Eligible New Zealand citizens may also need to meet health and character requirements. The department will advise.
  • Documents to prove your relationship to you sponsor. Acceptable documents include certified copies of:
    • birth certificates
    • marriage certificates
    • family registers
    • school records.
  • Certified copies of any name change (for example by deed poll or marriage), if applicable, for your sponsor.
  • Documents to prove your sponsor lives in a designated area of Australia. Acceptable documents include certified copies of:
    • property titles
    • leases
    • invoices for items such as telephone, gas, electricity that show a date and your sponsor’s name and address.
  • At time of application, a completed Skilled Regional (class SP) 489 (provisional) visa sponsor declaration (27KB PDF).

​​​​​官方的: Department of Home Affairs

上面的Optional evidence,Redundancies or retrenchments和1393 Electronic application form,这部分没看明白。请问这个是什么?需要我们做什么么?

另外,你们的checklist里面提到的1221 form,现在好像没有了。

1221 即 Additional personal particulars information form,需要的话使馆会邮件: Department of Home Affairs





attach more documents下拉框里面有选择photograph-passport


国外学历需要教育部认证么? 国内学历有毕业证学位证还是要教育部认证么?


