2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

澳洲技术移民偏远地区学习加分 Study in regional Australia - 飞出国


ACT(堪培拉,首领地)没有偏远地区(Regional Australia)。

最北边的北领地 NT,最南边的南澳 SA,东南面的岛州塔斯马尼亚 TAS 全境都属于偏远地区。

新州 NSW,昆州 QLD,维州 VIC,西澳 WA 核心大城市区域外的地区属于偏远地区。

Study in regional Australia

You can receive five points if each of the following applied:

Evidence that you have lived and studied in these areas can include:

  • documents that prove where you lived, such as rental agreements and gas, power and phone bills
  • documents that prove where you studied, such​ as your academic transcript or letters from educational institutions.
