飞出国:申请澳洲489过渡性移民签证时,指定地区针对的是489亲属担保,偏远地区(低人口增长率地区)针对的是489偏远地区担保。偏远地区学习加分同样针对的是偏远地区(Study in a regional or low population-growth metropolitan area)。
State or Territory - 飞出国 | Designated Areas of Australia - 489亲属担保 | Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas - 489偏远地区 |
南澳(South Australia) | Anywhere | 整个南澳 |
北领地(Northern Territory) | Anywhere | 整个北领地 |
塔斯马尼亚(Tasmania) | Anywhere | 整个塔州 |
澳大利亚首都直辖区(Aust Capital Territory) | Anywhere | none of the Australian Capital Territory is included |
西澳(Western Australia) | anywhere | 珀斯及周边地区以外的西澳, 邮编 6041 to 6044 6083 to 6084 6121 to 6126 6200 to 6799 |
维多利亚(Victoria) | Anywhere | 墨尔本大都市区以外的维多利亚州 3211 to 3334 3340 to 3424 3430 to 3649 3658 to 3749 3753, 3756 3758 3762 3764 3778 to 3781 3783 3797 3799 3810 to 3909 3921 to 3925 3945 to 3974 3979 3981 to 3996 |
新南威尔士州(New South Wales) | 不包括悉尼,纽卡斯尔和卧龙岗。邮编 2311-2312, 2328-2333, 2336-2490, 2535-2551, 2575-2739, 2787-2898 区域。 | 悉尼,纽卡斯尔,中海岸,卧龙岗以外的新南威尔士州 2311 to 2312 2328 to 2411 2420 to 2490 2536 to 2551 2575 to 2594 2618 to 2739 2787 to 2898 |
昆士兰(Queensland) | 不包括布里斯班首都圈。邮编 4019-4028, 4037-4050, 4079-4100, 4114, 4118, 4124-4150, 4158-4168, 4180-4899 区域。 | 大布里斯班和黄金海岸外的昆士兰 4124 to 4125 4133 4211 4270 to 4272 4275 4280 4285 4287 4307 to 4499 4515 4517 to 4519 4522 to 4899 |
Specified Regional Areas
If you apply for a Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa, you and any secondary applicants included in your application must agree to live and work or study in a Specified Regional Area in Australia.
The definition of Specified Regional Area depends on whether you are being sponsored by an eligible relative or nominated by a state or territory government.
State or territory nomination
If you are being nominated by a participating state or territory government, you must agree to live in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area.
If you wish to move to another regional area to live and work, you must notify both your current and new state or territory government of this change.
Eligible relative sponsorship
If you are being sponsored by an eligible relative, your sponsor must be usually a resident in a designated area of Australia at the time of the sponsorship. You must also agree to live in a designated area of Australia.