
加拿大2016年移民配额大幅增加,总配额数为 28万到30.5万,2014年及以前基本都是24-26.6万,也就是增加4万左右,比2015年增加2万。其中家庭团聚类增加,技术移民也有所增加(其中 fsw 是 58400 )。


The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, John McCallum, today announced that Canada will welcome a greater number of immigrants in 2016—with a special emphasis on family reunification.

The Government of Canada has an ambitious plan to bring in between 280,000 and 305,000 new permanent residents in 2016. As we continue to show our global leadership, Canada will reunite families, offer a place of refuge to those fleeing persecution, and support Canada’s long-term economic prosperity.

Through the Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration—which includes the 2016 immigration levels plan—the government outlined how it will increase levels of family class immigration, which will address the application backlog and reunite families more quickly.

The government will meet its commitments to welcome more refugees to Canada, and in the process, it will help diversify the Canadian economy and create sustainable growth.

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2016 年加拿大移民配额计划: Immigration Levels Plan 2016。
类别 最低 最高
省提名, 家庭团聚, 难民等
249,300 272,500
魁北克技术移民 25,500 27,000
魁北克投资移民 5,200 5,500
总计 - 飞出国 280,000 305,000

2015年魁北克商业移民(Quebec Business)配额是 5,000 - 5,500 ,2016年增加不明显。
2015年魁北克技术移民(Quebec Skilled Worker)配额是 26,000 - 27,000,2016年比2015年有所收缩。
2015年加拿大总移民配额是 260,000 - 285,000,2016年增加2万。

团聚移民增加明显。对老移民是好事,新移民要把握机会,例如魁北克。 EE 改变评分对有加拿大兄弟姐妹的是好事。




2016 年加拿大家庭团聚移民配额 Family Class

加拿大团聚移民项目 Immigration Program2016 配额
夫妻子女类 Spouses, Partners and Children (includes Public Policy) 60,000
父母祖父母类 Parents and Grandparents 20,000
加拿大家庭团聚类 2016 年总配额 - 飞出国 80,000

Reuniting Families

Immigration has always been important to Canada’s economic growth. Reuniting families helps immigrants build successful lives in Canada and contributes to the economic success of all Canadians. Reuniting families will be a top priority for the Government of Canada moving forward. To do so, investments will be made to family class processing.

The Government will also seek to provide more opportunities for applicants who have Canadian siblings by giving additional points under the Express Entry system.

The maximum age for dependent children will be increased to 22 from 19, allowing more Canadians and permanent residents to bring their children to Canada.

The Government will also move towards granting immediate permanent residency to new spouses entering Canada, thereby eliminating the conditional two-year waiting period.


与 2015 年核心数据做比较,2016 年加拿大经济类移民减少了 11.40%。经济类移民主要说的是技术移民(包括雇主担保,CEC,FSW,FST,还包括住家护理等),商业移民(投资移民,企业家,自雇)。也就是能为加拿大经济做直接贡献的目标移民群体。

加拿大移民类别 2016 目标 2015 目标 改变率
经济类 160,600 181,300 -11.40%
家庭类 80,000 68,000 17.60%
难民人道类 59,400 29,900 98.60%
总计-飞出国 300,000 279,200 7.40%

好消息是整体配额增加,夫妻团聚的高兴了,叙利亚难民有福了。其他政策对对已经拿到 pr 的移民是好消息。

坏消息是经济类移民,主要是技术移民(Express Entry)配额减少,EE 分数低的只能考虑省提名或魁北克项目了。

官方说明参考这里: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/annual-report-2015/index.asp




最新数字显示,在过去10年,海外移民到 加拿大卑诗省 的数目下跌22%,主要是中国的移民数目大降逾半所致。有专家指这是因为加拿大联邦政府数年前所推出的超级签证(Super Visa),也有专家指这是因为加国的投资移民计划有所改变。


2014年起实施的加拿大夫妻团聚移民被团聚方在抵达加拿大后会获得有条件的永久居民身份,同居两年后再获得真正的永久居民身份。2017 年后这个两年的等待期政策可能被取消。