加拿大移民2015年配额计划 - 2015 Levels Plan

2016年加拿大移民配额计划,与2015年配额做比较 Canada Immigration Levels Plan 继续讨论:

加拿大移民2015年配额计划 - 2015 Levels Plan – (260K-285K) - 飞出国

类别 2015 年最低配额 2015 年最高配额
经济类 - 飞出国
联邦技术fsw及技工类别fst 47,000 51,000
经验类 CEC 21,000 23,000
住家 Caregivers 26,000 30,000
联邦商业类 Federal Business 1,000 1,700
魁北克商业移民 Quebec Business 5,000 5,500
魁北克技术 QSW 26,000 27,000
省提名 PNP 46,000 48,000
Ministerial Instruction Economic Programs 100 500
经济类总和-飞出国 172,100 186,700
比例 66.2% 65.5%
家庭类 - 飞出国
配偶子女类 45,000 48,000
父母祖父母类 18,000 20,000
家庭类汇总 63,000 68,000
比例 24.2% 23.9%
人道类 - 飞出国
Protected Persons in Canada and Dependants Abroad 10,000 11,000
Government-Assisted Refugees 5,800 6,500
Blended Visa Office Referred 700 1,000
Privately Sponsored Refugees 4,500 6,500
Public Policy – Federal Resettlement Assistance 400 500
Public Policy – Other 500 700
Humanitarian and Compassionate 3,000 4,000
Humanitarian Total 24,900 30,200
比例 Percentage Mix 9.6% 10.6%
Permit Holders类
Permit Holders 0 100
汇总 OVERALL - 飞出国 260,000 285,000

2015 年,中国有近2万人移民加拿大。


排名 来源国-飞出国 移民人数 所占比例
1 菲律宾 Philippines 50,846 18.70%
2 印度 India 39,530 14.50%
3 中国 People’s Republic of China 19,532 7.20%
4 伊朗 Iran 11,669 4.30%
5 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 11,329 4.20%
6 叙利亚 Syria 9,853 3.60%
7 美国 United States of America 7,522 3.00%
8 法国 France 5,807 2.00%
9 英联邦 United Kingdom and Colonies 5,451 2.00%
10 尼日利亚 Nigeria 4,133 2.00%
总计 飞出国 Flyabroad 165,672 61.50%

Top Source Countries

The Philippines, India and China are still among Canada’s top source countries for permanent immigration.

While the majority of these top source countries generally maintain an even balance between male and female admissions, the Philippines and China have shown trends where more females than males are admitted as permanent residents.

In 2011, the ratio of males to females from the Philippines was 46% to 54% and in 2015 this ratio was 44% males to 56% females.

For China, the ratio was 46% males to 54% females in 2011 and 45% males to 55% females in 2015. This reveals an increase in female permanent resident admissions among two of the largest top source countries.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact
